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Showing 111 results

Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled RMG/ Southside Recycling Permit Application which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions, people living in poverty, workers and employees; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

RMG/ Southside Recycling Permit Application

This Health Impact Assessment assesses the health equity impacts of the RMG/Southside Recycling proposal. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, or the Robert Wood […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tree Canopy Cover Goals which includes icons related to the following: environmental health, thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Urban; Quantitative research; thriving natural world, thriving natural world

Philadelphia’s Tree Canopy Cover Goals

This health impact assessment estimates the annual premature mortality burden for adult residents associated with projected changes in tree canopy cover in Philadelphia between 2014 and 2025. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Studying Trail Enhancement Plans which includes icons related to the following: ; tribal communities,

Cuba Continental Divide National Scenic Trail Enhancement Plans

This health impact assessment presents information through a sequential series of questions that support and lead to predictions and recommendations for the new Cuba Continental Divide National Scenic Trail segment. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Making Nature Accessible in Urban Areas which includes icons related to the following: parks; people living in poverty, people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Urban; Survey; belonging and civic muscle

Making Nature Accessible in Urban Areas: Glendale Forest Park

This health impact assessment aims to explore how Glendale Forest Park might impact the community’s health, either positively or negatively, and make recommendations for how the park could promote positive health impacts and reduce adverse effects. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kingsbury Bay-Grassy Point Habitat Restoration which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world, environmental health; people living in poverty,

Kingsbury Bay-Grassy Point Habitat Restoration

This health impact assessment examined the potential public health implications of the Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) habitat restoration project (i.e., potential impacts on physical, mental, and social well-being), including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) restoration work and how people will access and utilize the project sites following restoration. – The creation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Potential Costs and Health Benefits of Parks After Dark which includes icons related to the following: parks, Incarceration, physical activity, neighborhood safety, meaningful work and wealth; children and youth, justice-involved populations, people living in poverty, urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle, basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, meaningful work and wealth

Parks After Dark

This Health Impact Assessment evaluates the Parks After Dark (PAD), Los Angeles County Gang Violence Reduction Initiative, program’s health impacts and costs. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rondo Land Bridge which includes icons related to the following: physical activity, clean air, clean water, employment;

Rondo Land Bridge

This health impact assessment highlighted key findings and recommendations related to green space, physical activity opportunities, and the local economy to inform decisions regarding the land bridge project, which is part of a broader effort to revitalize the Rondo neighborhood. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rainier RapidRide Bus Rapid Transit Project which includes icons related to the following: active transportation, Safe and affordable public transit; english language learners,

Rainier RapidRide Bus Rapid Transit Project

The goals of this HIA were to help Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and the impacted community: 1. Examine potential implications for public health related to the Rainier RapidRide 2. Mitigate the Rainier RapidRide’s negative impacts on the community’s health by providing recommendations, and 3. Highlight positive impacts on the community of the proposed project. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled NYC L-train Shutdown which includes icons related to the following: environmental health, active transportation, clean air, Noise, physical activity, employment, belonging and civic muscle; workers and employees, people living in poverty, people with disabilities, children and youth, older adults; Urban; Stakeholder interviews; thriving natural world, reliable transportation, thriving natural world, basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, meaningful work and wealth, belonging and civic muscle

NYC L-train Shutdown

This health impact assessment to understand how the 15-month shutdown of New York City’s L-Train would affect commuters’ health. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Green Zones which includes icons related to the following: clean air, clean water, infrastructure, housing, employment, education, Safe and affordable public transit, healthcare access, complete communities;

Green Zones in the City of Minneapolis

This health impact assessment was initiated due to a Minnesota state legislation mandate to address health equity specifically. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Big Sky Villas Rehabilitation which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Suburban; Mixed methods; humane housing

Big Sky Villas Rehabilitation

This project aimed to identify the potential health impacts of the proposed rehabilitation for the Big Sky Villas Apartments complex using a Health Impact Assessment (HIA). – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan Update which includes icons related to the following: food access, physical activity, complete communities; people living in poverty, older adults, children and youth,

City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan Update

The goals of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan Update HIA included strengthening health-related Comprehensive Plan goals and policies and providing guidance to improve community population-based health outcomes through City actions related to physical activity and healthy food. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views […]

Marshall GreenStep Cities

This Health Impact Assessment aims to guide the City of Marshall and the GreenStep Committee in prioritizing their participation in the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program to enhance community health. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Payday Lending in Tulsa County which includes icons related to the following: employment; workers and employees, people living in poverty,

Payday Lending in Tulsa County

This health impact assessment was conducted in order to determine the health impacts associated with payday lending in Oklahoma. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Town ‘N’ Country Parks and Recreation which includes icons related to the following: parks; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions, people living in poverty, english language learners,

Town ‘N’ Country Parks and Recreation

The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County, in conjunction with the Hillsborough County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation and Partners in Obesity Prevention, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of policy and programming changes that would allow businesses to provide free outdoor fitness classes in five parks and recreation centers in the Town […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Off-Premise Alcohol Outlets which includes icons related to the following: substance use; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Off-Premise Alcohol Outlets

This HIA adds to the scope of a previous HIA that examined the relationship between liquor outlets and violence.  The project team assessed the relationship between high concentrations of liquor outlets and violence, with the goal of informing the current ‘non-conforming alcohol outlet amortization proposal’ to ensure that amortized alcohol outlet licenses do not relocate […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mass Transit Funding in California which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; children and youth, people living in poverty, older adults, people with disabilities; ; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Mass Transit Funding in California

The Governor of California proposed a budget for FY 2007/2008 that included provisions to reallocate $1.3 billion in gasoline sales tax revenue that had been targeted for transit operations, maintenance, and capital projects to other statewide programs. The HIA examined how the proposed cuts to transit funding could impact public health through air, water, and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Healthy Planning in Pasadena, Texas which includes icons related to the following: built environment; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research;

Healthy Planning in Pasadena, Texas

Located in the Houston metropolitan area, Pasadena is the second-largest city in Harris County, Texas, and is near two of the four largest refineries in the U.S. Pasadena’s Code of Ordinances states that the director of planning should coordinate the development of a city plan that covers multiple years. The HIA provided recommendations to the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled King Street Station Multimodal Hub which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

King Street Station Multimodal Hub

This rapid health impact assessment (HIA), produced by a team of University of Washington graduate students, identifies potential health concerns and action items as the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) launches a multiyear effort designed to improve infrastructure in the area surrounding King Street Station in the Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District neighborhoods. The King […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Division Street Gateway which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; people living in poverty; Urban; Survey; reliable transportation

Division Street Gateway

The City of Spokane is redeveloping the Division Street Gateway, a little over a mile of State Highway 2 that runs through the heart of downtown Spokane from its inception at Interstate 90 to its intersection with the Spokane River and north to the Gonzaga University neighborhood. This is essentially the city’s front door and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Community Climate Choices which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Quantitative research;

Community Climate Choices

Between 2011 and 2014, the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division conducted three health impact assessments (HIAs) on elements of Portland Metro’s Climate Smart Communities planning project. The Portland metro regional government requested the HIAs to ensure that decision-makers had access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and approved a greenhouse […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2 which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle;

Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2

In partnership with the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) and Fall River Mass in Motion, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council conducted an HIA that examined the proposed Phase 2 of the Quequechan River Rail Trail (QRRT) project in the City of Fall River, Massachusetts. Phase 1 of the project was one mile […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Project HEAL (Health.Equity.Art.Learning) which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle;

Project HEAL (Health.Equity.Art.Learning)

The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, IDEAS xLab, and the Commonwealth Institute of Kentucky conducted an HIA to examine how implementing Project HEAL could affect health in the Smoketown neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. Project HEAL is a community development model that uses arts and culture activities to increase civic engagement and drive […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Eagle Pathways and Trails Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; ; Focus groups; reliable transportation

Eagle Pathways and Trails Plan

With funding from St. Luke’s Foundation, Vitruvian Planning and the Eagle (Idaho) Parks and Recreation Department conducted an HIA to understand how the city’s Pathways and Trails Plan might influence the health of area residents. Recommendations Focus on areas with the highest socio-economic need for bicycle paths, pedestrian trails, and accessible green spaces when selecting […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; ; Literature Review; humane housing

Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

This health impact assessment, or HIA, will inform the 2015 Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for low-income housing tax credits. The plan is required each year as the Internal Revenue Service allocates housing tax credits to state agencies, which then award the credits to developers of qualified projects. The HIA, conducted by the Georgia Health Policy […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fort McPherson Interim Zoning which includes icons related to the following: built environment; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods;

Fort McPherson Interim Zoning

The HIA addressed the health effects of zoning provisions on the nearby residents’ nutrition, physical activity and social cohesion during the interim-use phase of a major redevelopment and new land use plan for Atlanta’s Fort McPherson’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. The zoning provisions that govern permitted uses of land, green space and transportation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Atlanta Regional Plan 2040 which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Survey;

Atlanta Regional Plan 2040

The first-ever HIA on a major metropolitan transportation and comprehensive growth plan will be led by the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD) at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture. Plan 2040—which is being conducted by the Atlanta Regional Commission, the local intergovernmental-coordination agency—integrates multiple aspects of regional planning, including transportation, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Atlanta Beltline which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods;

Atlanta Beltline

This HIA was a collaborative effort of the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD), a research center of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture and staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Focused on the planning process for the Atlanta Beltline—a major public transit, trails, parks and urban-redevelopment project—the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment

The Florida Department of Health in Lee County conducted an HIA of community-driven alternatives to the county’s neighborhood connectivity plan for the Tice historic community. The HIA investigated the potential health implications of community connectivity and access to green space and schools in the plan. The report concluded that the plan stood to benefit the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit

MetroPlan Orlando, in partnership with the University of Central Florida and the Winter Park Health Foundation, conducted the first transportation HIA in central Florida. The state Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit HIA analyzed the potential effects of implementing bus rapid transit along 22 miles of SR 50 on the physical, social, and emotional health of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People With Criminal Records which includes icons related to the following: housing; justice-involved populations; Urban; Qualitative research; humane housing

The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People With Criminal Records

Historically, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development policies have exposed people with a criminal history and their families to eviction and denial of housing. Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, conducted an HIA that assessed the health and equity impacts of public housing screening policies that exclude […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Drinking Water Project Funding which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

California Drinking Water Project Funding

The Sequoia Foundation, in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health and the Public Health Institute, conducted an HIA to provide recommendations to the California Water Board on criteria used to determine funding for drinking water projects, and work to standardize the use of HIAs among California agencies. The state annually revises its drinking […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods;

Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan

The Clark County Community Planning Department in Vancouver, Washington, developed a Sub-Area Plan to revitalize Highway 99 and surrounding neighborhoods. Clark County Public Health conducted an HIA, which was included in the plan. The HIA explored the plan’s potential effects on several health issues, including access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity, reliance on […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Proposed Opioid Pre-Authorization Policy in Utah which includes icons related to the following: substance use; people living in poverty; ; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Proposed Opioid Pre-Authorization Policy in Utah

Public health graduate students at Brigham Young University conducted an HIA to analyze the potential health effects of a bill proposed in the Utah Legislature to require prescribers to get prior authorization from an insurer for any opioid prescription that exceeds 90-morphine equivalents; for benzodiazepines prescribed to patients already taking opioids; and for new chronic […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Advanced Metering Infrastructure which includes icons related to the following: Extreme weather events; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP) at Boston Medical Center conducted an HIA of a pilot program run by Illinois’ largest electric utility, Commonwealth Edison. The project assessed the potential health effects of implementing “smart metering” technology in western metropolitan Chicago. Health effects included how these innovations could alter the risk of potentially life-threatening […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Proctor Creek's Boone Boulevard Green Street which includes icons related to the following: built environment; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods;

Proctor Creek’s Boone Boulevard Green Street

Proctor Creek in the Atlanta metropolitan area has been placed on the impaired waters list because it does not meet state water quality standards for fecal coliform. The topography, prevalence of impervious surfaces in the watershed, and strains on the combined sewer system have contributed to pervasive flooding in the communities along Proctor Creek and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Alachua County Transportation Access to Healthy Food Sources which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Suburban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Alachua County Transportation Access to Healthy Food Sources

The University of Florida Department of Urban and Regional Planning, in partnership with the Florida Department of Health, conducted a rapid health impact assessment of proposed changes to built environment and transportation access in the Tower Triangle area of the city of Gainesville, in Alachua County, Florida. The HIA focused on how these proposed changes […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled South Lincoln Homes which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Qualitative research;

South Lincoln Homes

A health impact assessment was completed for a master plan for the South Lincoln housing redevelopment owned by the Denver Housing Authority (DHA). EnviroHealth Consulting completed the HIA and subcontracted to MITHUN firm who was hired by DHA to complete the master plan. In the neighborhood, approximately 38% live in poverty, more than half of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Senate Bill 622: Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax which includes icons related to the following: nutrition; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; basic needs for health and safety

California Senate Bill 622: Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax

Community Health Councils Inc., along with other members of the Los Angeles County Healthy Community Collaborative, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of California Senate Bill 622 (S.B. 622), which would impose a penny-per-ounce tax on distributors of sugar-sweetened beverages manufactured in the state. All revenue (taxes, penalties, and interest) collected under S.B. 622 would […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Humboldt County General Plan Update which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Humboldt County General Plan Update

The HIA addressed an update of the Humboldt County General Plan. Three growth alternatives to accommodate future population were being considered in the General Plan Update (GPU): 1) denser development in urban areas; 2) some growth to exurban areas; and 3) unrestricted growth throughout the county. Pathways and health issues explored included comments on six […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fresno County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; ; ; ; reliable transportation

Fresno County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies

California’s Senate Bill 375 mandates that each regional government in California develop and adopt plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in part through developing Regional Transportation Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies that will guide local land use, transportation, and other decisions important to greenhouse gas emissions.  California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) conducted two health impact […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Alameda County Goods Movement Planning for Health which includes icons related to the following: clean air; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Alameda County Goods Movement Planning for Health

Through a grant to the San Francisco Study Center, the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative conducted an HIA to inform development of long-range strategies for moving goods efficiently, reliably, and sustainably within, to, from, and through the county by road, rail, air, and water to be included in the final freight component of the Alameda County […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lincoln Park Small Area Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods

Lincoln Park Small Area Plan

The Minnesota Department of Health conducted an HIA of the potential health effects of the small area plan for the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Duluth. The HIA analyzed how the plan could affect community health and offered recommendations to maximize potential benefits and reduce negative impacts, with a focus on four topics: land use and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Omaha Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Literature Review; humane housing

Omaha Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan

The Douglas County Health Department conducted an HIA to inform the Omaha Planning Department and City Council’s Deer Park Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan, which will rehabilitate 33 existing properties, construct five new homes, and assemble a range of partners to address future needs of neighborhood residents. Housing has implications for such health issues as lead poisoning, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ortiz Avenue Road Widening which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Qualitative research; reliable transportation

Ortiz Avenue Road Widening

Researchers from Florida Gulf Coast University, in partnership with the Tice Historic Community Planning Panel, completed a rapid HIA of a road-widening project in a primarily low-income minority community in Lee County, Florida. In 2010 Lee County Department of Transportation completed the design plans for Ortiz Avenue. These design plans identified a four-lane, divided road […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kings Ridge Apartments which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods;

Kings Ridge Apartments

The Kings Ridge apartments have been traditionally plagued by crime, poverty and poor health. A new management company has purchased the property and developed a community renovation plan which is designed to improve the health, safety and quality of life of residents. This HIA examines the plan and progress, looking at its effects on indicators […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Farmers Field which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods;

Farmers Field

In 2012, Human Impact Partners worked with the Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN), the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA), and Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles (PSR-LA) to conduct a rapid HIA of the proposed construction of the 72,000 seat Farmers Field football stadium in downtown Los Angeles. The HIA included […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Planning for Parks, Green Space, and Trails in Greenville's West Side which includes icons related to the following: physical activity; people living in poverty; Urban; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Planning for Parks, Green Space, and Trails in Greenville’s West Side

The HIA recommended that the city take steps to mitigate the potential effects of gentrification and displacement, such as making adequate affordable housing stock available and minimizing displacement, evictions, and foreclosures that may occur as a result of the potential park and additional redevelopment. The assessment also recommended that the park include a means to […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mid-Michigan Fair and Affordable Housing Plan which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; humane housing

Mid-Michigan Fair and Affordable Housing Plan

This health impact assessment will inform the development of a five-year fair and affordable housing plan by incorporating potential health impacts, social equity, and environmental justice into future housing policies The plan will also incorporate findings of an affordable housing study being conducted by Michigan State University. FAHP’s planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Long Beach Housing Element which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; humane housing

Long Beach Housing Element

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, Housing Long Beach, and Human Impact Partners conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the Housing Element of the City of Long Beach General Plan. This update is required every eight years by the State of California. The HIA focused on housing affordability, quality, and location. The HIA made […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled West North Avenue Streetscape Plan which includes icons related to the following: built environment; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research;

West North Avenue Streetscape Plan

The Baltimore City Health Department conducted an HIA of the West North Avenue Streetscape Plan, an urban redevelopment project for a major east-west corridor in the city. The HIA sought to determine the impacts of alternative streetscape design features on the health of residents and to identify design priorities that would promote community health. Consultation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Texas Water and Sanitation which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Texas Water and Sanitation

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), conducted an HIA to inform the village of Vinton of the health impacts of proposed water and sanitation improvement projects. Vinton is a small border town with high levels of unemployment […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Curry County Housing Stock Upgrade Initiative Pilot which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Rural; Mixed methods; humane housing

Curry County Housing Stock Upgrade Initiative Pilot

The HIA examined the potential health impacts on Curry County, Oregon, residents’ health of upgraded manufactured housing and recommended ways to tailor the housing stock improvements pilot program to meet health needs. The HIA found that replacing older manufactured homes could significantly boost health by improving indoor air quality, reducing falls, and contributing to positive […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Potential Utility Fee to Fund Columbia Transit which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Survey; reliable transportation

Potential Utility Fee to Fund Columbia Transit

The Columbia Transit system is stressed due to increased student ridership, new routes, budget cuts, and higher fuel costs. The Columbia/Boone County Department of Health and Human Services conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) in response to the Columbia Transit System Expansion HIA completed in 2012. The Columbia, Missouri City Council requested an HIA […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Urban; Focus groups; basic needs for health and safety

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

This HIA informed the Illinois General Assembly’s deliberations on legislative proposals to seek a waiver from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to ban the use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for purchasing sugar-sweetened beverages. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lowry Corridor, Phase 2  which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research;

Lowry Corridor, Phase 2

The HIA addressed the health impacts of the planned Phase 2 reconstruction of the Lowry Avenue Corridor, a five-mile thoroughfare located north of downtown Minneapolis. Some of the influences on health explored in the HIA included social and cultural change as the economic characteristics of the neighborhood evolve; employment and economy; environmental issues, such as […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Single-Room Occupancy Hotels in San Francisco which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; humane housing

Single-Room Occupancy Hotels in San Francisco

The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to explore how three policies it was considering could improve health for residents in single-room occupancy hotels, which serve as the biggest source of inexpensive housing for the city’s most vulnerable populations, such as seniors, adults with disabilities, and children. They typically offer an 8-by-10 […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled San Pablo Corridor which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; humane housing

San Pablo Corridor

The HIA addressed a decision about where to locate affordable housing along a high-traffic transit and retail corridor in Richmond and El Cerrito, California. The HIA was done in conjunction with a planning process for revitalization of the corridor. Pathways and health issues explored included neighborhood “health assets” (e.g., parks, trails, community centers, schools, transit […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Food System Planning in Davidson, North Carolina which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Rural; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Food System Planning in Davidson, North Carolina

Davidson Design for Life conducted a health impact assessment of the existing food environment in Davidson, North Carolina. The HIA sought to inform partnering stakeholders and the Davidson Board of Commissioners on ways to increase access to local, healthy foods and ways to increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables for vulnerable populations such as […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Macon, Georgia Second Street Redevelopment Plan which includes icons related to the following: built environment; people living in poverty; Urban; Qualitative research;

Macon, Georgia Second Street Redevelopment Plan

The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD) partnered with the Georgia Department of Public Health to conduct an HIA to explore the health impact associated with the redevelopment of a downtown corridor in Macon, Georgia. The population in the study area faces a variety of health challenges, such as low socioeconomic status and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled City of Minneapolis Above the Falls Master Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Qualitative research;

City of Minneapolis Above the Falls Master Plan

This HIA informed revisions to the City of Minneapolis Above the Falls Master Plan, which will guide redevelopment of an industrial area along the upper Mississippi riverfront in Minneapolis. The Master Plan, being drafted by the City of Minneapolis Department of Community Planning & Economic Development, is intended to increase public access and use of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ca�o Martin Pe�a which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Caño Martin Peña

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit in New York City conducted an HIA to inform Puerto Rican policy makers on their decision to fund a comprehensive development plan for improving sanitation infrastructure, as well as dredging and removing heavily polluted sludge from a two-mile stretch of the Caño […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Vancouver Comprehensive Plan Revision which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Urban; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Vancouver Comprehensive Plan Revision

Clark County Public Health conducted a rapid HIA to examine the potential health impacts of Vancouver, Washington’s comprehensive plan revision. The HIA focused on two determinants of health: physical activity and access to healthy food. The HIA found that the proposed planning, policy and zoning changes will likely have positive impacts on the community by […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Utility Rulemaking on Connecticut�s Public Benefit Fund which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; humane housing

Utility Rulemaking on Connecticut’s Public Benefit Fund

National Association of State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) is supporting a Weatherization Plus Health pilot in Connecticut, collaborating with the CT Association for Community Action (CAFCA) and community action agency New Opportunities, Inc. (NOI) to deliver integrated weatherization and healthy homes interventions to low-income households. Securing funding that is adequate, flexible, and sustainable is vital […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled College Park/University of Maryland Metro and MARC Station TDDP/TDOZ which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

College Park/University of Maryland Metro and MARC Station TDDP/TDOZ

HIAs are mandated for new development projects in Prince George’s County, Maryland (County Bill CB-41-2011). This legislation builds health into policies, provides a tool to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases and injuries, and requests that the county Planning Board refer site plans at specific stages to the county Health Department for HIA review. The […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Sunnydale Public Housing Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; humane housing

Sunnydale Public Housing Redevelopment

The San Francisco Department of Public Health is undertaking an HIA to provide information on the planning of a public housing redevelopment. The effort is part of an initiative to link housing and public health goals in the San Francisco area. Other similar HIAs underway—addressing redevelopment of Potrero and Westside Courts public housing sites—will focus […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tampa Brownfields Redevelopment Plan which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Tampa Brownfields Redevelopment Plan

The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County conducted an HIA on the EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Plan, a proposal to redevelop various sites in Tampa’s University Area Community. The HIA investigated the potential health effects of the plan and whether they would disproportionately affect certain populations, such as racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with physical […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled University of Southern California Specific Plan which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

University of Southern California Specific Plan

Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with Strategic Actions for a Just Economy and Esperanza Community Housing Corp., conducted a rapid HIA of a proposed 5.2-million-square-foot build-out on the University Park campus of the University of Southern California. The proposal included retail space, restaurants, a hotel, and student housing. The HIA emphasized community involvement and focused […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Boston Living Wage Ordinance which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Boston Living Wage Ordinance

The Boston Public Health Commission conducted an HIA to inform upcoming decisions by the mayor and City Council on proposed changes to the Boston Living Wage Ordinance. The law, first passed in 1998, was designed to ensure that employees of city contractors would earn a wage that allows a family of four to live at […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Western Massachusetts Casino which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Qualitative research; meaningful work and wealth

Western Massachusetts Casino

Partners for a Healthier Community, or PHC, conducted an HIA to inform the Massachusetts Gaming Commission, local municipalities, and the public about the location of a casino in the four-county region of western Massachusetts. Legislation passed in November 2011 allows for as many as three destination resort casinos in three regions of the state, with […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Federal Boulevard Framework Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Survey; reliable transportation

Federal Boulevard Framework Plan

This health impact assessment (HIA) informed the proposed Federal Boulevard framework plan, with a specific focus on the light-rail stations at 60th Avenue and Federal Boulevard and at 71st Avenue and Irving Street in the Denver area. The planning area included the Federal Boulevard corridor in areas of Adams County. Although the goal of the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Marin Housing Code Enforcement Policies which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; humane housing

Marin Housing Code Enforcement Policies

Legal Aid of Marin and Human Impact Partners conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed changes to the Housing Code Enforcement Policy in three jurisdictions in California: unincorporated Marin County, Novato, and San Rafael. The HIA examined how common housing complaints such as water incursion, pests infestations, mold and dampness, electrical problems, and heating […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rental Assistance Demonstration Project which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Primary research; humane housing

Rental Assistance Demonstration Project

Human Impact Partners, Advancement Project, and National People’s Action conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of Congress’ federal 2011 proposed Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) project to re-organize public housing funding and management structures. Using mixed research methods, the HIA assessed the impacts of RAD on: management, evictions, and resident organizing; housing affordability, stability, and quality; […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Hoboken Stormwater Management Plan and Ordinance which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Hoboken Stormwater Management Plan and Ordinance

In partnership with New Jersey Future and the city of Hoboken, Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy completed an HIA examining the potential health effects of implementing green infrastructure-based stormwater management strategies to address chronic flooding and combined sewer system (CSS) backups and overflows in Hoboken. Over the past decade, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

This HIA addressed the health implications of the Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Some of the pathways and health issues explored included physical activity and food access, with special consideration to the particular health challenges that face vulnerable populations, such as low-income families. Outcome Clark County Public Health received Active Living Research’s 2012 […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Warranty of Habitability in Arkansas which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Warranty of Habitability in Arkansas

The Arkansas Community Institute, Central Arkansas ReEntry Coalition, and local partners conducted an HIA of H.B. 1166, which would create a “warranty of habitability”—a set of basic statewide quality standards in public and private rental housing. The project focused on the bill’s potential impacts on low-income renters living south of Interstate 630 in Little Rock, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Replacing Public Housing Units Destroyed by Hurricane Ike which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; humane housing

Replacing Public Housing Units Destroyed by Hurricane Ike

In 2008, Hurricane Ike brought disaster to Galveston, Texas, destroying over 500 public housing units and displacing residents, many of whom already faced a disproportionate burden of poor health determinants and outcomes such as lack of access to medical care and exercise opportunities, and higher rates of asthma, high blood pressure, and other conditions. Local […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled San Francisco Bay Area's Regional Transportation Plan which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

San Francisco Bay Area’s Regional Transportation Plan

This HIA, conducted by the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD), informed the development of the San Francisco Bay Area’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), which will serve as a guide to transportation-related investments over the next 25 years. The assessment examined the equity impacts–or how the new Plan might affect different populations in different ways–of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Just Cause for Eviction which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; humane housing

Just Cause for Eviction

This Rapid Health Impact Assessment (RHIA) evaluated the potential health impacts on renters of Boston’s proposed Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance, which would require landlords to have a “just cause,” including any violation of the lease terms, before evicting tenants. A group of students in the Healthy Cities course in the Department of Urban Studies […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled PlanBTV South End which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods

PlanBTV South End

The Vermont Department of Health, along with the city of Burlington, conducted an HIA to determine the potential health impacts of proposed development decisions in planBTV, a long-range plan for Burlington’s South End neighborhood. The HIA assessed potential effects of land use, transportation and recreation, and community services on chronic diseases and mental health, focusing […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Coffelt-Lamoreaux Public Housing Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; humane housing

Coffelt-Lamoreaux Public Housing Redevelopment

Catalyze Research and Consulting, LLC, along with the Phoenix Revitalization Corporation and with support from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Phoenix, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the proposed plan for redevelopment of the Coffelt-Lamoreaux Public Housing Project (Coffelt) in Phoenix, Arizona. Coffelt is the oldest operational public housing project in Maricopa County. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Transportation Policy Recommendations in the Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Literature Review; reliable transportation

Transportation Policy Recommendations in the Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan

This HIA explored seven transportation recommendations made in the Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP) and looked at the health impacts of each policy as it relates to physical activity, air pollution and collisions. Recommendations encouraged the full adoption of the transportation policies found in the CEAP—as they were found to have the potential […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Houston Transit-Oriented Development which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Houston Transit-Oriented Development

Texas Southern University conducted an HIA to examine the health impacts of possible development patterns that could occur in the neighborhood near a planned station on a 30-mile, five-corridor light rail expansion. Transit-oriented development generally includes high-density housing and a mix of shopping choices near transit stops in order to encourage use of public transportation. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Elmira Housing which includes icons related to the following: housing; people living in poverty; Quantitative research; humane housing

Elmira Housing

In 2018, Common Ground Health conducted a rapid HIA to examine the effects of aging housing stock on the health of low-income communities in Elmira, New York, and to inform neighborhood revitalization efforts. More than 90% of the city’s housing was built before 1950, and some of these aging dwellings present a high risk of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Pay Equity Policies which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Pay Equity Policies

With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Wayne County, MI Department of Public Health completed a health impact assessment (HIA) of a national and statewide policy proposal for gender pay equity.  Wayne County DPH’s Place Matters team is focused on infant mortality, and is interested to work on upstream issues that impact maternal and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Small Business Technical Assistance Program which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Massachusetts Small Business Technical Assistance Program

The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, together with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, conducted an HIA to inform state decisions on funding for the Small Business Technical Assistance (SBTA) Program, an initiative that incubates and supports small businesses in underserved Massachusetts communities. The HIA explored links between the income-generating effects of supporting small […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Richmond Highway Transit Center which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Richmond Highway Transit Center

The Fairfax County Health Department conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to examine the potential health effects of developing a new transit center along the Richmond Highway Corridor, which connects major commercial, residential, and recreational areas in Northern Virginia. The HIA aimed to inform the site selection process for the new transit center and offered […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Wichita Transit System which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Wichita Transit System

The Kansas Health Institute and the University of Kansas School of Medicine – Wichita conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to inform a Wichita City Council vote on proposed changes to the city’s transit system. The HIA found that the health of people who do not have a reliable car or social network would be […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan for a Community in Albany, Georgia which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan for a Community in Albany, Georgia

The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology, along with the Georgia Department of Public Health, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the redevelopment of McIntosh Homes, a public housing project in Albany, Georgia. The redevelopment plan for McIntosh Homes was developed by the Albany Housing Authority (AHA) […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Potential Full-Service Grocery Store Development in a Food Desert which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Urban; Qualitative research; basic needs for health and safety

Potential Full-Service Grocery Store Development in a Food Desert

Indiana University Fairbanks School of Public Health, along with the Marion County Public Health Department and Indiana Minority Health Coalition, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of a potential full-service grocery store development in the neighborhood locally known as the Meadows, a federally-designated food desert on the northeast side of Indianapolis, Indiana. Access to fresh […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Madison Heights which includes icons related to the following: housing; Urban; Primary research; humane housing

Madison Heights

The Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS), in partnership with the Local Iniative Support Corporation (LISC), the Housing Authority of Maricopa County, and the Maricopa County Department of Health, conducted an HIA on the redevelopment of Madison Heights, a public housing unit near Phoenix, Arizona. The HIA examined the potential health effect of the development […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lower South District Plan which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

Lower South District Plan

As part of Philadelphia’s zoning and planning process, the City Department of Public Health and Planning Commission conducted an HIA to better understand the health implications of implementing three elements of the Lower South District Plan. The Lower South District Plan is one of 18 District Plans that make up the Comprehensive Plan, Philadelphia 2035. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Wage Theft in Los Angeles which includes icons related to the following: employment; people living in poverty; Urban; Focus groups; meaningful work and wealth

Wage Theft in Los Angeles

Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with the Los Angeles Coalition Against Wage Theft, conducted an HIA of the proposed wage theft ordinance in Los Angeles. In 2014, the coalition proposed provisions for the ordinance that were accepted by the City Council and then reviewed by the Los Angeles city attorney. The proposed ordinance includes provisions […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Healthy Corridor for All which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; Urban; Primary research;

Healthy Corridor for All

ISAIAH, TakeAction Minnesota and PolicyLink worked together in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area to conduct an HIA of proposed land-use changes related to a new light rail transit line that will connect the Twin Cities. The Central Corridor Light Rail Transit line, which runs through low-income and immigrant communities in St. Paul, could have wide-reaching, positive […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled 2013 U.S. Farm Bill Reauthorization which includes icons related to the following: food access; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

2013 U.S. Farm Bill Reauthorization

Federal spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) was a central dispute during the 112th and 113th Congressional deliberations over the Farm Bill reauthorization. The Senate and House introduced several bills that sought to reduce SNAP spending by changing the procedures that states use to determine eligibility and the benefit amount that some participating […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ohio Housing Inspections which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Primary research; humane housing

Ohio Housing Inspections

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA), in collaboration with The Ohio State University College of Public Health, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to inform decisions on a proposal to improve interagency coordination and streamline the current system for housing inspections on affordable housing units. At present, different inspections are conducted or required by local […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fitchburg Vacant Lots which includes icons related to the following: neighborhood safety; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; basic needs for health and safety

Fitchburg Vacant Lots

The City of Fitchburg, along with the Montachusett Opportunity Council, the Montachusett Regional Planning Council, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and Fun ‘n FITchburg, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) that examined the City of Fitchburg’s proposals for the redevelopment of vacant lots around the city. The city considered several strategies for the lots, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Healthy T for a Healthy Region which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Quantitative research; reliable transportation

Healthy T for a Healthy Region

Working with colleagues from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Boston University School of Public Health, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the two proposals of fare increases and service cuts aimed at closing the Boston T’s projected deficit of $161 million this year. Under Scenario […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Alcohol Outlet Density in Mendocino County which includes icons related to the following: substance use; people living in poverty; Rural; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Alcohol Outlet Density in Mendocino County

Mendocino County is classified as a moratorium county under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Business and Professional Code 23817.5: the ratio of Type 20 off-sale beer and wine licenses exceeds one for every 2,500 inhabitants. Mendocino has 48 outlets per 10,000 residents compared to 21 outlets per 10,000 residents in California state-wide. This HIA, conducted by […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Long Beach Downtown Plan which includes icons related to the following: employment; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; meaningful work and wealth

Long Beach Downtown Plan

Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice and Californians for Justice, conducted a rapid HIA to examine how the proposed Long Beach Downtown Plan would impact the health and employment of residents, particularly low-income and vulnerable populations. The Long Beach Downtown Plan is a 25-year plan to add approximately 5,000 […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Power Generation Alternatives for the Michoud Natural Gas Plants which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Power Generation Alternatives for the Michoud Natural Gas Plants

The Louisiana Public Health Institute, in partnership with the Alliance for Affordable Energy, conducted an HIA of a proposed natural gas combustion turbine plant in the New Orleans East neighborhood. It would be built on the site of the Michoud Power Plant, a steam turbine facility that was decommissioned in June 2016. The health impact […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Second Street Corridor-Manchester, NH which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research;

Second Street Corridor-Manchester, NH

The Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC) conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) that examined the potential health impacts of the Second Street Corridor Project in Manchester, New Hampshire. The Second Street Corridor Access and Mixed Use Overlay Zoning Project is funded by a grant provided to the City of Manchester through the New Hampshire […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Downtown-Westside Baltimore which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; belonging and civic muscle

Downtown-Westside Baltimore

At the request of the city of Baltimore and the University of Maryland, the Baltimore City Health Department conducted a rapid HIA to identify potential health equity issues associated with redevelopment of the Lexington Market area of the Downtown-Westside neighborhood. The redevelopment would feature mixed-income, mixed-use development and implement the Complete Streets approach to roadway […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Crossings at 29th and San Pedro St. - South Central Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; humane housing

The Crossings at 29th and San Pedro St. – South Central Redevelopment

The HIA addressed plans for The Crossings at 29th Street, a proposed 11.6-acre development in South Los Angeles providing more than 450 units of affordable housing, as well as retail and multipurpose space for community activities. The four-block area where The Crossings will be developed is currently being rezoned from industrial to residential and is […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Massachusetts Community Investment Tax Credit Grant Program which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; Mixed methods;

Massachusetts Community Investment Tax Credit Grant Program

Health Resources in Action, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, will conduct a health impact assessment, or HIA, to inform the promulgation of regulations by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development that will guide the release of funding for community development corporations under the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Portland City Council�s Rental Housing Inspections Program which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Qualitative research; humane housing

Portland City Council’s Rental Housing Inspections Program

This health impact assessment (HIA) of the City of Portland’s rental housing inspection program compared the program’s two current inspections models, the standard inspection model and the pilot enhanced model in East Portland, finding that both improve the health of rental housing residents but that the enhanced model has greater potential to contribute to improved […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Cole Creek which includes icons related to the following: parks; people living in poverty; Urban; Secondary; belonging and civic muscle

Cole Creek

The Douglas County Health Department conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of 40 vacant lots along a 3-mile stretch of Cole Creek in Omaha, Nebraska. The vacant lots were created as part of an erosion control and flood-buyout program. The HIA informed the City of Omaha Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department how this vacant […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mid-Michigan Regional Urban and Rural Services Management Policy which includes icons related to the following: healthcare access; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Mid-Michigan Regional Urban and Rural Services Management Policy

In 2005, 48 jurisdictions in central Michigan adopted a regional growth plan that encouraged cooperation, such as joint planning and shared services, including policing, fire protection, and tax assessments, to maximize revenue and ensure the sustainability of public services. As part of these efforts, the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission developed a regional urban and rural […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Phoenix Light Rail Transit Extension which includes icons related to the following: safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

Phoenix Light Rail Transit Extension

This health impact assessment examined the transit extension connecting South Phoenix, a disadvantaged neighborhood, to the existing light-rail line of the city. Valley Metro, a public transportation provider in the Phoenix area, is the key decision-maker and has supported previous HIA work in Arizona. The HIA addressed improved access to health care services for the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Milton U.S. 7 Corridor which includes icons related to the following: physical activity; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Milton U.S. 7 Corridor

The Burlington District Office of the Vermont Department of Health, in collaboration with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, the Town of Milton, and other stakeholders, conducted an HIA of the reconfiguration of a 3-mile corridor of U.S. Route 7 in Milton. Eight strategies are proposed for the corridor; the HIA focused on the four […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Trinity Plaza Housing Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; humane housing

Trinity Plaza Housing Redevelopment

This HIA addressed a proposal to demolish an older apartment building with over 360 rent-controlled units, and replace them with 1,400 market-rate condominiums. The analysis concluded that displacing current residents could have serious adverse health effects, such as increasing food insecurity and hunger, mental health problems, and the risk of homelessness (which has implications for […]

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