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Showing 108 results

Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Georgetown Mobility Study which includes icons related to the following: built environment, healthcare access, food access, neighborhood safety, Safe and affordable public transit, environmental health; ; ; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, reliable transportation, thriving natural world

Georgetown Mobility Study

This health impact assessment aimed to promote safety, access, health, and mobility.   – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, or the Robert Wood Johnson […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Three North Carolina Communities which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; ; ; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Three North Carolina Communities

This health impact assessment aims to quantitatively estimate the health impacts of active transportation infrastructure. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, or the Robert […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Studying Trail Enhancement Plans which includes icons related to the following: ; tribal communities,

Cuba Continental Divide National Scenic Trail Enhancement Plans

This health impact assessment presents information through a sequential series of questions that support and lead to predictions and recommendations for the new Cuba Continental Divide National Scenic Trail segment. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Livable Communities Demonstration Account Transit-Oriented Development which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; ; Urban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Livable Communities Demonstration Account Transit-Oriented Development

This health impact assessment assessed seven proposed projects for their potential impact on jobs, access to goods and services, and active living. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rainier RapidRide Bus Rapid Transit Project which includes icons related to the following: active transportation, Safe and affordable public transit; english language learners,

Rainier RapidRide Bus Rapid Transit Project

The goals of this HIA were to help Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and the impacted community: 1. Examine potential implications for public health related to the Rainier RapidRide 2. Mitigate the Rainier RapidRide’s negative impacts on the community’s health by providing recommendations, and 3. Highlight positive impacts on the community of the proposed project. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled NYC L-train Shutdown which includes icons related to the following: environmental health, active transportation, clean air, Noise, physical activity, employment, belonging and civic muscle; workers and employees, people living in poverty, people with disabilities, children and youth, older adults; Urban; Stakeholder interviews; thriving natural world, reliable transportation, thriving natural world, basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, meaningful work and wealth, belonging and civic muscle

NYC L-train Shutdown

This health impact assessment to understand how the 15-month shutdown of New York City’s L-Train would affect commuters’ health. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Minnesota Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation, Safe and affordable public transit; ; ; Quantitative research; reliable transportation, reliable transportation

Minnesota Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan

This HIA examined the health impacts of proposed changes in three SMTP sections: transportation safety, healthy communities, and critical connections. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Green Zones which includes icons related to the following: clean air, clean water, infrastructure, housing, employment, education, Safe and affordable public transit, healthcare access, complete communities;

Green Zones in the City of Minneapolis

This health impact assessment was initiated due to a Minnesota state legislation mandate to address health equity specifically. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Interbay Project which includes icons related to the following: housing, employment, active transportation, environmental health, affordable housing;

The Interbay Project

This health impact assessment explored three redevelopment concepts and their connection to health: Industrial Only, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, and Mixed-Use Light Industrial, Commercial and Residential. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily […]

Marshall GreenStep Cities

This Health Impact Assessment aims to guide the City of Marshall and the GreenStep Committee in prioritizing their participation in the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program to enhance community health. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Yavapai County Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people with disabilities; Rural; Primary research; reliable transportation

Yavapai County Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan

Yavapai County Community Health Services conducted an HIA of the Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan for Yavapai County. The plan is designed to improve mobility and access within and around the county by addressing linkages between existing public transit services and improving infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. The HIA concluded that it would reduce the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Bernalillo County Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Action Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; children and youth; Suburban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Bernalillo County Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Action Plan

This HIA, carried out by Bernalillo County Place Matters Team, evaluated the health impacts of the county Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Action Plan. The HIA focused on the plan’s potential impact to pedestrian and bicycle accessibility and safety along Mountain View’s Second Street. Several health determinants that could be affected by the plan were […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Providing Free or Reduced-Fare Student Bus Passes to Reduce Truancy which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; children and youth; Urban; Literature Review; reliable transportation

Providing Free or Reduced-Fare Student Bus Passes to Reduce Truancy

This health impact assessment (HIA) evaluated the potential academic, health, and economic impacts of subsidizing the costs of student bus passes in Los Angeles County. The Los Angeles County School Attendance Task Force (SATF) was interested in developing a program to further subsidize the cost of bus passes for low-income students in order to increase […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mass Transit Funding in California which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; children and youth, people living in poverty, older adults, people with disabilities; ; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Mass Transit Funding in California

The Governor of California proposed a budget for FY 2007/2008 that included provisions to reallocate $1.3 billion in gasoline sales tax revenue that had been targeted for transit operations, maintenance, and capital projects to other statewide programs. The HIA examined how the proposed cuts to transit funding could impact public health through air, water, and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled King Street Station Multimodal Hub which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

King Street Station Multimodal Hub

This rapid health impact assessment (HIA), produced by a team of University of Washington graduate students, identifies potential health concerns and action items as the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) launches a multiyear effort designed to improve infrastructure in the area surrounding King Street Station in the Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District neighborhoods. The King […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Division Street Gateway which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; people living in poverty; Urban; Survey; reliable transportation

Division Street Gateway

The City of Spokane is redeveloping the Division Street Gateway, a little over a mile of State Highway 2 that runs through the heart of downtown Spokane from its inception at Interstate 90 to its intersection with the Spokane River and north to the Gonzaga University neighborhood. This is essentially the city’s front door and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Community Climate Choices which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Quantitative research;

Community Climate Choices

Between 2011 and 2014, the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division conducted three health impact assessments (HIAs) on elements of Portland Metro’s Climate Smart Communities planning project. The Portland metro regional government requested the HIAs to ensure that decision-makers had access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and approved a greenhouse […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Climate Smart Community Scenarios which includes icons related to the following: built environment; ; Urban; Quantitative research;

Climate Smart Community Scenarios

Transportation produces 25% of the Portland, Oregon Metro region’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, contributing to a warming climate that could severely impact our health and quality of life. Our climate is already changing, and the way we work together to prevent future changes will have both immediate and long-term impacts on our well being. Changes […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Benton Accessory Dwelling Units which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; ; Rural; Qualitative research; humane housing

Benton Accessory Dwelling Units

This HIA, carried out by the Benton County Health Department, evaluated a series of policy-change scenarios to amend the existing county code for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). ADUs are small, self-contained residential units that are built on the same lot as—and are secondary to—an existing single-family home. The HIA was intended to inform a community […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Michigan Street Corridor Plan: A Health Impact Assessment which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; ; Urban; Qualitative research;

Michigan Street Corridor Plan: A Health Impact Assessment

In March 2012, project partners received funding from the Michigan Department of Community Health Division of Environmental Health to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of alternative development scenarios in the Michigan Street Corridor. The project is part of a larger effort funded by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority and the U.S. Department of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2 which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle;

Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2

In partnership with the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) and Fall River Mass in Motion, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council conducted an HIA that examined the proposed Phase 2 of the Quequechan River Rail Trail (QRRT) project in the City of Fall River, Massachusetts. Phase 1 of the project was one mile […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Eagle Pathways and Trails Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; ; Focus groups; reliable transportation

Eagle Pathways and Trails Plan

With funding from St. Luke’s Foundation, Vitruvian Planning and the Eagle (Idaho) Parks and Recreation Department conducted an HIA to understand how the city’s Pathways and Trails Plan might influence the health of area residents. Recommendations Focus on areas with the highest socio-economic need for bicycle paths, pedestrian trails, and accessible green spaces when selecting […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; ; Literature Review; humane housing

Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

This health impact assessment, or HIA, will inform the 2015 Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for low-income housing tax credits. The plan is required each year as the Internal Revenue Service allocates housing tax credits to state agencies, which then award the credits to developers of qualified projects. The HIA, conducted by the Georgia Health Policy […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fulton Industrial Boulevard Framework which includes icons related to the following: clean air; urban communities; Urban; Survey; thriving natural world

Fulton Industrial Boulevard Framework

The Fulton County, Georgia, Department of Health Services conducted a rapid HIA of the Fulton Industrial Boulevard Framework, a redevelopment plan to revitalize an area of unincorporated south Fulton County in Atlanta. The plan includes transportation and freight improvements and changes the land use in the corridor, which was a center of industrial development in […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fort McPherson Interim Zoning which includes icons related to the following: built environment; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods;

Fort McPherson Interim Zoning

The HIA addressed the health effects of zoning provisions on the nearby residents’ nutrition, physical activity and social cohesion during the interim-use phase of a major redevelopment and new land use plan for Atlanta’s Fort McPherson’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. The zoning provisions that govern permitted uses of land, green space and transportation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled City of Decatur Community Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: built environment; ; Urban; Mixed methods;

City of Decatur Community Transportation Plan

The Georgia Tech Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) on the Decatur, Georgia, Community Transportation Plan, focusing on potential health impacts of transportation and patterns of land use on safety, social connections, and physical activity. The HIA found that the plan could lead to a slight reduction […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Buford Highway and NE Plaza Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: built environment; ; Urban; Qualitative research;

Buford Highway and NE Plaza Redevelopment

An HIA that examined the expected health benefits of proposed highway design changes (e.g., reducing lanes, adding sidewalks, medians, bike lanes and on-street parking) to the Buford Highway Corridor.  Special emphasis was placed on the potential impacts on physical activity and pedestrian injuries. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Atlanta Regional Plan 2040 which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Survey;

Atlanta Regional Plan 2040

The first-ever HIA on a major metropolitan transportation and comprehensive growth plan will be led by the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD) at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture. Plan 2040—which is being conducted by the Atlanta Regional Commission, the local intergovernmental-coordination agency—integrates multiple aspects of regional planning, including transportation, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Atlanta Beltline which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods;

Atlanta Beltline

This HIA was a collaborative effort of the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD), a research center of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture and staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Focused on the planning process for the Atlanta Beltline—a major public transit, trails, parks and urban-redevelopment project—the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment

The Florida Department of Health in Lee County conducted an HIA of community-driven alternatives to the county’s neighborhood connectivity plan for the Tice historic community. The HIA investigated the potential health implications of community connectivity and access to green space and schools in the plan. The report concluded that the plan stood to benefit the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit

MetroPlan Orlando, in partnership with the University of Central Florida and the Winter Park Health Foundation, conducted the first transportation HIA in central Florida. The state Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit HIA analyzed the potential effects of implementing bus rapid transit along 22 miles of SR 50 on the physical, social, and emotional health of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Loch Haven Park Improvement Plan which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; suburban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Loch Haven Park Improvement Plan

The City of Orlando, Florida recently acquired an additional two acres to expand Loch Haven Park, a 45-acre park established in the 1930s and home to many of Orlando’s art and cultural institutions. The Loch Haven Park Improvement Plan was developed to take advantage of opportunities to improve park cohesion during this expansion, since many […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled North Birmingham Community Framework Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; ; Urban; Mixed methods;

North Birmingham Community Framework Plan

The School of City and Regional Planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology conducted a rapid HIA to support healthy development in North Birmingham, Alabama, through implementation of the North Birmingham Community Framework Plan. The goal of the plan, created in conjunction with the first comprehensive plan update in 50 years, is to enhance the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods;

Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan

The Clark County Community Planning Department in Vancouver, Washington, developed a Sub-Area Plan to revitalize Highway 99 and surrounding neighborhoods. Clark County Public Health conducted an HIA, which was included in the plan. The HIA explored the plan’s potential effects on several health issues, including access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity, reliance on […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Omaha Neighborhood Connections which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; ; Urban; Stakeholder interviews; reliable transportation

Omaha Neighborhood Connections

The Douglas County Health Department conducted an HIA to inform connections between new real estate development and existing neighborhoods in the city of Omaha. Neighborhood connectivity is directly related to health outcomes such as increased physical activity, decreased injury, and reduced stress. The HIA identified health and safety issues that should be considered in decisions […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fresno County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; ; ; ; reliable transportation

Fresno County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies

California’s Senate Bill 375 mandates that each regional government in California develop and adopt plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in part through developing Regional Transportation Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies that will guide local land use, transportation, and other decisions important to greenhouse gas emissions.  California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) conducted two health impact […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Employer-Sponsored Transit Subsidies which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; workers and employees; Urban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Employer-Sponsored Transit Subsidies

Data collected from the EasyRide HIA will provide new information that may influence employer decisions to adopt or renew contracts with MTA to provide free or discounted transit passes to their employees. The HIA will highlight health benefits of using transit for daily commuting in Davidson County, such as increased physical activity, improved air quality, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled North Avenue Corridor in Burlington, Vermont which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; urban communities; Urban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

North Avenue Corridor in Burlington, Vermont

The Burlington District Office of the Vermont Department of Health conducted a rapid HIA of proposed street improvements on a 2.8-mile corridor of North Avenue in Burlington, Vermont. The HIA included a population health profile and a review of public transportation infrastructure and pedestrian, bike, and motorist facilities along the corridor. The proposed upgrades include […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled SE McLoughlin Boulevard Active Transportation Road Safety Audit which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

SE McLoughlin Boulevard Active Transportation Road Safety Audit

Oregon Public Health Institute, in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and the Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development, conducted an HIA in 2014 on a road safety audit conducted on a half-mile section of McLoughlin Boulevard (also known as OR 99E) in Jennings Lodge, Oregon. Its aim was to give transportation department staff […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility HIA which includes icons related to the following: built environment; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods;

Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility HIA

This HIA determined the impacts of the proposed Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility at CSX’s existing Mount Clare Yard in southwest Baltimore City. The facility would transfer freight cargo between trains and trucks, and operate twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. The facility poses potential health concerns that include air and noise pollution and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Roundabout at 53rd Street and West Hills Road which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; rural communities; Suburban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Roundabout at 53rd Street and West Hills Road

The Benton County Health Department conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to assess the potential impacts of installing a roundabout instead of a traditional traffic signal at the intersection of 53rd Street and West Hills Road outside of Corvallis, Oregon.  There is an assisted living and retirement facility at the intersection, as well as a […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Cloquet Transportation Planning which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Cloquet Transportation Planning

The city of Cloquet, in partnership with Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and Carlton County Public Health and Human Services, conducted an HIA to inform revisions to the transportation section of its Comprehensive Plan, which guides the city’s physical, social, and economic development. The HIA used a community survey and literature review to examine the potential […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ortiz Avenue Road Widening which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Ortiz Avenue Road Widening

Researchers from Florida Gulf Coast University, in partnership with the Tice Historic Community Planning Panel, completed a rapid HIA of a road-widening project in a primarily low-income minority community in Lee County, Florida. In 2010 Lee County Department of Transportation completed the design plans for Ortiz Avenue. These design plans identified a four-lane, divided road […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Daniel Morgan Avenue Road Diet which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Daniel Morgan Avenue “Road Diet”

The HIA examined the potential health impacts of the proposed re-striping and “road diet” of a downtown Spartanburg arterial road, Daniel Morgan Avenue (DMA). A road diet is a technique to reduce the number of lanes on a roadway to provide safe space for pedestrians and cyclists. The proposed road diet in Spartanburg would reduce […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Bottineau Transitway which includes icons related to the following: safe and affordable public transit; Urban; Focus groups; reliable transportation

Bottineau Transitway

Hennepin County’s Department of Housing, Community Works and Transit (HCWT) conducted an HIA to inform planning decisions on the proposed Bottineau Transitway. The transitway proposal would create a new bus or light rail line extending from downtown Minneapolis through North Minneapolis and into neighboring suburbs. The HIA was coordinated with the Draft Environmental Impact Statement […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Speed Limit Bill which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; children and youth; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Massachusetts Speed Limit Bill

This HIA considered the impacts of proposed legislation in Massachusetts to lower the default speed limit on local roads from 30 miles per hour (mph) to 25 mph. The HIA examined potential impacts to injuries, air pollution, safety, and physical activity from a reduction in speed. The HIA determined that the proposed legislation could have […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Potential Utility Fee to Fund Columbia Transit which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Survey; reliable transportation

Potential Utility Fee to Fund Columbia Transit

The Columbia Transit system is stressed due to increased student ridership, new routes, budget cuts, and higher fuel costs. The Columbia/Boone County Department of Health and Human Services conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) in response to the Columbia Transit System Expansion HIA completed in 2012. The Columbia, Missouri City Council requested an HIA […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Augusta Lane Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Suburban; Literature Review; reliable transportation

Augusta Lane Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge

The Washington County Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Division, in partnership with the Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation, conducted a rapid HIA in 2014 to identify the potential health impacts of building a bicycle and pedestrian bridge to join two sections of SW Augusta Lane over Beaverton Creek in […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Red Line Regional Commuter Rail-North Carolina which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Red Line Regional Commuter Rail-North Carolina

Davidson Design for Life, in collaboration with Davidson College students in a Public Health Policy, Practice and Ethics course, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of a proposed regional commuter rail project connecting Mooresville to Charlotte, North Carolina using existing Norfolk Southern rail. The project would offer increased freight business, as well as the opportunity […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled 24th Street Road Diet which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

24th Street Road Diet

This HIA assessed a proposal by the City of Omaha to include a center turn lane on South 24th Street – the major corridor through Omaha’s Latino community. This type of change, which involves going from four lanes to three, is commonly called a road diet. The HIA considered the impacts on the top concerns for South […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Proposed Expansion of Bus Routes in Marion County, Indiana which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Proposed Expansion of Bus Routes in Marion County, Indiana

IndyGo, the Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation, proposed tripling existing bus service in the Greater Indianapolis area. The Indiana University Center for Health Policy, in collaboration with the county health department and the local metropolitan planning organization, developed a curriculum for a graduate level HIA course. In the first half of the course, students were exposed […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Traffic Speed Impacts on State Highway 99 in Corvallis, Oregon which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; children and youth; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Traffic Speed Impacts on State Highway 99 in Corvallis, Oregon

Benton County Health Services (BCHS) conducted an HIA to assess potential impacts of a 25 mile-per-hour speed limit on a one-mile stretch of Highway 99W, which is South Third Street, in south Corvallis, Oregon. The HIA investigated potential impacts that a lower speed limit would have on active transportation, traffic safety, social networks, and access […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Jewish Home of San Francisco Pedestrian Infrastructure which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; older adults; Urban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Jewish Home of San Francisco Pedestrian Infrastructure

The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to analyze pedestrian safety conditions around the proposed Jewish Home of San Francisco, a senior housing and retail project along the Mission Street corridor in the Outer Mission/Excelsior neighborhoods. The report analyzed the site’s characteristics for transit, transportation, neighborhood demographics, and pedestrian injury factors, and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California State Gas Tax Alternatives which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Stakeholder interviews; thriving natural world

California State Gas Tax Alternatives

The Center for Health Advancement at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to identify potential health effects of proposed changes to California’s state gas tax, such as replacing the tax with a mileage-based user fee. The HIA investigated whether any of the alternatives would adversely affect existing socio-economic […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Topeka Bike Share which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Topeka Bike Share

The Kansas University School of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, in partnership with the Topeka Metropolitan Transit Authority, conducted an HIA to inform the implementation and possible expansion of a bike share program in Topeka, Kansas. The assessment looked at how bike sharing, cycling, and active transport could affect physical activity levels, safety and incidences […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Sacramento Safe Routes to School which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; children and youth; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Sacramento Safe Routes to School

The UCLA School of Public Health, in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Project MOVE, conducted an HIA on the health impacts of the Sacramento Safe Routes to School Program. The program seeks to reduce the number of children killed while walking and biking to school, and foster an active lifestyle among […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Androscoggin Greenway Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Androscoggin Greenway Plan

This HIA, conducted by the Maine Network of Healthy Communities, was designed to assist a land trust and affiliated communities with prioritizing several proposed trails in an urban setting. In the 1990s, the Androscoggin Land Trust and the National Park Service’s River and Trails Program developed the Androscoggin River Corridor Greenway Plan. This HIA assessed […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Building Capacity in HIA on the U.S.-Mexico Border Through Practice, Training, and Collaborative Partnerships which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; general population; Rural; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Building Capacity in HIA on the U.S.-Mexico Border Through Practice, Training, and Collaborative Partnerships

The University of Texas, El Paso conducted an HIA focused on public transportation. The HIA solicited community input regarding transportation needs within Doña Ana County, New Mexico, between Las Cruces and rural towns in southern areas of the state. The final report recommended designing public transportation routes to increase residents’ access to health-promoting and educational […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: general population; safe and affordable public transit; Primary research; reliable transportation

Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Transportation Plan

Yavapai County Community Health Services conducted an HIA of an update to the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization’s regional transportation plan. The project studied how transit and other proposed transportation alternatives could affect the health of the most vulnerable populations in this rural area. Funded through the CDC’s Healthy Community Design Initiative.   – This […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Cuyahoga County Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Cuyahoga County Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative

The Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH) is conducting an HIA to examine the health effects of the Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) planning project for key intersections of the four mile stretch of Euclid Avenue in Euclid, Ohio.  At this time, the plan intends to produce specific recommendations for 1) pedestrian and bicycle […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Glendale Riverwalk which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Glendale Riverwalk

The Tri-County Health Department, in collaboration with the City of Glendale and Communities Putting Prevention to Work, conducted an HIA on the Glendale Riverwalk, a 1.5 million square foot commercial and entertainment complex in Colorado. The HIA focused on active transit in the city of Glendale-particularly walkability, bikeability and public transit usage-as it relates to […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Transit Oriented Development Within Nashville's Northeast Corridor which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Transit Oriented Development Within Nashville’s Northeast Corridor

The Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is creating a 30-mile transportation system between downtown Nashville and Gallatin, Tennessee. The three transit-oriented development (TOD) sites will be Madison, Hendersonville, and Gallatin. The Nashville MPO initiated a Northeast Corridor Study to develop a strategy for implementation. The HIA looked at design factors that would promote engaging […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Baltimore Red Line which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Primary research;

Baltimore Red Line

This HIA examined the potential health impacts of a proposal to build a new 14-mile light-rail line in Baltimore. Some of the pathways explored included access to safe outdoor activities, construction issues and air quality. HIA practitioners examined asthma, chronic lower respiratory disease, social cohesion, obesity, physical activity, bicycle and pedestrian risks, mental health, and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Washington County's Active Transportation Policies which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; suburban communities; Primary research; reliable transportation

Washington County’s Active Transportation Policies

This HIA provided information to Washington County’s leaders and planners as they updated the county’s active transportation policies, and made decisions about the design of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in upcoming transportation projects. The goals of the HIA were to understand barriers to biking and walking in Washington County, and research the connections between health, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Federal Boulevard Framework Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Survey; reliable transportation

Federal Boulevard Framework Plan

This health impact assessment (HIA) informed the proposed Federal Boulevard framework plan, with a specific focus on the light-rail stations at 60th Avenue and Federal Boulevard and at 71st Avenue and Irving Street in the Denver area. The planning area included the Federal Boulevard corridor in areas of Adams County. Although the goal of the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

This HIA addressed the health implications of the Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Some of the pathways and health issues explored included physical activity and food access, with special consideration to the particular health challenges that face vulnerable populations, such as low-income families. Outcome Clark County Public Health received Active Living Research’s 2012 […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled School Based Wellness & Walkability in North Wasco County School District 21 which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; children and youth; Rural; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

School Based Wellness and Walkability in North Wasco County School District 21

The North Central Oregon Public Health District, in partnership with the North Wasco County School District and the City of The Dalles Community Development Department, utilized the San Francisco Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index (PEQI) to assess pedestrian safety around Colonel Wright and Dry Hollow Elementary Schools. The school district recently revised the lines for bus […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Sycamore Light Rail Station which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Sycamore Light Rail Station

The Sycamore Light Rail Station Health Impact Assessment is underway Mesa, Arizona. Sycamore Station—literally the east end of the light rail system—is the proposed location for 300 units of new affordable housing. The project is moving through the review process and funding is dependent on affordable housing tax credits. It is one of the first TOD […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rochester Bike Share which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Rochester Bike Share

Common Ground Health selected the Rochester (New York) Bike Share program for an HIA because it experienced rapid expansion during its first year (25 planned stations and 250 bikes became 46 stations and 340 bikes in Phase 1). The study examined the program’s effects on residents’ physical activity, social cohesion, economic well-being, and access to […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled MountainElements: Comprehensive Planning in 8 Counties which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Rural; Primary research; reliable transportation

MountainElements: Comprehensive Planning in 8 Counties

MountainWise, a collaboration of eight public health departments in Western North Carolina, is conducting an eight county health impact assessment (HIA) called MountainElements that will inform decisions about each county’s comprehensive plan, focusing on the transportation and parks and recreation sections of each plan. Three plans are currently under development and two will begin soon. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Implementing the City of Los Angeles Mobility Plan 2035 which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Quantitative research; reliable transportation

Implementing the City of Los Angeles Mobility Plan 2035

In 2018, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Center for Health Impact Evaluation conducted an HIA using the Integrated Transportation and Health Model to quantify the health impacts of the City of Los Angeles Mobility Plan 2035—an updated transportation element of the city’s general plan—applying a health lens to the various policy, programmatic, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled San Francisco Bay Area's Regional Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

San Francisco Bay Area’s Regional Transportation Plan

This HIA, conducted by the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD), informed the development of the San Francisco Bay Area’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), which will serve as a guide to transportation-related investments over the next 25 years. The assessment examined the equity impacts–or how the new Plan might affect different populations in different ways–of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Portland to Lake Oswego Transit Project which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Portland to Lake Oswego Transit Project

Oregon Public Health Institute (OPHI), in collaboration with the local transportation planning agency, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of transit alternatives for a new proposed public transit corridor in Portland, Oregon. Transit alternatives included light rail or street car, enhanced bus service, or no transportation improvements. The HIA was done in conjunction with an […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Houston Transit-Oriented Development which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Houston Transit-Oriented Development

Texas Southern University conducted an HIA to examine the health impacts of possible development patterns that could occur in the neighborhood near a planned station on a 30-mile, five-corridor light rail expansion. Transit-oriented development generally includes high-density housing and a mix of shopping choices near transit stops in order to encourage use of public transportation. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kitsap County Transportation Improvement Program Project which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Kitsap County Transportation Improvement Program Project

The Kitsap Public Health District is conducting an HIA of the Kitsap County Transportation Improvement Program, which proposes to widen the shoulder on each side of Banner Road, a major artery in South Kitsap, Washington, to improve active transportation infrastructure along the roadway. The HIA will inform the county’s funding priorities for the program and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Davidson Walks and Rolls: Active Transportation Master Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Davidson Walks and Rolls: Active Transportation Master Plan

In 2013, Davidson Design for Life and Alta Planning and Design partnered to incorporate health and social equity modeling and economic analysis on the benefits of implementing infrastructure improvements into an active transportation plan. The HIA estimated the current usage of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure; projected the health, environmental, and social externalities of increased active […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Transportation Policy Recommendations in the Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Literature Review; reliable transportation

Transportation Policy Recommendations in the Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan

This HIA explored seven transportation recommendations made in the Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP) and looked at the health impacts of each policy as it relates to physical activity, air pollution and collisions. Recommendations encouraged the full adoption of the transportation policies found in the CEAP—as they were found to have the potential […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Central Oregon Regional Transit which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; general population; Primary research; reliable transportation

Central Oregon Regional Transit

This project explored how a coordinated regional transit system might impact health disparities in the Central Oregon counties of Deschutes, Jefferson, and Crook.  The HIA focused on impacts to health through opportunities for physical activity and access to healthy foods, health care services, and employment, as well as safety. Outcome Commute Options presented at a […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled City of Independence Complete Streets which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

City of Independence Complete Streets

In June of 2011, the City of Independence passed a complete streets policy. The first part of implementing the complete streets policy included the addition of bike lanes. The HIA addressed the health impacts of placement of bike lanes and made recommendations on how to improve physical activity, healthy food access, and safety. The HIA […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Central Park Boulevard Commuter Rail Station-Denver which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Central Park Boulevard Commuter Rail Station-Denver

EnviroHealth Consulting conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the City Of Denver’s Community Planning and Development Department local area plan for the proposed Central Park Boulevard commuter rail station. The HIA study area is a one and a half mile radius around the station, which includes the residential areas of Northeast Park Hill, North […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled University District Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge which includes icons related to the following: built environment; older adults; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

University District Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge

The Spokane University District Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Health Impact Assessment (HIA) was developed to help inform decision makers about potential health impacts that development of a pedestrian bridge in the University District will have on the current and projected population who will live, work, and recreate within a quarter-mile radius of the bridge. The bridge project […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Intersection Improvement in Carpentersville, Illinois which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; people with chronic health conditions; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Intersection Improvement in Carpentersville, Illinois

The Kane County, Illinois, Department of Development and Community Services, in partnership with the village of Carpentersville and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, are conducting an HIA of the intersection of Washington and Main streets and the nearby Fox River Trail crossing in Carpentersville. The village’s Old Town Plan was adopted in 2012 and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Treasure Island Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Treasure Island Transportation Plan

This HIA, funded by the California Department of Transportation and written by the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, was done as part of a transportation plan for Treasure Island. The HIA focused on ways that the transportation system could be designed and implemented to maximize opportunities for active […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Connecting Rural Communities: U.S. 30 & Rainier Veterans Way Crossing which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; rural communities; Rural; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Connecting Rural Communities: U.S. 30 and Rainier Veterans Way Crossing

The Public Health Foundation of Columbia County carried out an HIA to examine the potential health and safety consequences of a proposed stoplight and signaled crosswalk at U.S. 30 and Veterans Way in Rainier, Oregon. The specific outcomes considered were the correlation between active transportation and health, access to grocery outlets and physical activity resources, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Richmond Highway Transit Center which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Richmond Highway Transit Center

The Fairfax County Health Department conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to examine the potential health effects of developing a new transit center along the Richmond Highway Corridor, which connects major commercial, residential, and recreational areas in Northern Virginia. The HIA aimed to inform the site selection process for the new transit center and offered […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Wichita Transit System which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Wichita Transit System

The Kansas Health Institute and the University of Kansas School of Medicine – Wichita conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to inform a Wichita City Council vote on proposed changes to the city’s transit system. The HIA found that the health of people who do not have a reliable car or social network would be […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Primary research; reliable transportation

Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan

Bicycle Haywood NC, a local bicycle advocacy group, and the Haywood County Recreation and Parks Department conducted an HIA to determine the impacts of the Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan. The HIA focused on key health outcomes that are strongly linked to bicycle activity: leading causes of death from heart, cancer and ischemic heart issues; […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Active Transportation in Sierra Vista which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; rural communities; Rural; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Active Transportation in Sierra Vista

The Arizona Department of Health Services and the Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization (SVMPO) are conducting an HIA of several SVMPO policies and projects that support walking and biking. The HIA will focus on how increased physical activity can improve health and explore the connections between the built environment and individual and community health. Its […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled San Francisco Road Pricing which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

San Francisco Road Pricing

The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) conducted an HIA to address a proposed policy in San Francisco that would charge a fee for driving in congested areas during AM/PM rush hours and use the revenue to support transportation infrastructure and services. The HIA analyzed potential health effects of two scenarios: city plans for […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lower South District Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Lower South District Plan

As part of Philadelphia’s zoning and planning process, the City Department of Public Health and Planning Commission conducted an HIA to better understand the health implications of implementing three elements of the Lower South District Plan. The Lower South District Plan is one of 18 District Plans that make up the Comprehensive Plan, Philadelphia 2035. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Aberdeen Pedestrian Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; children and youth; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Aberdeen Pedestrian Transportation Plan

In August 2011, the Town of Aberdeen in Moore County released the proposed Aberdeen Pedestrian Transportation Plan (APTP). The goals of the APTP are to create more walkable spaces, increase pedestrian connectivity, calm traffic patterns, and increase pedestrian safety (APTP, 2011). During the fall semester of 2011, the team collaborated with Melissa Watford of FirstHealth […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Metro Westside Subway Extension (Wilshire Corridor) which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; urban communities; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Metro Westside Subway Extension (Wilshire Corridor)

The University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health, in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, conducted an HIA to assess the potential health effects of a proposed subway and other mass-transit alternatives through Los Angeles’ high-density, highly congested Wilshire Corridor, running from mid-town Los Angeles to the city of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tempe Modern Streetcar which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Urban; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Tempe Modern Streetcar

The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), in partnership with Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) formed a multidisciplinary team to work on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) project funded by Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). The HIA team consisted of eight leaders representing ADHS, MCDPH, Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Robbinsville Pedestrian Connectivity Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Urban; Focus groups; reliable transportation

Robbinsville Pedestrian Connectivity Plan

This rapid health impact assessment (HIA) was integrated into the planning process for the Robbinsville (NC) Pedestrian and Greenway Plans. The HIA used research and literature reviews, and a stakeholder workshop to determine how the plans could impact physical health by promoting active transportation and mental health by fostering social connections. The HIA made several […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Healthy T for a Healthy Region which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Quantitative research; reliable transportation

Healthy T for a Healthy Region

Working with colleagues from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Boston University School of Public Health, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the two proposals of fare increases and service cuts aimed at closing the Boston T’s projected deficit of $161 million this year. Under Scenario […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Middlesex Greenway Use and Access Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; Primary research; reliable transportation

Middlesex Greenway Use and Access Plan

The New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative recently completed an HIA in conjunction with preparation of a plan to increase use and access of a “rails-to-trails” greenway located in Central New Jersey. The recently opened 3.5 mile paved Middlesex Greenway runs through the towns of Edison, Metuchen, and Woodbridge in central New Jersey. The three towns, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Non-Motorized Transportation Plan and Climate Sustainability Plan Recommendations which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Non-Motorized Transportation Plan and Climate Sustainability Plan Recommendations

In March 2012, project partners received funding from the Michigan Department of Community Health to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of key non-motorized transportation elements of the City of East Lansing’s draft Climate Sustainability Plan and Non-Motorized Transportation Plan along the Burcham-Hagadorn intersecting corridors. The funding for this HIA comes from a grant awarded […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled 6th Avenue East Duluth which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

6th Avenue East Duluth

The redesign study of Sixth Avenue East in 2010 arose out of community concerns about the safety of the roadway and its perceived negative effects on the neighborhood. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health was originally developed by the Health Impact Project, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled San Diego Bus Rapid Transit Station which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; urban communities; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

San Diego Bus Rapid Transit Station

An HIA to assess potential health outcomes associated with introducing bus rapid transit to the 47th Street Trolley Station near Interstate 805 in San Diego. The assessment focused on several health determinants including transportation, housing, access to goods and services, and environmental quality. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Vehicle-Pedestrian Injury Collisions in San Francisco�s Central Corridor which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; Urban; Quantitative research; reliable transportation

Vehicle-Pedestrian Injury Collisions in San Francisco’s Central Corridor

The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to predict how anticipated changes to land use and transportation would affect the number of vehicle-pedestrian injury collisions at intersections with traffic signals in San Francisco’s Central Corridor project area. The HIA used an existing model to identify several statistically significant collision predictors, including traffic […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Spokane Downtown Plan Update: Pedestrian Strategy which includes icons related to the following: built environment; Urban; Qualitative research

Spokane Downtown Plan Update: Pedestrian Strategy

The Lands Council, City of Spokane, and Spokane Regional Health District conducted a rapid HIA of the pedestrian portion of the multi-modal transportation strategy included in the downtown plan update for Spokane, Washington. The HIA focused on the potential health effects of air quality, noise, safety, mental health, parks and natural space, private goods and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Phoenix Light Rail Transit Extension which includes icons related to the following: safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Phoenix Light Rail Transit Extension

This health impact assessment examined the transit extension connecting South Phoenix, a disadvantaged neighborhood, to the existing light-rail line of the city. Valley Metro, a public transportation provider in the Phoenix area, is the key decision-maker and has supported previous HIA work in Arizona. The HIA addressed improved access to health care services for the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled City of Fairmont Bicycle/Pedestrian Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Literature Review; reliable transportation

City of Fairmont Bicycle/Pedestrian Transportation Plan

The Health Research Center (HRC) at West Virginia University, along with Main Street Fairmont, is conducting a health impact assessment (HIA) of a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plan for downtown Fairmont, West Virginia. The HIA will explore how bike lanes and other pedestrian improvements, as well as increased connectivity to parks, schools, and points of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Columbia Transit System Expansion which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Columbia Transit System Expansion

The Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services partnered with the PedNet Coalition and Central Missouri Community Action in late 2011 to perform an HIA on the health effects of expanding and improving bus service in Columbia. The HIA focused on health indicators most likely to be affected by expansion of public transit, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled George Road Complete Streets Implementation Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Suburban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

George Road Complete Streets Implementation Plan

The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County and the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) conducted a health impact assessment of the George Road Complete Streets Implementation Plan, which aimed to provide a safe bicycle and pedestrian connection between the Town ‘N’ Country Greenway and the Courtney Campbell Trail. The study found that the plan […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Charlotte Area Transit System Blue Line Extension which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Charlotte Area Transit System Blue Line Extension

The Mecklenburg County Health Department, in collaboration with the University of North Carolina, Charlotte (UNCC) and the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS), conducted an HIA of an extension to the CATS’ Blue Line from the Charlotte City Center to UNCC. The HIA focused on potential health impacts of the extension associated with housing, transportation options, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Crook County Master Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportion; general population; Urban; Primary research; basic needs for health and safety

Crook County Master Plan

The Crook County Public Health Department conducted an HIA of current pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure in Prineville, Oregon to inform an updated community plan. The HIA focused on improving overall safety and accessibility of sidewalks, walking paths, and bicycle use, and identifying areas where specific actions can be taken to address pedestrian safety. The HIA […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Savannah's Tide to Town Urban Trail System which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; suburban communities; Urban; GIS mapping; reliable transportation

Savannah’s Tide to Town Urban Trail System

Graduate students at Georgia Tech worked with Healthy Savannah to prepare a rapid HIA on the potential health and social impacts of the proposed Tide to Town trail, a 30-mile walking trail in Savannah. The HIA focused on three themes: residential displacement from flooding; connectivity and physical activity; and the relationship between housing, jobs, and […]

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