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Showing 126 results
Draft 2018 University of California, Merced Long Range Development Plan
Merced County is fast-growing and has a higher proportion of residents in poverty compared with California or the U.S., broadly. In addition, the residential vacancy rates are low, making affordable housing scarce. Individuals and families struggling to pay for housing have limited resources for other essentials, such as food, clothing, health care and medication, utilities, […]
Mass Transit Funding in California
The Governor of California proposed a budget for FY 2007/2008 that included provisions to reallocate $1.3 billion in gasoline sales tax revenue that had been targeted for transit operations, maintenance, and capital projects to other statewide programs. The HIA examined how the proposed cuts to transit funding could impact public health through air, water, and […]
Healthy Planning in Pasadena, Texas
Located in the Houston metropolitan area, Pasadena is the second-largest city in Harris County, Texas, and is near two of the four largest refineries in the U.S. Pasadena’s Code of Ordinances states that the director of planning should coordinate the development of a city plan that covers multiple years. The HIA provided recommendations to the […]
Knox County Health Department Community Garden
The purpose of this HIA was to inform policy decisions related to the placement and maintenance of community gardens in Knox County Tennessee. The HIA was used to educate policy makers about why certain communities might be better suited for a gardens. Although zoning can have a major effect on the placement of community gardens, […]
Community Climate Choices
Between 2011 and 2014, the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division conducted three health impact assessments (HIAs) on elements of Portland Metro’s Climate Smart Communities planning project. The Portland metro regional government requested the HIAs to ensure that decision-makers had access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and approved a greenhouse […]
Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2
In partnership with the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) and Fall River Mass in Motion, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council conducted an HIA that examined the proposed Phase 2 of the Quequechan River Rail Trail (QRRT) project in the City of Fall River, Massachusetts. Phase 1 of the project was one mile […]
Project HEAL (Health.Equity.Art.Learning)
The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, IDEAS xLab, and the Commonwealth Institute of Kentucky conducted an HIA to examine how implementing Project HEAL could affect health in the Smoketown neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. Project HEAL is a community development model that uses arts and culture activities to increase civic engagement and drive […]
City of Decatur Community Transportation Plan
The Georgia Tech Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) on the Decatur, Georgia, Community Transportation Plan, focusing on potential health impacts of transportation and patterns of land use on safety, social connections, and physical activity. The HIA found that the plan could lead to a slight reduction […]
Atlanta Beltline
This HIA was a collaborative effort of the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD), a research center of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture and staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Focused on the planning process for the Atlanta Beltline—a major public transit, trails, parks and urban-redevelopment project—the […]
The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People With Criminal Records
Historically, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development policies have exposed people with a criminal history and their families to eviction and denial of housing. Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, conducted an HIA that assessed the health and equity impacts of public housing screening policies that exclude […]
Merced County General Plan Update
Two options for the county’s General Plan Update were being considered: one that focused development in existing urban areas and another that would allow for the creation of new towns in the county. Some of the pathways and health issues explored included access to retail and services, preservation of agricultural land, community safety, water quality […]
Milwaukee Paid Sick Days
Human Impact Partners conducted a rapid HIA of a proposed ordinance in Milwaukee that would allow workers to earn one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours of paid work, up to 72 hours of leave in companies with more than 10 employees and 40 hours in firms with fewer than 10 employees. […]
Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan
The Clark County Community Planning Department in Vancouver, Washington, developed a Sub-Area Plan to revitalize Highway 99 and surrounding neighborhoods. Clark County Public Health conducted an HIA, which was included in the plan. The HIA explored the plan’s potential effects on several health issues, including access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity, reliance on […]
Proposed Opioid Pre-Authorization Policy in Utah
Public health graduate students at Brigham Young University conducted an HIA to analyze the potential health effects of a bill proposed in the Utah Legislature to require prescribers to get prior authorization from an insurer for any opioid prescription that exceeds 90-morphine equivalents; for benzodiazepines prescribed to patients already taking opioids; and for new chronic […]
Legalizing Medical Marijuana Through the Utah Medical Cannabis Act
Public health graduate students at Brigham Young University conducted an HIA to analyze potential health effects of the Utah Medical Cannabis Act (UMCA), a ballot initiative to legalize the use and production of medical marijuana in the state. The authors investigated how the UMCA might affect potential medical marijuana users, adolescents, economically disadvantaged individuals, and […]
South Billings Master Plan
The City of Billings, Montana, in conjunction with consultant firm AECOM, has created a 20-year master plan for the South Billings Boulevard Urban Renewal District (SBBURD). The South Billings Master Plan provides a set of goals that will guide land use, transportation development, community design, and capital improvements through 2032. The goal of the proposed […]
Massachusetts Paid Sick Days
This health impact assessment (HIA) addressed a Massachusetts-specific version of the federal Healthy Families Act. The pathways and health issues explored included: 1) the spread of communicable diseases, such as influenza and stomach flu through workers at restaurants, schools and nursing homes; 2) the income and stress-related impacts of loss of salary and employer retaliation […]
Baltimore City’s Comprehensive Zoning Code Rewrite
In 2008, the City of Baltimore, Maryland launched a multiyear effort to comprehensively revise the city’s zoning code, which had not been updated for forty years. In order to help ensure that the revision considered the role zoning can play in creating healthier communities, a group of researchers at Johns Hopkins collaborated with the city […]
Advanced Metering Infrastructure
The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP) at Boston Medical Center conducted an HIA of a pilot program run by Illinois’ largest electric utility, Commonwealth Edison. The project assessed the potential health effects of implementing “smart metering” technology in western metropolitan Chicago. Health effects included how these innovations could alter the risk of potentially life-threatening […]
South Lincoln Homes
A health impact assessment was completed for a master plan for the South Lincoln housing redevelopment owned by the Denver Housing Authority (DHA). EnviroHealth Consulting completed the HIA and subcontracted to MITHUN firm who was hired by DHA to complete the master plan. In the neighborhood, approximately 38% live in poverty, more than half of […]
Humboldt County General Plan Update
The HIA addressed an update of the Humboldt County General Plan. Three growth alternatives to accommodate future population were being considered in the General Plan Update (GPU): 1) denser development in urban areas; 2) some growth to exurban areas; and 3) unrestricted growth throughout the county. Pathways and health issues explored included comments on six […]
Alameda County Goods Movement Planning for Health
Through a grant to the San Francisco Study Center, the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative conducted an HIA to inform development of long-range strategies for moving goods efficiently, reliably, and sustainably within, to, from, and through the county by road, rail, air, and water to be included in the final freight component of the Alameda County […]
Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project
The Red Dog Mine, in remote northwest Alaska, is the world’s largest producer of zinc. The company proposed an expansion of the mine. In evaluating this request, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that it would be necessary to do an environmental impact statement (EIS) to assess the impact of the proposed activities on […]
Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program
The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform federal offshore oil and gas plans for five years, spanning 2007-2012. Areas in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off Alaska’s North Coast were among those being considered for oil and gas leasing. The North Slope Borough collaborated with the Alaska Inter-Tribal […]
Vermont Paid Sick Leave
The Vermont Department of Health conducted an HIA of a proposed sick leave policy that would provide paid health care time for every 30 hours worked. Employees could use this leave—up to 56 hours annually—to recover from an illness; seek preventive care; provide care for a family member; coordinate social or legal services; and receive […]
Urban Forest Canopy as a Climate/Health Adaptation
The city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, developed an Urban and Community Forest Management Plan using a street tree inventory that identifies 42,000 street trees and 8,000 stumps or planting sites. Canopy can reduce urban temperatures by 7 degrees Fahrenheit. More urban canopy cover will be critical as temperatures climb as a result of global warming. […]
Simon/Tanger Outlet Mall
The Delaware General Health District conducted an HIA of the proposed 350,000-square-foot Simon Property Group and Tanger Outlets Premium Outlet Mall to be built on approximately 50 acres in Berkshire Township, Ohio. Because of the planned development’s very large geographic footprint in a mostly rural area with access to a nearby interstate, residents expressed concerns […]
Southeast Kansas Casino
This project is informing Kansas legislators of the potential health risks and benefits of a bill that would facilitate the construction of a new casino in southeast Kansas. While previous discussions about casino development have been limited to potential economic benefit and pathological gambling, the HIA sought to bring additional health effects to the table. […]
Bloomfield Avenue Complete Corridor Plan
The New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative, in partnership with Together North Jersey, completed an HIA to inform the development of a Complete Corridor plan for improvements to an arterial road, Bloomfield Avenue, which transects four towns in Essex County, New Jersey. The HIA assessed the potential impacts related to road lane reductions and lane reconfigurations […]
Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility HIA
This HIA determined the impacts of the proposed Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility at CSX’s existing Mount Clare Yard in southwest Baltimore City. The facility would transfer freight cargo between trains and trucks, and operate twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. The facility poses potential health concerns that include air and noise pollution and […]
Cloquet Transportation Planning
The city of Cloquet, in partnership with Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and Carlton County Public Health and Human Services, conducted an HIA to inform revisions to the transportation section of its Comprehensive Plan, which guides the city’s physical, social, and economic development. The HIA used a community survey and literature review to examine the potential […]
Derby District Redevelopment
The HIA looked at the proposed redevelopment of the Derby District in Colorado’s Commerce City commercial core. The HIA considered how the redevelopment might affect issues, such as opportunities for physical activity; access to supermarkets that stock fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods; traffic and personal safety. The HIA made many specific recommendations for measures […]
South 12th Avenue Corridor
The Pima County Health Department, in partnership with the City of Tucson, Arizona, conducted a rapid HIA of proposed infrastructure improvements to South 12th Avenue in Tucson. The proposed improvements included bus shelters, sidewalks, lighting, and green space. Using data analyses already conducted by the University of Arizona, the HIA examined potential health impacts associated […]
City of Sheridan Comprehensive Plan Update
The Tri-County Health Department conducted an HIA of Sheridan’s Comprehensive Plan update, which is intended to help frame policies that maximize positive health effects and prioritize implementation strategies. The previous Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2004, had focused on programmatic municipal changes and guidance for specific properties in the community. One objective for the new plan […]
I-710 Expansion
Human Impact Partners (HIP) conducted an HIA that addressed the expansion and improvements planned for the I-710 freeway in Los Angeles, a vital transportation artery that links the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to the Southern California region and beyond. A coalition including community groups, academic experts, city, county, regional and federal agencies, […]
I-5 Columbia River Crossing
This HIA, led by the Multnomah County Health Department in collaboration with several other organizations, examined the health impacts of proposed alternatives for a renovation and expansion of the Interstate 5 Columbia River crossing between Oregon and Washington. The HIA was completed to inform an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the project being undertaken by […]
City Heights Skatepark
Mid-City Community Advocacy Network and its Youth Council worked with Human Impact Partners to conduct an HIA to examine health and equity implications of a skatepark proposal in City Heights, a neighborhood in San Diego. Obesity rates in City Heights are higher than those in San Diego County overall, and the neighborhood has an inadequate […]
Texas Water and Sanitation
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), conducted an HIA to inform the village of Vinton of the health impacts of proposed water and sanitation improvement projects. Vinton is a small border town with high levels of unemployment […]
Bottineau Transitway
Hennepin County’s Department of Housing, Community Works and Transit (HCWT) conducted an HIA to inform planning decisions on the proposed Bottineau Transitway. The transitway proposal would create a new bus or light rail line extending from downtown Minneapolis through North Minneapolis and into neighboring suburbs. The HIA was coordinated with the Draft Environmental Impact Statement […]
East Bay Greenway
The HIA addressed a proposed plan for twelve miles of pedestrian and biking trails under the elevated Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) tracks from East Oakland to Hayward, known as the East Bay Greenway. Some of the influences on health that were considered include, the opportunity for increased physical activity, the greening of the landscape, […]
Curry County Housing Stock Upgrade Initiative Pilot
The HIA examined the potential health impacts on Curry County, Oregon, residents’ health of upgraded manufactured housing and recommended ways to tailor the housing stock improvements pilot program to meet health needs. The HIA found that replacing older manufactured homes could significantly boost health by improving indoor air quality, reducing falls, and contributing to positive […]
Ice Age Trail Expansion-Marquette County, Wisconsin
The purpose of this Health Impact Assessment (HIA) was to assess the potential health impacts of the expansion of the Ice Age Trail on broad determinants of health, including the built environment, economy, and social connectedness. The Ice Age Trail is a walking path that traverses the state of Wisconsin, highlighting the geological features resulting from […]
Shawnee Fossil Plant
The Kentucky Environmental Foundation, in collaboration with the Purchase District Health Department, conducted an HIA to inform decisions on whether to retire or retrofit the coal-fired Shawnee Fossil Plant in McCracken County. The HIA also informed the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Integrated Resource Planning, which guides future energy production scenarios. Data indicate that rates of asthma, […]
St. Paul Emerald Ash Borer Policy
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, or MPCA, conducted an HIA on St. Paul’s efforts to address the threat posed by the emerald ash borer, an invasive beetle destroying Minnesota’s 930 million ash trees. Research shows strong links between tree cover and a range of health impacts. Trees filter pollutants and improve air quality, lowering rates […]
Colorado Statewide Regulatory Structure for Retail Marijuana
The Colorado School of Public Health and Colorado’s Children’s Hospital conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) on the final regulatory structure for retail marijuana in Colorado. Amendment 64 legalized and set preliminary regulations for recreational marijuana sales to adults over 21 years of age. The HIA intended to inform the State’s final regulatory structure. […]
Oregon Farm-to-School Legislation
Upstream Public Health, a public policy non-profit based in Portland, Oregon, conducted a novel health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed legislation in Oregon. Oregon House Bill (HB) 2800 would provide state funds to purchase locally-grown foods for schools, set up school teaching gardens, and conduct nutrition education. The lessons learned from this project could be […]
Genesee Valley Greenway
The 90-mile Genesee Valley Greenway (GVG) State Park in western New York is an open-space corridor that passes through woodlands, wetlands, valleys, farmlands, glacial gorges, and historic villages as part of an interstate trail system. This HIA focused on the northernmost 50-mile portion in Monroe and Livingston counties. Addressing current issues related to public access, […]
24th Street Road Diet
This HIA assessed a proposal by the City of Omaha to include a center turn lane on South 24th Street – the major corridor through Omaha’s Latino community. This type of change, which involves going from four lanes to three, is commonly called a road diet. The HIA considered the impacts on the top concerns for South […]
Single-Room Occupancy Hotels in San Francisco
The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to explore how three policies it was considering could improve health for residents in single-room occupancy hotels, which serve as the biggest source of inexpensive housing for the city’s most vulnerable populations, such as seniors, adults with disabilities, and children. They typically offer an 8-by-10 […]
Pittsburg Railroad Avenue Transit-Oriented Development
The HIA addressed the Pittsburg Railroad Avenue Specific Plan, which included a new commuter rail (BART) station located in the middle of State Highway 4. The proposed station would be surrounded by “transit-oriented development,” which would include almost 1,600 housing units, 450,000 square feet of retail and commercial space, and pedestrian and bike improvements. All […]
Municipal Water Reuse in Kansas
The Kansas Water Vision plan calls for an evaluation of uses of lower-quality water in the state so the Kansas Health Institute conducted a health impact assessment to examine how municipal water reuse might affect the health of state residents. The study analyzed seven factors related to water reuse that could affect health in Kansas: […]
San Pablo Corridor
The HIA addressed a decision about where to locate affordable housing along a high-traffic transit and retail corridor in Richmond and El Cerrito, California. The HIA was done in conjunction with a planning process for revitalization of the corridor. Pathways and health issues explored included neighborhood “health assets” (e.g., parks, trails, community centers, schools, transit […]
Topeka Bike Share
The Kansas University School of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, in partnership with the Topeka Metropolitan Transit Authority, conducted an HIA to inform the implementation and possible expansion of a bike share program in Topeka, Kansas. The assessment looked at how bike sharing, cycling, and active transport could affect physical activity levels, safety and incidences […]
Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan
Memphis and Shelby County Office of Sustainability conducted an HIA as part of the Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan, funded through a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant. The plan is a multifaceted, 25-year project with the goal of creating connected communities in the tri-state region where all […]
Eastern Neighborhoods Community Plans
The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA in response to community requests in the Mission, South of Market, and Potrero Hill neighborhoods. The HIA addressed a range of factors in the community plans that could affect health, including housing affordability; the potential that low-income residents could be displaced; the availability of safe […]
Jewish Home of San Francisco Pedestrian Infrastructure
The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to analyze pedestrian safety conditions around the proposed Jewish Home of San Francisco, a senior housing and retail project along the Mission Street corridor in the Outer Mission/Excelsior neighborhoods. The report analyzed the site’s characteristics for transit, transportation, neighborhood demographics, and pedestrian injury factors, and […]
City of Minneapolis Above the Falls Master Plan
This HIA informed revisions to the City of Minneapolis Above the Falls Master Plan, which will guide redevelopment of an industrial area along the upper Mississippi riverfront in Minneapolis. The Master Plan, being drafted by the City of Minneapolis Department of Community Planning & Economic Development, is intended to increase public access and use of […]
HOPE VI to HOPE SF: San Francisco Public Housing Redevelopment
The HIA provided a retrospective analysis of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) HOPE VI efforts to rebuild two affordable housing projects in San Francisco, California. The goal of the HIA was to highlight health impacts of redevelopment of public housing more generally by building capacity to conduct HIAs and informing the […]
Caño Martin Peña
The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit in New York City conducted an HIA to inform Puerto Rican policy makers on their decision to fund a comprehensive development plan for improving sanitation infrastructure, as well as dredging and removing heavily polluted sludge from a two-mile stretch of the Caño […]
Alcohol Outlet Density-Marathon County, Wisconsin
The purpose of this HIA was to assess the impact of an alcohol outlet density policy on the community’s health, specifically underage drinking and drinking and driving behaviors. While there was no specific policy under review at the onset of the project, strategies to limit liquor-licensing practices at the municipal level were evaluated, specifically a […]
Zoning and Student Housing in La Plaza Vieja
The La Plaza Vieja Neighborhood Association, residents of Arrowhead Village, Hermosa Vida community organizers, the Department of Anthropology at Northern Arizona University, and an independent HIA consultant conducted a rapid HIA to examine the potential health effects a local rezoning proposal intended to accommodate new student housing in Flagstaff, Arizona. The HIA found that the […]
Raising the Legal Tobacco Purchase and Use Age to 21 in Utah
Utah legislators were urged by coalitions and associations to consider raising the legal age of tobacco purchases from 19 to 21. During the 2015 legislative session, In response to requests from civic coalitions and associations, Representative Powell proposed a bill to raise the legal age of tobacco purchases from 19 to 21 in 2015. A […]
Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, in partnership with Children’s HealthWatch, conducted an HIA to examine the potential health effects of creating a state-level, refundable earned income tax credit (EITC). Specifically, it considered how an EITC could affect Arkansas residents’ general health, children’s health, maternal depressive symptoms, low birth weight, childhood development delays, and obesity. […]
Building Capacity in HIA on the U.S.-Mexico Border Through Practice, Training, and Collaborative Partnerships
The University of Texas, El Paso conducted an HIA focused on public transportation. The HIA solicited community input regarding transportation needs within Doña Ana County, New Mexico, between Las Cruces and rural towns in southern areas of the state. The final report recommended designing public transportation routes to increase residents’ access to health-promoting and educational […]
California Paid Sick Days
The HIA addressed California Assembly Bill 2716: Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act of 2008. The bill would have entitled an employee who works in California to accrue paid sick time at a rate of no less than one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked, up to nine days per year. An […]
Tampa Brownfields Redevelopment Plan
The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County conducted an HIA on the EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Plan, a proposal to redevelop various sites in Tampa’s University Area Community. The HIA investigated the potential health effects of the plan and whether they would disproportionately affect certain populations, such as racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with physical […]
Transit Oriented Development Within Nashville’s Northeast Corridor
The Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is creating a 30-mile transportation system between downtown Nashville and Gallatin, Tennessee. The three transit-oriented development (TOD) sites will be Madison, Hendersonville, and Gallatin. The Nashville MPO initiated a Northeast Corridor Study to develop a strategy for implementation. The HIA looked at design factors that would promote engaging […]
Jack London Senior Housing
The HIA addressed a proposed residential and commercial development at the Jack London Gateway (JLG) in Oakland, California. The project included 55 units of low-income senior housing and an additional 14,000 feet of retail space in an underutilized parking lot of an existing shopping plaza. The site is close to several interstate freeways and to […]
University of Southern California Specific Plan
Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with Strategic Actions for a Just Economy and Esperanza Community Housing Corp., conducted a rapid HIA of a proposed 5.2-million-square-foot build-out on the University Park campus of the University of Southern California. The proposal included retail space, restaurants, a hotel, and student housing. The HIA emphasized community involvement and focused […]
Executive Park Subarea Plan
The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to look at the health impacts of a proposed 2, 800-unit new residential area on 71 acres in the southeastern corner of San Francisco. This HIA was the first pilot application of San Francisco’s Health Development Measurement Tool (HDMT) to a land use development plan. […]
Federal Boulevard Framework Plan
This health impact assessment (HIA) informed the proposed Federal Boulevard framework plan, with a specific focus on the light-rail stations at 60th Avenue and Federal Boulevard and at 71st Avenue and Irving Street in the Denver area. The planning area included the Federal Boulevard corridor in areas of Adams County. Although the goal of the […]
Parks, Recreation, and Public Spaces Plan in Davidson, North Carolina
In 2013, Davidson Design for Life (DD4L) led a health impact assessment (HIA) in partnership with the Davidson Parks and Recreation Department, Kostelec Planning, and LandDesign to examine how parks, recreation, and public spaces can impact the seven dimensions of wellness (physical, emotional, environmental, occupational, intellectual, social, and spiritual). The HIA found that parks serve […]
School Biomass Boilers
The Oregon Health Authority, Office of Environmental Public Health conducted an HIA to examine the potential health impacts of using biomass (wood) burning boilers in schools. A new policy allows school districts around the state to convert their heating systems to boilers that burn wood chips or pellets. Possible health impacts include asthma, cancer, and […]
Developing the Behavioral Health Workforce in Merced County, California
Between 2018 and 2020, a team of Merced health providers, educators, researchers, and community advocates conducted an HIA to understand the impact of workforce shortages related to mild-to-moderate behavioral health (MMBH) concerns and to present ways to decrease the shortages. Merced has still not fully recovered from the housing crisis and recession of the early […]
Rental Assistance Demonstration Project
Human Impact Partners, Advancement Project, and National People’s Action conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of Congress’ federal 2011 proposed Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) project to re-organize public housing funding and management structures. Using mixed research methods, the HIA assessed the impacts of RAD on: management, evictions, and resident organizing; housing affordability, stability, and quality; […]
Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
This HIA addressed the health implications of the Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Some of the pathways and health issues explored included physical activity and food access, with special consideration to the particular health challenges that face vulnerable populations, such as low-income families. Outcome Clark County Public Health received Active Living Research’s 2012 […]
Hawai’i County Agriculture Development Plan
The current Hawai‘i County Agriculture Development Plan (the Agriculture Plan) was commissioned by the Hawai‘i County Department of Research and Development in 2008 and approved by the Hawai‘i County Council in 2010. The purpose of the Agriculture Plan is to serve as a guide for county government, local advocacy groups, and local businesses to revitalize […]
School Discipline Policies
Human Impact Partners conducted an HIA on the health implications of three different approaches to disciplining students in California schools: zero tolerance, positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), and restorative justice. It is hypothesized that zero tolerance policies (in which students are suspended or expelled for offenses) may not make schools safer and may actually […]
Revitalization in Historic Natchez, Mississippi
The Mississippi State Department of Health, in partnership with stakeholders from the city of Natchez and Adams County, conducted an HIA to inform decisions about economic development, historic preservation, and revitalization. The HIA examined the Adams County Civil Rights Project (ACCRP)—one of several initiatives to increase the profile of African American heritage in Natchez and […]
Lobos CO2 Pipeline
Human Impact Partners, with the New Mexico Department of Health and the Partnership for a Healthy Torrance County, conducted an HIA of a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline in Torrance County, New Mexico. Kinder Morgan, the largest energy infrastructure company in North America, proposed 213 miles of 16-inch pipeline to carry CO2 from Apache County, Arizona, […]
Rochester Bike Share
Common Ground Health selected the Rochester (New York) Bike Share program for an HIA because it experienced rapid expansion during its first year (25 planned stations and 250 bikes became 46 stations and 340 bikes in Phase 1). The study examined the program’s effects on residents’ physical activity, social cohesion, economic well-being, and access to […]
Coffelt-Lamoreaux Public Housing Redevelopment
Catalyze Research and Consulting, LLC, along with the Phoenix Revitalization Corporation and with support from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Phoenix, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the proposed plan for redevelopment of the Coffelt-Lamoreaux Public Housing Project (Coffelt) in Phoenix, Arizona. Coffelt is the oldest operational public housing project in Maricopa County. […]
North Carolina Senate Bill 731
Davidson Design for Life, in collaboration with a Regional Advisory Commission, conducted an HIA of North Carolina State Senate Bill 731, a bill that would amend zoning legislation to make certain building design standards not applicable to low-density, single family residences. Low-density is defined as five units per acre or less. These building design elements […]
Implementing the City of Los Angeles Mobility Plan 2035
In 2018, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Center for Health Impact Evaluation conducted an HIA using the Integrated Transportation and Health Model to quantify the health impacts of the City of Los Angeles Mobility Plan 2035—an updated transportation element of the city’s general plan—applying a health lens to the various policy, programmatic, […]
Environmental Decisions in New Mexico
Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund (CVNMEF) conducted an HIA to examine how switching from diesel to electric school buses could affect the health of residents in Rio Arriba and McKinley counties, where air quality is particularly poor compared with the rest of the state. The HIA focused on addressing social and economic drivers of […]
Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program
The HIA addressed the health implications of a housing assistance and homelessness prevention program called the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MVRP), as well as proposed changes to the program for FY2006. The HIA: 1) looked specifically at program components like time limits, work requirements, eligibility determination and required tenant rent contributions; and 2) studied the […]
Elmira Housing
In 2018, Common Ground Health conducted a rapid HIA to examine the effects of aging housing stock on the health of low-income communities in Elmira, New York, and to inform neighborhood revitalization efforts. More than 90% of the city’s housing was built before 1950, and some of these aging dwellings present a high risk of […]
National Nutrition Standards for Snack and a la Carte Foods and Beverages
The 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act directed the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to align nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold in schools with the federal dietary guidelines. Healthy diets are linked to a number of children’s health outcomes, including maintaining a recommended weight, decreased risk of tooth decay and other chronic diseases, […]
Central Oregon Regional Transit
This project explored how a coordinated regional transit system might impact health disparities in the Central Oregon counties of Deschutes, Jefferson, and Crook. The HIA focused on impacts to health through opportunities for physical activity and access to healthy foods, health care services, and employment, as well as safety. Outcome Commute Options presented at a […]
Davidson Walks and Rolls: Active Transportation Master Plan
In 2013, Davidson Design for Life and Alta Planning and Design partnered to incorporate health and social equity modeling and economic analysis on the benefits of implementing infrastructure improvements into an active transportation plan. The HIA estimated the current usage of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure; projected the health, environmental, and social externalities of increased active […]
Gateway Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit: A Closer Look at Health and Land Use
The Washington County Departments of Public Works and Public Health and Environment, in collaboration with the Gateway Corridor Commission, conducted an HIA to examine the potential health impacts of possible land-use changes around the Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit corridor and to inform comprehensive planning of station areas in five cities—Saint Paul, Maplewood, Oakdale, Landfall, […]
Universal Design in Single-Family Housing in Davidson, North Carolina
In 2013, Davidson Design for Life conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) that examined the health impacts of incorporating universal design and visitability features within single family homes in Davidson, NC. Universal Design is defined as the “design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the […]
Rochester Waterfront Revitalization Plan
This HIA, conducted by the University of Rochester, supplemented the development of the city of Rochester’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) with health-related community engagement, data collection, and analysis. The LWRP will help inform city, private, state, and federal decisions affecting area waterways and shorelines into the next decade and will guide land and water […]
Wichita Transit System
The Kansas Health Institute and the University of Kansas School of Medicine – Wichita conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to inform a Wichita City Council vote on proposed changes to the city’s transit system. The HIA found that the health of people who do not have a reliable car or social network would be […]
Alcohol Retail Outlet Density Policy in Utah
During the 2014 legislative cycle, Utah legislators intended to revisit alcohol regulations that many stakeholders felt were outdated. These included a limit on the number of alcohol retail outlet licenses issued according to population quotas. Some stakeholders were concerned that lowering the population quotas required for each license would lead to an increase in the […]
Full-Day Kindergarten
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas completed an HIA to inform decisions by the Nevada State Legislature on proposed modifications to the availability of full-day kindergarten and on allocating state funding to support full-day kindergarten in high-risk schools. The HIA highlighted connections between full-day kindergarten and academic success. In particular, the study found that black, […]
Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan
Bicycle Haywood NC, a local bicycle advocacy group, and the Haywood County Recreation and Parks Department conducted an HIA to determine the impacts of the Haywood County Comprehensive Bike Plan. The HIA focused on key health outcomes that are strongly linked to bicycle activity: leading causes of death from heart, cancer and ischemic heart issues; […]
San Francisco Road Pricing
The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) conducted an HIA to address a proposed policy in San Francisco that would charge a fee for driving in congested areas during AM/PM rush hours and use the revenue to support transportation infrastructure and services. The HIA analyzed potential health effects of two scenarios: city plans for […]
Climate Smart Strategies
Between 2011 and 2014, the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division conducted three health impact assessments (HIAs) on elements of Portland Metro’s Climate Smart Communities planning project. The Portland metro regional government requested the HIAs to ensure that decision-makers had access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and approved a greenhouse […]
Gary/New Duluth Small Area Plan
This HIA was conducted in parallel to development of the Gary/New Duluth Small Area Plan. The City of Duluth Long-Range Planning developed the small area plan, which included objectives to improve blighted properties, develop vacant land, clean contaminated land, connect sidewalks and add bike lanes, promote businesses and job growth, increase green space and connect […]
Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan for a Community in Albany, Georgia
The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology, along with the Georgia Department of Public Health, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the redevelopment of McIntosh Homes, a public housing project in Albany, Georgia. The redevelopment plan for McIntosh Homes was developed by the Albany Housing Authority (AHA) […]
Englewood Line Greenway
The Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI) and the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) conducted an HIA of a proposed greenway trail along a 2-mile corridor in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood. It considered how the trail would affect community safety, access to and use of green space and parks, traffic-related air pollution, brownfields and vacant lots, […]
Divine Mercy Development
In 2010, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on the Minnesota Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). MDH conducted a desktop HIA on the Divine Mercy Development mixed-use EAW to inform general recommendations of incorporating health and climate […]
California Proposition 47: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act
Human Impact Partners conducted an HIA of California Proposition 47, The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, which appeared on the November 2014 state ballot. Proposition 47 would reclassify six nonserious, nonviolent offenses as misdemeanors; allow people incarcerated for those crimes to apply for lower sentences, release, and expungement; and redirect savings from a reduction in […]
Crossroads Redevelopment Area
The Douglas County Health Department and its partners conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the Crossroads Redevelopment Area, a 239-acre shopping mall complex located at one of the busiest intersections in Omaha. The mall was purchased by a developer in 2010, with plans to convert it to a mixed-used area. Currently, the mall has […]
The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health
The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa conducted an HIA to analyze and explain the importance of wild rice, or manoomin, to the health of the Ojibwe people in advance of a proposed revision to loosen water quality standards for wild rice cultivation in Minnesota. Hand-harvested manoomin is a staple for the Ojibwe […]
Long Beach Downtown Plan
Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice and Californians for Justice, conducted a rapid HIA to examine how the proposed Long Beach Downtown Plan would impact the health and employment of residents, particularly low-income and vulnerable populations. The Long Beach Downtown Plan is a 25-year plan to add approximately 5,000 […]
Middlesex Greenway Use and Access Plan
The New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative recently completed an HIA in conjunction with preparation of a plan to increase use and access of a “rails-to-trails” greenway located in Central New Jersey. The recently opened 3.5 mile paved Middlesex Greenway runs through the towns of Edison, Metuchen, and Woodbridge in central New Jersey. The three towns, […]
Tempe Modern Streetcar
The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), in partnership with Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) formed a multidisciplinary team to work on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) project funded by Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). The HIA team consisted of eight leaders representing ADHS, MCDPH, Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona […]
Alcohol Outlet Density in Mendocino County
Mendocino County is classified as a moratorium county under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Business and Professional Code 23817.5: the ratio of Type 20 off-sale beer and wine licenses exceeds one for every 2,500 inhabitants. Mendocino has 48 outlets per 10,000 residents compared to 21 outlets per 10,000 residents in California state-wide. This HIA, conducted by […]
Shelter-in-Place Policy
Shelter-in-place policies aim to support residents’ ability to remain in their homes after an earthquake or other major disaster. The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to analyze the city and county’s capacity to support these policies if such an event occurred, and highlighted areas that warrant further attention to better protect […]
McGrath Highway Corridor Redevelopment
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) conducted an HIA to evaluate how alternative designs of the Route 28/McGrath Highway corridor may affect the health of residents. The HIA focused on health impacts related to new park space, multimodal access to the region, improvements in air quality, and enhanced connectivity between neighborhoods. The HIA examined […]
Federal Paid Sick Days
The HIA addressed the federal Healthy Families Act of 2009 and was a continuation of the work completed as part of a similar HIA in California. The bill would have entitled all employees to accrue paid sick time at a rate of no less than one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours […]
Columbus North East Area Plan
This HIA, a collaboration between the Healthy Places program at Columbus Public Health and the Department of Development’s Planning Division, looked at six key recommendations from a proposed area plan for northeast Columbus. It explored the impacts these recommendations might have on physical activity, air pollution, mental health, social capital (the relationships between people living […]
Spokane Downtown Plan Update: Pedestrian Strategy
The Lands Council, City of Spokane, and Spokane Regional Health District conducted a rapid HIA of the pedestrian portion of the multi-modal transportation strategy included in the downtown plan update for Spokane, Washington. The HIA focused on the potential health effects of air quality, noise, safety, mental health, parks and natural space, private goods and […]
The Crossings at 29th and San Pedro St. – South Central Redevelopment
The HIA addressed plans for The Crossings at 29th Street, a proposed 11.6-acre development in South Los Angeles providing more than 450 units of affordable housing, as well as retail and multipurpose space for community activities. The four-block area where The Crossings will be developed is currently being rezoned from industrial to residential and is […]
Lawrence Green Streets Program
In 2016, a group of Massachusetts planners, public health professionals, and members of the American Planning Association partnered with Groundwork Lawrence on a health impact assessment (HIA) framework to measure the economic, social, and environmental impacts of planting street trees in the Arlington and South Common neighborhoods in Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city with a nearly […]
St. Louis Park Comprehensive Plan
In 2010, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) received a grant from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support and conduct Health Impact Assessments (HIAs). As part of the grant requirements and in collaboration with the City of St. Louis Park (SLP), […]
Milton U.S. 7 Corridor
The Burlington District Office of the Vermont Department of Health, in collaboration with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, the Town of Milton, and other stakeholders, conducted an HIA of the reconfiguration of a 3-mile corridor of U.S. Route 7 in Milton. Eight strategies are proposed for the corridor; the HIA focused on the four […]
Columbia Transit System Expansion
The Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services partnered with the PedNet Coalition and Central Missouri Community Action in late 2011 to perform an HIA on the health effects of expanding and improving bus service in Columbia. The HIA focused on health indicators most likely to be affected by expansion of public transit, […]
Pregnant Workers in Kentucky
The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness conducted an HIA to analyze the potential health effects of the Kentucky Pregnant Workers’ Act. The bill proposed to ensure reasonable workplace accommodations for women during pregnancy, such as reducing heavy lifting, bending, or standing and exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, and loud noises; providing consistent […]
Hermosa Beach Oil Production Project
The city of Hermosa Beach, California, completed an HIA and environmental impact report on an oil production project proposed by E&B Natural Resources. The company sought to build a 1.3-acre urban drilling site at Sixth Street and Valley Drive for exploration and directional drilling to extract oil and gas from offshore and onshore tidelands and […]
Charlotte Area Transit System Blue Line Extension
The Mecklenburg County Health Department, in collaboration with the University of North Carolina, Charlotte (UNCC) and the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS), conducted an HIA of an extension to the CATS’ Blue Line from the Charlotte City Center to UNCC. The HIA focused on potential health impacts of the extension associated with housing, transportation options, […]
George Road Complete Streets Implementation Plan
The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County and the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) conducted a health impact assessment of the George Road Complete Streets Implementation Plan, which aimed to provide a safe bicycle and pedestrian connection between the Town ‘N’ Country Greenway and the Courtney Campbell Trail. The study found that the plan […]
Industrial Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin
The Institute for Wisconsin’s Health Inc. conducted an HIA to inform county, municipal, township, and tribal policy decisions related to existing and potential industrial sand facilities in western Wisconsin. Although the HIA aimed to provide guidance for upcoming decisions by the Ho-Chunk Nation (a tribe), Trempealeau County, Pierce County, and three townships in Eau Claire […]
Trinity Plaza Housing Redevelopment
This HIA addressed a proposal to demolish an older apartment building with over 360 rent-controlled units, and replace them with 1,400 market-rate condominiums. The analysis concluded that displacing current residents could have serious adverse health effects, such as increasing food insecurity and hunger, mental health problems, and the risk of homelessness (which has implications for […]
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