HIA for Researchers

The Health Impact Assessments repository can be used in academic and practical research. Researchers of HIAs and Health in All Policies have used it to explore questions such as: What housing decisions have been the subject of past HIAs? How have HIAs been used on prekindergarten, primary, and secondary education-focused decisions? What can we learn about the interactions between public health professionals and transportation decision-makers from transportation-planning HIAs? We invite you to download and use the below dataset in your research endeavors. (And if you do, we would love to hear from you at info@communitycommons.org!)

About the HIA Repository

The HIA repository first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health, which was originally developed by the Health Impact Project—a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts (Pew). Learn More 

The Health Impact Project documented known HIAs that were conducted in the United States between 1999 and 2023. In 2023, the Institute for People, Place, and Possibility received a grant from the Health Impact Project to create this site to house the contents of The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. IP3 is now responsible for updating the HIA repository and continues to do so on a limited but ongoing basis. Learn more

Access the HIA Repository

There are two ways to access the repository:

  1. Browse completed HIAs at hia.communitycommons.org: The Browse All page indexes ~400 completed HIAs, making them searchable and filterable by criteria and geographic location. Assessments and/or related documents are available for these HIAs, either because IP3 has received permission to host them or they are publicly available online.
  2. Downloading the full repository here: In addition to the ~400 indexed HIAs on this site, the full repository contains HIAs that are ongoing, HIAs that were never completed, and HIAs for which documents are not available. Using the below downloadable dataset, you can search and access records for all HIAs contained within the repository.

Suggest Content

Help us grow the Health Impact Assessment content library. Suggest a health impact assessment, or another resource for inclusion. Complete the form below and our team will review your submission.

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