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Showing 137 results for rural

Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mid-Michigan Regional Urban and Rural Services Management Policy which includes icons related to the following: healthcare access; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Mid-Michigan Regional Urban and Rural Services Management Policy

In 2005, 48 jurisdictions in central Michigan adopted a regional growth plan that encouraged cooperation, such as joint planning and shared services, including policing, fire protection, and tax assessments, to maximize revenue and ensure the sustainability of public services. As part of these efforts, the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission developed a regional urban and rural […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Oregon Farm-to-School Legislation which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; children and youth; Urban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Oregon Farm-to-School Legislation

Upstream Public Health, a public policy non-profit based in Portland, Oregon, conducted a novel health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed legislation in Oregon. Oregon House Bill (HB) 2800 would provide state funds to purchase locally-grown foods for schools, set up school teaching gardens, and conduct nutrition education. The lessons learned from this project could be […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Connecting Rural Communities: U.S. 30 & Rainier Veterans Way Crossing which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; rural communities; Rural; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Connecting Rural Communities: U.S. 30 and Rainier Veterans Way Crossing

The Public Health Foundation of Columbia County carried out an HIA to examine the potential health and safety consequences of a proposed stoplight and signaled crosswalk at U.S. 30 and Veterans Way in Rainier, Oregon. The specific outcomes considered were the correlation between active transportation and health, access to grocery outlets and physical activity resources, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Simon/Tanger Outlet Mall which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; rural communities; Rural; Mixed methods;

Simon/Tanger Outlet Mall

The Delaware General Health District conducted an HIA of the proposed 350,000-square-foot Simon Property Group and Tanger Outlets Premium Outlet Mall to be built on approximately 50 acres in Berkshire Township, Ohio. Because of the planned development’s very large geographic footprint in a mostly rural area with access to a nearby interstate, residents expressed concerns […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled 2002 Federal Farm Bill which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; rural communities; Rural; Literature Review; basic needs for health and safety

2002 Federal Farm Bill

An HIA that focused on how the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (the 2002 Farm Bill) might affect health. The HIA explored health impacts on dietary consumption, food safety, rural income and quality of life, air pollution, and environmental degradation. The HIA found no clear relationship between changes in farm subsidy policy […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Environmental Decisions in New Mexico which includes icons related to the following: clean air; children and youth; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

Environmental Decisions in New Mexico

Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund (CVNMEF) conducted an HIA to examine how switching from diesel to electric school buses could affect the health of residents in Rio Arriba and McKinley counties, where air quality is particularly poor compared with the rest of the state. The HIA focused on addressing social and economic drivers of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kentucky Worksite Wellness Tax Credit which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; Literature Review; meaningful work and wealth

Kentucky Worksite Wellness Tax Credit

The purpose of the assessment was to evaluate the potential effects of a worksite wellness tax credit on three main areas of concern for Kentucky: (1) nutrition, physical activity and obesity levels of children whose parents receive Worksite Wellness services, (2) jobs and (3) social cohesion. The purpose of conducting the HIA was to consider […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled USDA Proposed Changes to School Nutrition Standards which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; children and youth; ; Quantitative research; basic needs for health and safety

USDA Proposed Changes to School Nutrition Standards

In 2020, Healthy Eating Research conducted a rapid HIA to inform proposed changes to the USDA’s nutrition standards for school meal programs. The HIA found that the implementation of strong nutrition standards following passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 resulted in healthier, more well-balanced meals and that these improvements have significant short- […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Drinking Water Project Funding which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

California Drinking Water Project Funding

The Sequoia Foundation, in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health and the Public Health Institute, conducted an HIA to provide recommendations to the California Water Board on criteria used to determine funding for drinking water projects, and work to standardize the use of HIAs among California agencies. The state annually revises its drinking […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fresno County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; ; ; ; reliable transportation

Fresno County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies

California’s Senate Bill 375 mandates that each regional government in California develop and adopt plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in part through developing Regional Transportation Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies that will guide local land use, transportation, and other decisions important to greenhouse gas emissions.  California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) conducted two health impact […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mid-Michigan Fair and Affordable Housing Plan which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; humane housing

Mid-Michigan Fair and Affordable Housing Plan

This health impact assessment will inform the development of a five-year fair and affordable housing plan by incorporating potential health impacts, social equity, and environmental justice into future housing policies The plan will also incorporate findings of an affordable housing study being conducted by Michigan State University. FAHP’s planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Humboldt County General Plan Update which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Humboldt County General Plan Update

The HIA addressed an update of the Humboldt County General Plan. Three growth alternatives to accommodate future population were being considered in the General Plan Update (GPU): 1) denser development in urban areas; 2) some growth to exurban areas; and 3) unrestricted growth throughout the county. Pathways and health issues explored included comments on six […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: general population; safe and affordable public transit; Primary research; reliable transportation

Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Transportation Plan

Yavapai County Community Health Services conducted an HIA of an update to the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization’s regional transportation plan. The project studied how transit and other proposed transportation alternatives could affect the health of the most vulnerable populations in this rural area. Funded through the CDC’s Healthy Community Design Initiative.   – This […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Building Capacity in HIA on the U.S.-Mexico Border Through Practice, Training, and Collaborative Partnerships which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; general population; Rural; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Building Capacity in HIA on the U.S.-Mexico Border Through Practice, Training, and Collaborative Partnerships

The University of Texas, El Paso conducted an HIA focused on public transportation. The HIA solicited community input regarding transportation needs within Doña Ana County, New Mexico, between Las Cruces and rural towns in southern areas of the state. The final report recommended designing public transportation routes to increase residents’ access to health-promoting and educational […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Open Air Burning in La Crosse County, Wisconsin which includes icons related to the following: clean air; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Primary research; thriving natural world

Open Air Burning in La Crosse County, Wisconsin

The La Crosse County Health Department conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) to determine the potential health impacts of creating a uniform open air burning policy within La Crosse County and how to assist communities in expanding adherence to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and state statute codes regarding the restriction of materials to […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Wastewater Infrastructure in Fresno County which includes icons related to the following: clean water; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Wastewater Infrastructure in Fresno County

The Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability conducted an HIA to inform decisions about wastewater infrastructure in the Fresno County (California) General Plan Update and to evaluate wastewater infrastructure health effects in Riverside County. Densely populated neighborhoods in Fresno and Riverside counties lack access to municipal wastewater services and instead rely on septic systems or […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ohio Housing Inspections which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Primary research; humane housing

Ohio Housing Inspections

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA), in collaboration with The Ohio State University College of Public Health, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to inform decisions on a proposal to improve interagency coordination and streamline the current system for housing inspections on affordable housing units. At present, different inspections are conducted or required by local […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Language Interpretation Services in Kern County, California which includes icons related to the following: healthcare access; Rural; Survey; basic needs for health and safety

Language Interpretation Services in Kern County, California

California Rural Legal Assistance Inc. conducted an HIA to examine the health impacts on indigenous Mexican residents of Kern County, California, of access to a trained interpreter during interactions with law enforcement. This HIA found that language barriers create significant challenges for indigenous Mexican residents of Kern County, California, particularly reducing residents’ likelihood of reporting […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kansas Corporate Farming Law which includes icons related to the following: built environment; rural communities; Rural; Primary research;

Kansas Corporate Farming Law

The Kansas Health Institute conducted an HIA on the Kansas Agriculture Growth and Rural Investment Initiative, which was introduced during the state’s 2013 legislative session. The bill would remove operating restrictions for certain agribusinesses and amend the definitions of limited agriculture partnerships, family farm corporations, and other ownership structures. Though it received a hearing, the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ca�o Martin Pe�a which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Caño Martin Peña

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit in New York City conducted an HIA to inform Puerto Rican policy makers on their decision to fund a comprehensive development plan for improving sanitation infrastructure, as well as dredging and removing heavily polluted sludge from a two-mile stretch of the Caño […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Food Deserts in Tennessee-HIA of SB 1176 which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Suburban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Food Deserts in Tennessee-HIA of SB 1176

The Prevention Research Center in St. Louis, in partnership with the Tennessee Obesity Taskforce, conducted a rapid HIA of Tennessee Senate Bill 1176, the Tennessee Food Desert Relief Act which was introduced during the 2012 legislative session. The bill would authorize the use of revenue bonds and loans to develop property into food desert relief […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tumalo Community Plan which includes icons related to the following: built environment; Urban; Mixed methods

Tumalo Community Plan

This HIA was designed to examine the health implications of policies contained within a proposed community plan for Tumalo, Oregon. The Tumalo Community Plan (TCP) was one small part of a larger, comprehensive 20-year plan update for Deschutes County. The determinants of health that were assessed by this HIA include: physical activity; traffic safety; “rural […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled National Nutrition Standards for Snack and a la Carte Foods and Beverages which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; children and youth; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

National Nutrition Standards for Snack and a la Carte Foods and Beverages

The 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act directed the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to align nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold in schools with the federal dietary guidelines. Healthy diets are linked to a number of children’s health outcomes, including maintaining a recommended weight, decreased risk of tooth decay and other chronic diseases, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kern County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Kern County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies

California’s Senate Bill 375 mandates that each regional government in California develop and adopt plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in part through developing Regional Transportation Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies that will guide local land use, transportation, and other decisions important to greenhouse gas emissions. This is one of two HIAs CRLA is conducting […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Red Line Regional Commuter Rail-North Carolina which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Red Line Regional Commuter Rail-North Carolina

Davidson Design for Life, in collaboration with Davidson College students in a Public Health Policy, Practice and Ethics course, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of a proposed regional commuter rail project connecting Mooresville to Charlotte, North Carolina using existing Norfolk Southern rail. The project would offer increased freight business, as well as the opportunity […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Pay Equity Policies which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Pay Equity Policies

With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Wayne County, MI Department of Public Health completed a health impact assessment (HIA) of a national and statewide policy proposal for gender pay equity.  Wayne County DPH’s Place Matters team is focused on infant mortality, and is interested to work on upstream issues that impact maternal and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Natural Gas Development in Battlement Mesa, Garfield County, Colorado which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Natural Gas Development in Battlement Mesa, Garfield County, Colorado

The Colorado School of Public Health, in collaboration with the Garfield County Public Health Department, is conducting an HIA to assess the potential health implications of a 200-well natural gas development proposal within the community of Battlement Mesa, Colorado. This HIA, requested and funded by the Garfield County Commissioners in response to a citizen petition […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kane County Farmland Protection which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; rural communities; Rural; Primary research;

Kane County Farmland Protection

This HIA studied a proposed amendment to Ordinance 01-67, the Farmland Protection Program, which has operated for 10 years and resulted in the permanent protection of over 5,500 acres of farmland. The amendment would broaden annual investments to include small and organic farms producing fruits, vegetables, and meat, and is intended in part to increase […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Point Thomson Oil and Gas Leasing which includes icons related to the following: housing; tribal communities; Rural; Primary research; humane housing

Point Thomson Oil and Gas Leasing

This health impact assessment (HIA) aims to identify human health impacts associated with the proposed ExxonMobil development of the Thomson Sand reservoir. The project site is located approximately 60 miles east of Deadhorse on the Beaufort Sea coast, 60 miles west of Kaktovik, and just west of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. The U.S. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Alcohol Outlet Density-Marathon County, Wisconsin which includes icons related to the following: substance use; general population; Survey; basic needs for health and safety

Alcohol Outlet Density-Marathon County, Wisconsin

The purpose of this HIA was to assess the impact of an alcohol outlet density policy on the community’s health, specifically underage drinking and drinking and driving behaviors. While there was no specific policy under review at the onset of the project, strategies to limit liquor-licensing practices at the municipal level were evaluated, specifically a […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Texas Water and Sanitation which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Texas Water and Sanitation

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), conducted an HIA to inform the village of Vinton of the health impacts of proposed water and sanitation improvement projects. Vinton is a small border town with high levels of unemployment […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Food System Planning in Davidson, North Carolina which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Rural; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Food System Planning in Davidson, North Carolina

Davidson Design for Life conducted a health impact assessment of the existing food environment in Davidson, North Carolina. The HIA sought to inform partnering stakeholders and the Davidson Board of Commissioners on ways to increase access to local, healthy foods and ways to increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables for vulnerable populations such as […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Paid Sick Days which includes icons related to the following: employment; Qualitative research; meaningful work and wealth

California Paid Sick Days

The HIA addressed California Assembly Bill 2716: Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act of 2008. The bill would have entitled an employee who works in California to accrue paid sick time at a rate of no less than one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked, up to nine days per year. An […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

This HIA addressed the health implications of the Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Some of the pathways and health issues explored included physical activity and food access, with special consideration to the particular health challenges that face vulnerable populations, such as low-income families. Outcome Clark County Public Health received Active Living Research’s 2012 […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Revitalization in Historic Natchez, Mississippi which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; black, indigenous, and people of color; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Revitalization in Historic Natchez, Mississippi

The Mississippi State Department of Health, in partnership with stakeholders from the city of Natchez and Adams County, conducted an HIA to inform decisions about economic development, historic preservation, and revitalization. The HIA examined the Adams County Civil Rights Project (ACCRP)—one of several initiatives to increase the profile of African American heritage in Natchez and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rental Assistance Demonstration Project which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Primary research; humane housing

Rental Assistance Demonstration Project

Human Impact Partners, Advancement Project, and National People’s Action conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of Congress’ federal 2011 proposed Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) project to re-organize public housing funding and management structures. Using mixed research methods, the HIA assessed the impacts of RAD on: management, evictions, and resident organizing; housing affordability, stability, and quality; […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Douglas County Comprehensive Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; older adults; Mixed methods;

Douglas County Comprehensive Plan

In 2010, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) received funds from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) to support and conduct Health Impact Assessments (HIAs). This assistance provided an opportunity to collaborate with Douglas County Public Health to evaluate the County’s draft Comprehensive Plan from a public health perspective. Douglas County Public […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled New Mexico Food Tax which includes icons related to the following: food access; children and youth; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

New Mexico Food Tax

New Mexico Voices for Children completed an HIA of a proposed tax on food in the state. In 2004, the New Mexico Legislature exempted food from the gross receipts tax, the state’s version of the sales tax. However, state legislators, under pressure from local governments facing declining revenue, are considering allowing localities to reinstate a […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Elmira Housing which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Quantitative research; humane housing

Elmira Housing

In 2018, Common Ground Health conducted a rapid HIA to examine the effects of aging housing stock on the health of low-income communities in Elmira, New York, and to inform neighborhood revitalization efforts. More than 90% of the city’s housing was built before 1950, and some of these aging dwellings present a high risk of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Goodhue County Zoning Districts which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; Mixed methods;

Goodhue County Zoning Districts

Goodhue County Health and Human Services, in partnership with the Goodhue County Land Use Management Department, will conduct an HIA to inform decisions around the county’s zoning districts. The assessment will provide information on the potential health benefits resulting from the creation of bike and walking trails in recreational areas, as well as the possible […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mojave Desert Utility-Scale Solar Project which includes icons related to the following: food access; black, indigenous, and people of color; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Mojave Desert Utility-Scale Solar Project

The National Indian Justice Center conducted an HIA of a proposed utility-scale solar project that focused on potential health risks and benefits for neighboring Native American communities in the Mojave Desert. Key decision-makers included the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the California Energy Commission, the Department of Defense, and private developers. The renewable energy project […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled New Jersey Paid Sick Days which includes icons related to the following: employment; workers and employees; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

New Jersey Paid Sick Days

Human Impact Partners conducted an HIA of the federal Healthy Families Act of 2009 and a companion rapid assessment of existing health data relevant to New Jersey. As of 2011, almost 40% of the state’s private sector workers—over 1.2 million New Jersey residents—were not entitled to any paid sick days. At the time of the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Raising the Legal Tobacco Purchase and Use Age to 21 in Utah which includes icons related to the following: substance use; children and youth; Primary research; basic needs for health and safety

Raising the Legal Tobacco Purchase and Use Age to 21 in Utah

Utah legislators were urged by coalitions and associations to consider raising the legal age of tobacco purchases from 19 to 21. During the 2015 legislative session, In response to requests from civic coalitions and associations, Representative Powell proposed a bill to raise the legal age of tobacco purchases from 19 to 21 in 2015. A […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Transitional Jobs Program which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; workers and employees; Primary research; meaningful work and wealth

Transitional Jobs Program

The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute conducted an HIA to inform a decision on the status of the Wisconsin Transitional Jobs Program during the spring 2013 session that will shape the 2013-2015 biennial state budget. The HIA focused on the immediate health effects of changes in income related to employment, such as diet, alcohol […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lobos CO2 Pipeline which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; black, indigenous, and people of color; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

Lobos CO2 Pipeline

Human Impact Partners, with the New Mexico Department of Health and the Partnership for a Healthy Torrance County, conducted an HIA of a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline in Torrance County, New Mexico. Kinder Morgan, the largest energy infrastructure company in North America, proposed 213 miles of 16-inch pipeline to carry CO2 from Apache County, Arizona, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Winona County Active Living Plan which includes icons related to the following: physical activity; Primary research; basic needs for health and safety

Winona County Active Living Plan

In 2014, Winona County Community Services produced a countywide Active Living Plan to provide direction on policies and practices that create active communities through nonmotorized transportation (biking and walking) and access to community recreation facilities. Winona County, along with the Minnesota Department of Health, conducted a health impact assessment to enhance the Active Living Plan […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas which includes icons related to the following: food access; children and youth; Focus groups; basic needs for health and safety

Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, in partnership with Children’s HealthWatch, conducted an HIA to examine the potential health effects of creating a state-level, refundable earned income tax credit (EITC). Specifically, it considered how an EITC could affect Arkansas residents’ general health, children’s health, maternal depressive symptoms, low birth weight, childhood development delays, and obesity.  […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled After-School Programs - Proposition 49 which includes icons related to the following: education; children and youth; Mixed methods; lifelong learning

After-School Programs – Proposition 49

The Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Project, a joint endeavor of the Partnership for Prevention and the UCLA School of Public Health, conducted this HIA on a state legislative proposal to expand funding for after-school programs. The HIA found several potential health benefits that could occur through improving educational outcomes; through reductions in violence and injury […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project which includes icons related to the following: clean air; tribal communities; Tribal; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project

The Red Dog Mine, in remote northwest Alaska, is the world’s largest producer of zinc. The company proposed an expansion of the mine. In evaluating this request, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that it would be necessary to do an environmental impact statement (EIS) to assess the impact of the proposed activities on […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled East Greeley and Weld County which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

East Greeley and Weld County

The Weld County Department of Public Health & Environment conducted a rapid health impact assessment of the East Greeley and Weld County Study Area to establish a baseline community health profile and gather input from community stakeholders to inform planning decisions around a federal grant to promote healthy eating and physical activity. The HIA found […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Eagle Pathways and Trails Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; ; Focus groups; reliable transportation

Eagle Pathways and Trails Plan

With funding from St. Luke’s Foundation, Vitruvian Planning and the Eagle (Idaho) Parks and Recreation Department conducted an HIA to understand how the city’s Pathways and Trails Plan might influence the health of area residents. Recommendations Focus on areas with the highest socio-economic need for bicycle paths, pedestrian trails, and accessible green spaces when selecting […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Town ‘N’ Country Parks and Recreation which includes icons related to the following: parks; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions, people living in poverty, english language learners,

Town ‘N’ Country Parks and Recreation

The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County, in conjunction with the Hillsborough County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation and Partners in Obesity Prevention, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of policy and programming changes that would allow businesses to provide free outdoor fitness classes in five parks and recreation centers in the Town […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site which includes icons related to the following: clean water; tribal communities; Tribal; Primary research; thriving natural world

Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site

This HIA will inform the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) selection of a cleanup plan for the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund site in Seattle. EPA will announce its Proposed Cleanup Plan in 2012, and a Final Plan in 2013. The HIA will be conducted by the University of Washington with two nonprofit organizations, Duwamish River Cleanup […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Yavapai County Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people with disabilities; Rural; Primary research; reliable transportation

Yavapai County Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan

Yavapai County Community Health Services conducted an HIA of the Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan for Yavapai County. The plan is designed to improve mobility and access within and around the county by addressing linkages between existing public transit services and improving infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. The HIA concluded that it would reduce the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Speed Limit Bill which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; children and youth; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Massachusetts Speed Limit Bill

This HIA considered the impacts of proposed legislation in Massachusetts to lower the default speed limit on local roads from 30 miles per hour (mph) to 25 mph. The HIA examined potential impacts to injuries, air pollution, safety, and physical activity from a reduction in speed. The HIA determined that the proposed legislation could have […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Marijuana Regulation in Vermont which includes icons related to the following: substance use; justice-involved populations; Rural; Literature Review; basic needs for health and safety

Marijuana Regulation in Vermont

The Vermont Department of Health and key stakeholders conducted an HIA of the potential effects on the health of Vermont residents of regulating and taxing adult marijuana use. To evaluate possible impacts, the study team examined lessons learned from tobacco and alcohol policies that could be replicated to protect and improve health in a regulated […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mass Transit Funding in California which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; children and youth, people living in poverty, older adults, people with disabilities; ; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Mass Transit Funding in California

The Governor of California proposed a budget for FY 2007/2008 that included provisions to reallocate $1.3 billion in gasoline sales tax revenue that had been targeted for transit operations, maintenance, and capital projects to other statewide programs. The HIA examined how the proposed cuts to transit funding could impact public health through air, water, and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tobacco Retail Licensing Policy which includes icons related to the following: substance use; children and youth; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Tobacco Retail Licensing Policy

Upstream Public Health and the Oregon Health Equity Alliance conducted an HIA to examine the potential racial, social, environmental, and economic health equity effects on Multnomah County communities of a potential tobacco retail license policy based on state legislation that has been introduced at the state level. The goals of this project were to inform […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Placer County Biomass Energy Facility which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Rural; Qualitative research; thriving natural world

Placer County Biomass Energy Facility

This HIA informed decisions regarding a proposed biomass energy facility in Placer County, California. The proposed facility would generate electricity from woody debris gathered from surrounding forest lands as a result of ongoing forest fire fuel load reduction programs. The Placer County Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Treatment Alternatives to Prison which includes icons related to the following: Incarceration; justice-involved populations; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Treatment Alternatives to Prison

WISDOM, in collaboration with Human Impact Partners, conducted an HIA to project the potential health impacts of scaling up Treatment Alternative Diversion (TAD) programs from $2 million to $75 million in the Wisconsin state budget.  The HIA assessed the long-term health consequences of Wisconsin’s exploding prison population of the past two decades, and examined the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Farm to School Coordinator in Arkansas which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; children and youth; ; ; basic needs for health and safety

Farm to School Coordinator in Arkansas

The Childhood Obesity Prevention Research Program at Arkansas Children’s Research Institute, with technical assistance from Upstream Public Health, conducted an HIA to examine the potential impacts of a state farm-to-school (F2S) coordinator position on the health of the state’s public school students. As of 2017, nearly 1 in 4 Arkansas kindergarteners were overweight or obese, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Benton Accessory Dwelling Units which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; ; Rural; Qualitative research; humane housing

Benton Accessory Dwelling Units

This HIA, carried out by the Benton County Health Department, evaluated a series of policy-change scenarios to amend the existing county code for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). ADUs are small, self-contained residential units that are built on the same lot as—and are secondary to—an existing single-family home. The HIA was intended to inform a community […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled State Route 520 Bridge which includes icons related to the following: physical activity; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Urban; Quantitative research; basic needs for health and safety

State Route 520 Bridge

The Seattle and King County Public Health Department, in collaboration with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, conducted an HIA to evaluate the health impacts of the State Route 520 bridge replacement and HOV project. The HIA focused on several pathways and health issues including air quality, carbon emissions, traffic injury and opportunities for physical […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ethane Cracker in Monaca, Pennsylvania which includes icons related to the following: clean air; ; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Ethane Cracker in Monaca, Pennsylvania

The Clean Air Council, in partnership with the community, industry professionals, and academics, conducted a health impact assessment of a proposed Royal Dutch Shell natural gas and chemical processing complex in Monaca, Pennsylvania. The proposed facility is known as a “cracker,” which separates natural gas and chemical feedstocks into different compounds that are used primarily […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Maternity Leave in the Palau Workforce which includes icons related to the following: employment; children and youth; Primary research; meaningful work and wealth

Maternity Leave in the Palau Workforce

The Palau Health Impact Assessment Working Group, in partnership with Ulkerreuil A Klengar, conducted a rapid health impact assessment of S.B. 9-20-SD2, which would require all employers to provide up to three month maternity leave to pregnant employees, with the option for an additional month of unpaid leave. The current law covers maternity leave only […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Paid Sick Days which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; older adults; ; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Massachusetts Paid Sick Days

This health impact assessment (HIA) addressed a Massachusetts-specific version of the federal Healthy Families Act. The pathways and health issues explored included: 1) the spread of communicable diseases, such as influenza and stomach flu through workers at restaurants, schools and nursing homes; 2) the income and stress-related impacts of loss of salary and employer retaliation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization Freight Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; ; ; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization Freight Transportation Plan

The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development, the Georgia Health Policy Center, and the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization conducted an HIA to understand how policies and guidance detailed in the regional metropolitan planning organization’s freight study and expected increases in freight train traffic will affect residents’ health in Chatham County. The HIA focused […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Payday Lending in Minnesota which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth;

Payday Lending in Minnesota

Human Impact Partners, working closely with ISAIAH—a faith-based coalition of more than 100 congregations—conducted an HIA to assess the potential health effects of a legislative proposal to cap annual percentage rates (APR) on payday loans and increase reporting requirements. The bill is expected to be introduced in the Minnesota Legislature in 2016. The HIA considered […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Utility Rulemaking on Connecticut�s Public Benefit Fund which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; humane housing

Utility Rulemaking on Connecticut’s Public Benefit Fund

National Association of State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) is supporting a Weatherization Plus Health pilot in Connecticut, collaborating with the CT Association for Community Action (CAFCA) and community action agency New Opportunities, Inc. (NOI) to deliver integrated weatherization and healthy homes interventions to low-income households. Securing funding that is adequate, flexible, and sustainable is vital […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Roca Honda Mine which includes icons related to the following: environmental health;

Roca Honda Mine

The U.S. Forest Service drafted an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposal by Roca Honda Resources to develop and conduct underground uranium mining operations at Roca Honda Resources’ mining claims in the Mt. Taylor Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest. Stakeholders expressed the greatest concern over water and cultural issues during the scoping […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; people living in poverty; Rural; Survey; meaningful work and wealth

Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project

The Kentucky River Area Development District (KRADD) and partners from Jenkins, Kentucky, conducted an HIA to describe the health, social, and economic development impacts of the Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project, which involves repairing and strengthening the dam built in 1912, removing invasive water lilies, and improving green space and recreational facilities. Elkhorn Lake serves as […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods;

Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan

The Clark County Community Planning Department in Vancouver, Washington, developed a Sub-Area Plan to revitalize Highway 99 and surrounding neighborhoods. Clark County Public Health conducted an HIA, which was included in the plan. The HIA explored the plan’s potential effects on several health issues, including access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity, reliance on […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam which includes icons related to the following: clean air; ; Rural; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam

This HIA will provide decision makers with a review of potential positive and negative human health impacts related to the proposed Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam. The proposed project is located on the Susitna River in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. The HIA will be a standalone document that will be incorporated into the Environmental Impact Statement as a […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Proposed Opioid Pre-Authorization Policy in Utah which includes icons related to the following: substance use; people living in poverty; ; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Proposed Opioid Pre-Authorization Policy in Utah

Public health graduate students at Brigham Young University conducted an HIA to analyze the potential health effects of a bill proposed in the Utah Legislature to require prescribers to get prior authorization from an insurer for any opioid prescription that exceeds 90-morphine equivalents; for benzodiazepines prescribed to patients already taking opioids; and for new chronic […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Legalizing Medical Marijuana Through the Utah Medical Cannabis Act which includes icons related to the following: substance use; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; ; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Legalizing Medical Marijuana Through the Utah Medical Cannabis Act

Public health graduate students at Brigham Young University conducted an HIA to analyze potential health effects of the Utah Medical Cannabis Act (UMCA), a ballot initiative to legalize the use and production of medical marijuana in the state. The authors investigated how the UMCA might affect potential medical marijuana users, adolescents, economically disadvantaged individuals, and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Housing and Urban Development Designated Housing Rule Update which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; older adults; Mixed methods; humane housing

Housing and Urban Development Designated Housing Rule Update

The Health Impact Project, in partnership with the Oregon Public Health Institute and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, conducted an HIA to inform an update by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of its designated housing rule, which allows housing authorities to allocate certain public housing properties, or a portion of them, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Alcohol Outlet Density in Mendocino County which includes icons related to the following: substance use; people living in poverty; Rural; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Alcohol Outlet Density in Mendocino County

Mendocino County is classified as a moratorium county under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Business and Professional Code 23817.5: the ratio of Type 20 off-sale beer and wine licenses exceeds one for every 2,500 inhabitants. Mendocino has 48 outlets per 10,000 residents compared to 21 outlets per 10,000 residents in California state-wide. This HIA, conducted by […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Coal and Clean Energy Options in Kentucky which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; general population; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Coal and Clean Energy Options in Kentucky

The Kentucky Environmental Foundation conducted an HIA of coal and clean energy options in the state of Kentucky. The HIA provided a health-based screening of the life cycle of coal from point of extraction to disposal of byproducts. These impacts are compared to those associated with energy efficiency and renewable energy options proposed in the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Primary research; reliable transportation

Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan

Bicycle Haywood NC, a local bicycle advocacy group, and the Haywood County Recreation and Parks Department conducted an HIA to determine the impacts of the Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan. The HIA focused on key health outcomes that are strongly linked to bicycle activity: leading causes of death from heart, cancer and ischemic heart issues; […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Child And Adult Care Food Program Nutrition Standards which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; children and youth; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Child and Adult Care Food Program Nutrition Standards

The Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, conducted an HIA to inform the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s work on creation and implementation of a final rule updating the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) nutrition standards. The program provides funding for […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled School Discipline Policies which includes icons related to the following: education; children and youth; Mixed methods; lifelong learning

School Discipline Policies

Human Impact Partners conducted an HIA on the health implications of three different approaches to disciplining students in California schools: zero tolerance, positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), and restorative justice. It is hypothesized that zero tolerance policies (in which students are suspended or expelled for offenses) may not make schools safer and may actually […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rock County CAFO which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; rural communities; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

Rock County CAFO

The proposal to build the Rock Prairie Dairy in the Town of Bradford, Wisconsin generated concerns regarding the potential negative health implications that may result from the creation of such a large animal operation. The community was also concerned that concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) regulations were insufficient with respect to public health and did […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Marijuana Policies Related to Child Abuse and Neglect in the State of Colorado which includes icons related to the following: substance use; children and youth; Primary research; basic needs for health and safety

Marijuana Policies Related to Child Abuse and Neglect in the State of Colorado

The Pediatric Injury Prevention Education and Research Program at the Colorado School of Public Health, in collaboration with Children’s Hospital Colorado and the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect, conducted an HIA to inform Colorado Department of Human Services consideration of new policies on how marijuana use should be […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Central Oregon Regional Transit which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; general population; Primary research; reliable transportation

Central Oregon Regional Transit

This project explored how a coordinated regional transit system might impact health disparities in the Central Oregon counties of Deschutes, Jefferson, and Crook.  The HIA focused on impacts to health through opportunities for physical activity and access to healthy foods, health care services, and employment, as well as safety. Outcome Commute Options presented at a […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Evaluation of Landfill and Waste-to-Energy Options for Managing Municipal Solid Waste which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Quantitative research;

Evaluation of Landfill and Waste-to-Energy Options for Managing Municipal Solid Waste

Metro Council of greater Portland, Oregon, commissioned a health impact assessment to evaluate the potential health impacts and benefits of managing 200,000 tons per year of the Metro Region’s municipal solid waste through a waste-to-energy (WTE) facility versus a conventional landfill. In terms of impacts on environmental social determinants of health, such as air and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Minnesota School Location and Design which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; children and youth; Primary research;

Minnesota School Location and Design

The Public Health Law Center will conduct an HIA to examine the ways in which decisions about school location and building design can affect health to inform revisions to the Minnesota Department of Education’s school construction and siting guidelines. School design features important to health could include improvements to bike and pedestrian access that increase […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled New Hampshire Paid Sick Days which includes icons related to the following: employment; workers and employees; Literature Review; meaningful work and wealth

New Hampshire Paid Sick Days

Human Impact Partners conducted an HIA of the federal Healthy Families Act of 2009 and a companion rapid assessment to review existing health data relevant to paid sick day legislation (H.B. 662) under consideration in New Hampshire. The HIA found that between 2004 and 2008, 89 percent of foodborne disease outbreaks in the state occurred […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Marin Housing Code Enforcement Policies which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; humane housing

Marin Housing Code Enforcement Policies

Legal Aid of Marin and Human Impact Partners conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed changes to the Housing Code Enforcement Policy in three jurisdictions in California: unincorporated Marin County, Novato, and San Rafael. The HIA examined how common housing complaints such as water incursion, pests infestations, mold and dampness, electrical problems, and heating […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Proposed Coal Mine at Wishbone Hill which includes icons related to the following: clean air; rural communities; Rural; Qualitative research; thriving natural world

Proposed Coal Mine at Wishbone Hill

This HIA provides decision makers with a review of potential positive and negative human health impacts related to the proposed Wishbone Hill Mine (WHM). The proposed project area is located in the Matanuska-Susitna valley near Sutton, Alaska. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Small Business Technical Assistance Program which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Massachusetts Small Business Technical Assistance Program

The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, together with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, conducted an HIA to inform state decisions on funding for the Small Business Technical Assistance (SBTA) Program, an initiative that incubates and supports small businesses in underserved Massachusetts communities. The HIA explored links between the income-generating effects of supporting small […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Domestic Worker Equality, Fairness and Dignity Act which includes icons related to the following: employment; workers and employees; Urban; Primary research; meaningful work and wealth

California Domestic Worker Equality, Fairness and Dignity Act

The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to assess the impact of California Assembly Bill 889, which proposed extending labor protections including overtime compensation, meal and rest periods, and uninterrupted sleep periods with compensation to domestic workers. The HIA focused specifically on two provisions of the bill: amending California Workers’ Compensation legislation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California State Gas Tax Alternatives which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Stakeholder interviews; thriving natural world

California State Gas Tax Alternatives

The Center for Health Advancement at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to identify potential health effects of proposed changes to California’s state gas tax, such as replacing the tax with a mileage-based user fee. The HIA investigated whether any of the alternatives would adversely affect existing socio-economic […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Potential Health Effects of Changes to the Kansas Liquor Control Act which includes icons related to the following: substance use; Literature Review; basic needs for health and safety

Potential Health Effects of Changes to the Kansas Liquor Control Act

This HIA was conducted to inform the state’s decision on whether to revise the Kansas Liquor Control Act to allow convenience and grocery stores to hold retail liquor licenses. The law, which has been in place for more than 60 years, currently allows only liquor stores to sell spirits, wine, and beer with higher alcohol […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled College Park/University of Maryland Metro and MARC Station TDDP/TDOZ which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

College Park/University of Maryland Metro and MARC Station TDDP/TDOZ

HIAs are mandated for new development projects in Prince George’s County, Maryland (County Bill CB-41-2011). This legislation builds health into policies, provides a tool to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases and injuries, and requests that the county Planning Board refer site plans at specific stages to the county Health Department for HIA review. The […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Cowlitz County Coal Export Terminal which includes icons related to the following: built environment; general population; Mixed methods;

Cowlitz County Coal Export Terminal

Millennium Bulk Terminals is proposing to construct and operate a coal export terminal on a 190-acre site along the Columbia River in Cowlitz County, Washington. The terminal would receive rail shipments of coal from the Powder River and the Uinta basins, which would then be transported by ship on the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled South Central Minnesota Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; older adults; Qualitative research; thriving natural world

South Central Minnesota Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan

In collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Health, the Region Nine Development Commission conducted a rapid HIA on the Region Nine Climate Change Adaptation Plan soil and water conservation strategy. The report provided detailed recommendations for improving conservation practices, strategies to preserve topsoil and agricultural productivity during extreme weather events or conditions, managing the impact […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Middlesex Greenway Use and Access Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Primary research; reliable transportation

Middlesex Greenway Use and Access Plan

The New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative recently completed an HIA in conjunction with preparation of a plan to increase use and access of a “rails-to-trails” greenway located in Central New Jersey. The recently opened 3.5 mile paved Middlesex Greenway runs through the towns of Edison, Metuchen, and Woodbridge in central New Jersey. The three towns, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Maine Paid Sick Days which includes icons related to the following: employment; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Maine Paid Sick Days

This health impact assessment (HIA) addressed a Maine-specific version of the federal Healthy Families Act, a bill that would have entitled an employee to accrue paid sick time at a rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked, up to nine days per year. The pathways and health issues explored included: 1) the spread […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Hawai'i County Agriculture Development Plan which includes icons related to the following: food access; black, indigenous, and people of color; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Hawai’i County Agriculture Development Plan

The current Hawai‘i County Agriculture Development Plan (the Agriculture Plan) was commissioned by the Hawai‘i County Department of Research and Development in 2008 and approved by the Hawai‘i County Council in 2010. The purpose of the Agriculture Plan is to serve as a guide for county government, local advocacy groups, and local businesses to revitalize […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Municipal Water Reuse in Kansas which includes icons related to the following: clean water; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Municipal Water Reuse in Kansas

The Kansas Water Vision plan calls for an evaluation of uses of lower-quality water in the state so the Kansas Health Institute conducted a health impact assessment to examine how municipal water reuse might affect the health of state residents. The study analyzed seven factors related to water reuse that could affect health in Kansas: […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled School Based Wellness & Walkability in North Wasco County School District 21 which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; children and youth; Rural; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

School Based Wellness and Walkability in North Wasco County School District 21

The North Central Oregon Public Health District, in partnership with the North Wasco County School District and the City of The Dalles Community Development Department, utilized the San Francisco Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index (PEQI) to assess pedestrian safety around Colonel Wright and Dry Hollow Elementary Schools. The school district recently revised the lines for bus […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Assembly Bill 346: Joint Use Projects and Eligibility for State Assistance which includes icons related to the following: physical activity; children and youth; Urban; Literature Review; basic needs for health and safety

California Assembly Bill 346: Joint Use Projects and Eligibility for State Assistance

A rapid HIA completed by a student at the School of Public Health at the University of California at Berkeley to examine the potential health outcomes as joint use agreements eligible for state funding are expanded under California AB 346. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities which includes icons related to the following: clean water; black, indigenous, and people of color; Tribal; Primary research; thriving natural world

Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities

The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) proposed to lease offshore areas in Alaska’s northern coastal region, and undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform their decision making on this proposal. The North Slope Borough, in collaboration with the Alaska Inter-Tribal Council (a nonprofit organization representing Alaska’s tribes), completed a rapid HIA of the draft […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Warranty of Habitability in Arkansas which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Warranty of Habitability in Arkansas

The Arkansas Community Institute, Central Arkansas ReEntry Coalition, and local partners conducted an HIA of H.B. 1166, which would create a “warranty of habitability”—a set of basic statewide quality standards in public and private rental housing. The project focused on the bill’s potential impacts on low-income renters living south of Interstate 630 in Little Rock, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mo�omomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; black, indigenous, and people of color; Rural; Primary research; belonging and civic muscle

Mo’omomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area

The Kohala Center conducted an HIA of a pending decision by the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources to designate the Mo’omomi fishery area on the north shore of Molokai as a Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area, which would allow for co-management of the fishery by the state and local communities. The HIA examined how […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Cloquet Transportation Planning which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Cloquet Transportation Planning

The city of Cloquet, in partnership with Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and Carlton County Public Health and Human Services, conducted an HIA to inform revisions to the transportation section of its Comprehensive Plan, which guides the city’s physical, social, and economic development. The HIA used a community survey and literature review to examine the potential […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Bullhead City Rotary Park Rapid which includes icons related to the following: physical activity; suburban communities; Suburban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Bullhead City Rotary Park Rapid

A planned expansion of Rotary Park in Bullhead City would feature development of approximately 38 acres to include additional soccer, football, and baseball fields, as well as parking. The Mohave County Department of Public Health used a $20,000 grant to conduct a rapid HIA to consider the health impacts of the prospective park expansion. The […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; workers and employees; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Massachusetts Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights

This HIA will inform the establishment of a Massachusetts Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights that is under consideration by the state Legislature. The bill of rights would amend state labor law to guarantee basic work standards and protect domestic workers, primarily nannies, housekeepers, and personal caregivers/aides. The HIA will provide the best available information on […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled North Carolina Senate Bill 731 which includes icons related to the following: housing; suburban communities; Survey; humane housing

North Carolina Senate Bill 731

Davidson Design for Life, in collaboration with a Regional Advisory Commission, conducted an HIA of North Carolina State Senate Bill 731, a bill that would amend zoning legislation to make certain building design standards not applicable to low-density, single family residences. Low-density is defined as five units per acre or less. These building design elements […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled North Yahara Future Urban Development Area which includes icons related to the following: physical activity; older adults; Literature Review; basic needs for health and safety

North Yahara Future Urban Development Area

In fall 2011, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the Wisconsin Capital Region a $2 million, three-year Sustainable Community Regional Planning Grant (SCRPG), with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) serving as the lead agency. Recognizing that regional challenges —healthy environment, mobility, economic opportunities for all, and quality of life— […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission Biosolids Storage Facility which includes icons related to the following: built environment; Primary research;

Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission Biosolids Storage Facility

The purpose of this rapid Health Impact Assessment (HIA) was to discuss the negative and positive health impacts of a biosolids storage facility being proposed in the Town of Greenville, and to identify ways to decrease any adverse health impacts of the proposed biosolids storage facility. The Greenville community expressed concern about the health risks […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Full-Day Kindergarten which includes icons related to the following: education; children and youth; Mixed methods; lifelong learning

Full-Day Kindergarten

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas completed an HIA to inform decisions by the Nevada State Legislature on proposed modifications to the availability of full-day kindergarten and on allocating state funding to support full-day kindergarten in high-risk schools. The HIA highlighted connections between full-day kindergarten and academic success. In particular, the study found that black, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Hood River Farmland Rezone which includes icons related to the following: parks; rural communities; Rural; Primary research; belonging and civic muscle

Hood River Farmland Rezone

The Hood River County Health Department conducted an HIA to examine the health impacts of rezoning 30 acres of former orchards to allow recreational development. The Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District purchased the land in 2007. The land is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and land use planning as well as potential health […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled I-5 Columbia River Crossing which includes icons related to the following: built environment; Literature Review

I-5 Columbia River Crossing

This HIA, led by the Multnomah County Health Department in collaboration with several other organizations, examined the health impacts of proposed alternatives for a renovation and expansion of the Interstate 5 Columbia River crossing between Oregon and Washington. The HIA was completed to inform an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the project being undertaken by […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Community Investment Tax Credit Grant Program which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Mixed methods;

Massachusetts Community Investment Tax Credit Grant Program

Health Resources in Action, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, will conduct a health impact assessment, or HIA, to inform the promulgation of regulations by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development that will guide the release of funding for community development corporations under the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled School Level Needs Assessment Regulations Under the Every Student Succeeds Act which includes icons related to the following: education; children and youth; Mixed methods; lifelong learning

School Level Needs Assessment Regulations Under the Every Student Succeeds Act

The Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, conducted a rapid HIA to inform the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed Title I regulations Section 200.21(c) regarding the content, procedures, and implementation of school-level needs assessments. Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, local educational agencies (LEAs) are […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Wind Energy which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; older adults; Primary research; meaningful work and wealth

Wind Energy

The draft Wind Energy Health Impact Assessment is a tool to help community members, elected officials and Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) understand and respond to health-related questions about wind energy developments in Oregon. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health was originally […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Genesee Valley Greenway which includes icons related to the following: parks; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Genesee Valley Greenway

The 90-mile Genesee Valley Greenway (GVG) State Park in western New York is an open-space corridor that passes through woodlands, wetlands, valleys, farmlands, glacial gorges, and historic villages as part of an interstate trail system. This HIA focused on the northernmost 50-mile portion in Monroe and Livingston counties. Addressing current issues related to public access, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Southeast Kansas Casino which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; Rural; Primary research; meaningful work and wealth

Southeast Kansas Casino

This project is informing Kansas legislators of the potential health risks and benefits of a bill that would facilitate the construction of a new casino in southeast Kansas. While previous discussions about casino development have been limited to potential economic benefit and pathological gambling, the HIA sought to bring additional health effects to the table. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Minnesota Drug Sentencing Reform which includes icons related to the following: Incarceration; justice-involved populations; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Minnesota Drug Sentencing Reform

The Council on Crime and Justice conducted an HIA to inform the Minnesota State Legislature’s decision to reform state drug sentencing laws by providing evidence-based information about the potential health impacts on individuals, families, and communities. The findings and recommendations show that particular changes in the proposed legislation could yield positive (or negative) health outcomes […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Washington County's Active Transportation Policies which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; suburban communities; Primary research; reliable transportation

Washington County’s Active Transportation Policies

This HIA provided information to Washington County’s leaders and planners as they updated the county’s active transportation policies, and made decisions about the design of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in upcoming transportation projects. The goals of the HIA were to understand barriers to biking and walking in Washington County, and research the connections between health, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ice Age Trail Expansion-Marquette County, Wisconsin which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; Rural; Qualitative research; belonging and civic muscle

Ice Age Trail Expansion-Marquette County, Wisconsin

The purpose of this Health Impact Assessment (HIA) was to assess the potential health impacts of the expansion of the Ice Age Trail on broad determinants of health, including the built environment, economy, and social connectedness. The Ice Age Trail is a walking path that traverses the state of Wisconsin, highlighting the geological features resulting from […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Vermont Paid Sick Leave which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; workers and employees; Primary research; meaningful work and wealth

Vermont Paid Sick Leave

The Vermont Department of Health conducted an HIA of a proposed sick leave policy that would provide paid health care time for every 30 hours worked. Employees could use this leave—up to 56 hours annually—to recover from an illness; seek preventive care; provide care for a family member; coordinate social or legal services; and receive […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Curry County Housing Stock Upgrade Initiative Pilot which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Rural; Mixed methods; humane housing

Curry County Housing Stock Upgrade Initiative Pilot

The HIA examined the potential health impacts on Curry County, Oregon, residents’ health of upgraded manufactured housing and recommended ways to tailor the housing stock improvements pilot program to meet health needs. The HIA found that replacing older manufactured homes could significantly boost health by improving indoor air quality, reducing falls, and contributing to positive […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Cap and Trade Rulemaking which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Secondary; thriving natural world

California Cap and Trade Rulemaking

The California Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the California Public Health Institute, conducted an HIA to inform the development of new carbon ‘cap and trade’ regulations (Assembly Bill 32) by the California Air Resources Board. The new regulations are intended to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by imposing a cap on the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Androscoggin Greenway Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Androscoggin Greenway Plan

This HIA, conducted by the Maine Network of Healthy Communities, was designed to assist a land trust and affiliated communities with prioritizing several proposed trails in an urban setting. In the 1990s, the Androscoggin Land Trust and the National Park Service’s River and Trails Program developed the Androscoggin River Corridor Greenway Plan. This HIA assessed […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled 2013 U.S. Farm Bill Reauthorization which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

2013 U.S. Farm Bill Reauthorization

Federal spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) was a central dispute during the 112th and 113th Congressional deliberations over the Farm Bill reauthorization. The Senate and House introduced several bills that sought to reduce SNAP spending by changing the procedures that states use to determine eligibility and the benefit amount that some participating […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California High-Speed Rail: San Jose to Merced Corridor which includes icons related to the following: employment; Literature Review; meaningful work and wealth

California High-Speed Rail: San Jose to Merced Corridor

Graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley conducted an HIA to add value to decision-making regarding design alternatives for the San Jose to Merced corridor of the California High-Speed Rail. The study identified opportunities for health benefits as well as risks and negative health costs. The HIA found that the direct employment benefits of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health

The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa conducted an HIA to analyze and explain the importance of wild rice, or manoomin, to the health of the Ojibwe people in advance of a proposed revision to loosen water quality standards for wild rice cultivation in Minnesota. Hand-harvested manoomin is a staple for the Ojibwe […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Industrial Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; Primary research; thriving natural world

Industrial Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin

The Institute for Wisconsin’s Health Inc. conducted an HIA to inform county, municipal, township, and tribal policy decisions related to existing and potential industrial sand facilities in western Wisconsin. Although the HIA aimed to provide guidance for upcoming decisions by the Ho-Chunk Nation (a tribe), Trempealeau County, Pierce County, and three townships in Eau Claire […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Pregnant Workers in Kentucky which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; workers and employees; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Pregnant Workers in Kentucky

The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness conducted an HIA to analyze the potential health effects of the Kentucky Pregnant Workers’ Act. The bill proposed to ensure reasonable workplace accommodations for women during pregnancy, such as reducing heavy lifting, bending, or standing and exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, and loud noises; providing consistent […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled MountainElements: Comprehensive Planning in 8 Counties which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Rural; Primary research; reliable transportation

MountainElements: Comprehensive Planning in 8 Counties

MountainWise, a collaboration of eight public health departments in Western North Carolina, is conducting an eight county health impact assessment (HIA) called MountainElements that will inform decisions about each county’s comprehensive plan, focusing on the transportation and parks and recreation sections of each plan. Three plans are currently under development and two will begin soon. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Poultry Litter-Fired Power Plant which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; rural communities; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Poultry Litter-Fired Power Plant

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) conducted an HIA to inform decisions regarding a proposed biomass power plant that would burn poultry litter in Virginia.  The Shenandoah Valley in northwestern Virginia is among the nation’s largest producers of poultry. The litter produced by poultry farms is of particular concern because, when applied as fertilizer, the runoff can […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Proposition 47: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act which includes icons related to the following: neighborhood safety; justice-involved populations; Focus groups; basic needs for health and safety

California Proposition 47: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act

Human Impact Partners conducted an HIA of California Proposition 47, The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, which appeared on the November 2014 state ballot. Proposition 47 would reclassify six nonserious, nonviolent offenses as misdemeanors; allow people incarcerated for those crimes to apply for lower sentences, release, and expungement; and redirect savings from a reduction in […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Proposed Expungement Bill which includes icons related to the following: adverse childhood experiences; justice-involved populations; Survey; basic needs for health and safety

Massachusetts Proposed Expungement Bill

This rapid health impact assessment (RHIA) evaluated the mental health effects of Massachusetts bill S. 900, which proposed to require that the state expunge criminal records for individuals who committed their offenses before the age of 21. Students in the healthy cities course in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Water Infrastructure and Sanitation on the U.S.-Mexico Border which includes icons related to the following: clean water; older adults; Rural; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Water Infrastructure and Sanitation on the U.S.-Mexico Border

The University of Texas, El Paso conducted an HIA focused on water infrastructure to help the city of Presidio, Texas, decide whether to extend its water system to the neighboring colonia* of Las Pampas, which lacks a treated water supply. Inadequate access to safe water puts people at greater risk of gastrointestinal illnesses such as […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tobacco Retail License Ordinance which includes icons related to the following: substance use; children and youth; Rural; Secondary; basic needs for health and safety

Tobacco Retail License Ordinance in Klamath County

This health impact assessment provides information for decision-makers and stakeholders in Klamath County as they consider whether to develop and adopt a tobacco retail license ordinance that would help reduce tobacco use rates among youth and what the components of this ordinance should be. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a […]

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