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Showing 81 results

Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Georgetown Mobility Study which includes icons related to the following: built environment, healthcare access, food access, neighborhood safety, Safe and affordable public transit, environmental health; ; ; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, reliable transportation, thriving natural world

Georgetown Mobility Study

This health impact assessment aimed to promote safety, access, health, and mobility.   – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, or the Robert Wood Johnson […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled RMG/ Southside Recycling Permit Application which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions, people living in poverty, workers and employees; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

RMG/ Southside Recycling Permit Application

This Health Impact Assessment assesses the health equity impacts of the RMG/Southside Recycling proposal. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, or the Robert Wood […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Climate Change in Alaska which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; ; ; Secondary; thriving natural world

Climate Change in Alaska

This Health Impact Assessment examines the potential adverse health effects of climate change in Alaska by offering a comprehensive overview, presenting up-to-date climate information, and providing community strategies for addressing these impacts. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tree Canopy Cover Goals which includes icons related to the following: environmental health, thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Urban; Quantitative research; thriving natural world, thriving natural world

Philadelphia’s Tree Canopy Cover Goals

This health impact assessment estimates the annual premature mortality burden for adult residents associated with projected changes in tree canopy cover in Philadelphia between 2014 and 2025. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kingsbury Bay-Grassy Point Habitat Restoration which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world, environmental health; people living in poverty,

Kingsbury Bay-Grassy Point Habitat Restoration

This health impact assessment examined the potential public health implications of the Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) habitat restoration project (i.e., potential impacts on physical, mental, and social well-being), including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) restoration work and how people will access and utilize the project sites following restoration. – The creation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Uranium Mining which includes icons related to the following: environmental health, thriving natural world; ; Tribal; Mixed methods; thriving natural world, thriving natural world

Uranium Mining in McKinley County

This health impact assessment aims to analyze the health impacts of requesting additional studies for any future McKinley County uranium mining on the following health determinants: 1. Environmental exposures/contamination 2. Displacement and relocation 3. Cultural relevance of the land and community efficacy – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rondo Land Bridge which includes icons related to the following: physical activity, clean air, clean water, employment;

Rondo Land Bridge

This health impact assessment highlighted key findings and recommendations related to green space, physical activity opportunities, and the local economy to inform decisions regarding the land bridge project, which is part of a broader effort to revitalize the Rondo neighborhood. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Santiam Canyon Wildfire Recovery which includes icons related to the following: environmental health, housing, food access; older adults, rural communities; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world, humane housing, basic needs for health and safety

Santiam Canyon Wildfire Recovery

This project assessed the health needs of Santiam Canyon wildfire survivors after the 2020 wildfires, emphasizing environmental, housing, mental and behavioral, food security, and personal health determinants. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled NYC L-train Shutdown which includes icons related to the following: environmental health, active transportation, clean air, Noise, physical activity, employment, belonging and civic muscle; workers and employees, people living in poverty, people with disabilities, children and youth, older adults; Urban; Stakeholder interviews; thriving natural world, reliable transportation, thriving natural world, basic needs for health and safety, basic needs for health and safety, meaningful work and wealth, belonging and civic muscle

NYC L-train Shutdown

This health impact assessment to understand how the 15-month shutdown of New York City’s L-Train would affect commuters’ health. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Green Zones which includes icons related to the following: clean air, clean water, infrastructure, housing, employment, education, Safe and affordable public transit, healthcare access, complete communities;

Green Zones in the City of Minneapolis

This health impact assessment was initiated due to a Minnesota state legislation mandate to address health equity specifically. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Interbay Project which includes icons related to the following: housing, employment, active transportation, environmental health, affordable housing;

The Interbay Project

This health impact assessment explored three redevelopment concepts and their connection to health: Industrial Only, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, and Mixed-Use Light Industrial, Commercial and Residential. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; ; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 (EPA) contracted with Human Impact Partners to develop the scope for a health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed expansion projects for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. The process included public meetings to bring stakeholders together for input. The EPA hoped to use the scoping […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Oregon Vehicle Miles Traveled Legislation which includes icons related to the following: clean air; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Oregon Vehicle Miles Traveled Legislation

Upstream Public Health conducted this health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed state legislation designed to reduce car use and ultimately meet greenhouse gas emission targets to help curb global warming. The proposed legislation would provide funds to Oregon’s six Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to design and implement vehicle miles traveled (VMT) plans using a variety […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Placer County Biomass Energy Facility which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Rural; Qualitative research; thriving natural world

Placer County Biomass Energy Facility

This HIA informed decisions regarding a proposed biomass energy facility in Placer County, California. The proposed facility would generate electricity from woody debris gathered from surrounding forest lands as a result of ongoing forest fire fuel load reduction programs. The Placer County Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled King Street Station Multimodal Hub which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

King Street Station Multimodal Hub

This rapid health impact assessment (HIA), produced by a team of University of Washington graduate students, identifies potential health concerns and action items as the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) launches a multiyear effort designed to improve infrastructure in the area surrounding King Street Station in the Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District neighborhoods. The King […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Division Street Gateway which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; people living in poverty; Urban; Survey; reliable transportation

Division Street Gateway

The City of Spokane is redeveloping the Division Street Gateway, a little over a mile of State Highway 2 that runs through the heart of downtown Spokane from its inception at Interstate 90 to its intersection with the Spokane River and north to the Gonzaga University neighborhood. This is essentially the city’s front door and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Community Climate Choices which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Quantitative research;

Community Climate Choices

Between 2011 and 2014, the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division conducted three health impact assessments (HIAs) on elements of Portland Metro’s Climate Smart Communities planning project. The Portland metro regional government requested the HIAs to ensure that decision-makers had access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and approved a greenhouse […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Climate Smart Community Scenarios which includes icons related to the following: built environment; ; Urban; Quantitative research;

Climate Smart Community Scenarios

Transportation produces 25% of the Portland, Oregon Metro region’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, contributing to a warming climate that could severely impact our health and quality of life. Our climate is already changing, and the way we work together to prevent future changes will have both immediate and long-term impacts on our well being. Changes […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Michigan Street Corridor Plan: A Health Impact Assessment which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; ; Urban; Qualitative research;

Michigan Street Corridor Plan: A Health Impact Assessment

In March 2012, project partners received funding from the Michigan Department of Community Health Division of Environmental Health to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of alternative development scenarios in the Michigan Street Corridor. The project is part of a larger effort funded by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority and the U.S. Department of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2 which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle;

Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2

In partnership with the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) and Fall River Mass in Motion, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council conducted an HIA that examined the proposed Phase 2 of the Quequechan River Rail Trail (QRRT) project in the City of Fall River, Massachusetts. Phase 1 of the project was one mile […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Cargo Atlanta Citywide Freight Study which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; ; Urban; Stakeholder interviews; thriving natural world

Cargo Atlanta Citywide Freight Study

The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development conducted an HIA, funded by a grant from the Health Impact Project, to inform the Cargo Atlanta Citywide Freight Study, which developed policies to facilitate efficient freight movement in and around the city. The HIA examined the potential health implications of various policies, including diesel emissions standards, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits which includes icons related to the following: affordable housing; people living in poverty; ; Literature Review; humane housing

Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

This health impact assessment, or HIA, will inform the 2015 Georgia Qualified Allocation Plan for low-income housing tax credits. The plan is required each year as the Internal Revenue Service allocates housing tax credits to state agencies, which then award the credits to developers of qualified projects. The HIA, conducted by the Georgia Health Policy […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Fulton Industrial Boulevard Framework which includes icons related to the following: clean air; urban communities; Urban; Survey; thriving natural world

Fulton Industrial Boulevard Framework

The Fulton County, Georgia, Department of Health Services conducted a rapid HIA of the Fulton Industrial Boulevard Framework, a redevelopment plan to revitalize an area of unincorporated south Fulton County in Atlanta. The plan includes transportation and freight improvements and changes the land use in the corridor, which was a center of industrial development in […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Buford Highway and NE Plaza Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: built environment; ; Urban; Qualitative research;

Buford Highway and NE Plaza Redevelopment

An HIA that examined the expected health benefits of proposed highway design changes (e.g., reducing lanes, adding sidewalks, medians, bike lanes and on-street parking) to the Buford Highway Corridor.  Special emphasis was placed on the potential impacts on physical activity and pedestrian injuries. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Atlanta Regional Plan 2040 which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Survey;

Atlanta Regional Plan 2040

The first-ever HIA on a major metropolitan transportation and comprehensive growth plan will be led by the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD) at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture. Plan 2040—which is being conducted by the Atlanta Regional Commission, the local intergovernmental-coordination agency—integrates multiple aspects of regional planning, including transportation, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment

The Florida Department of Health in Lee County conducted an HIA of community-driven alternatives to the county’s neighborhood connectivity plan for the Tice historic community. The HIA investigated the potential health implications of community connectivity and access to green space and schools in the plan. The report concluded that the plan stood to benefit the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Overheating Buildings in Coastal Communities: Homes, Health Impacts, and Opportunities for Collaboration in San Francisco which includes icons related to the following: Extreme weather events; ; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Overheating Buildings in Coastal Communities: Homes, Health Impacts, and Opportunities for Collaboration in San Francisco

The San Francisco Department of Public Health Program on Health, Equity, and Sustainability, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to address increased heat vulnerability of coastal communities and overheating problems in a high-rise condominium building in San Francisco, California. The HIA focuses on how modern building trends, such as open-floor concepts and floor-to-ceiling windows, may […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Merced County General Plan Update which includes icons related to the following: food access; ; ; ; basic needs for health and safety

Merced County General Plan Update

Two options for the county’s General Plan Update were being considered: one that focused development in existing urban areas and another that would allow for the creation of new towns in the county. Some of the pathways and health issues explored included access to retail and services, preservation of agricultural land, community safety, water quality […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Drinking Water Project Funding which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

California Drinking Water Project Funding

The Sequoia Foundation, in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health and the Public Health Institute, conducted an HIA to provide recommendations to the California Water Board on criteria used to determine funding for drinking water projects, and work to standardize the use of HIAs among California agencies. The state annually revises its drinking […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site which includes icons related to the following: clean water; tribal communities; Tribal; Primary research; thriving natural world

Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site

This HIA will inform the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) selection of a cleanup plan for the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund site in Seattle. EPA will announce its Proposed Cleanup Plan in 2012, and a Final Plan in 2013. The HIA will be conducted by the University of Washington with two nonprofit organizations, Duwamish River Cleanup […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan which includes icons related to the following: complete communities; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods;

Clark County Highway 99 Sub-Area Plan

The Clark County Community Planning Department in Vancouver, Washington, developed a Sub-Area Plan to revitalize Highway 99 and surrounding neighborhoods. Clark County Public Health conducted an HIA, which was included in the plan. The HIA explored the plan’s potential effects on several health issues, including access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity, reliance on […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ethane Cracker in Monaca, Pennsylvania which includes icons related to the following: clean air; ; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Ethane Cracker in Monaca, Pennsylvania

The Clean Air Council, in partnership with the community, industry professionals, and academics, conducted a health impact assessment of a proposed Royal Dutch Shell natural gas and chemical processing complex in Monaca, Pennsylvania. The proposed facility is known as a “cracker,” which separates natural gas and chemical feedstocks into different compounds that are used primarily […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Roca Honda Mine which includes icons related to the following: environmental health;

Roca Honda Mine

The U.S. Forest Service drafted an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposal by Roca Honda Resources to develop and conduct underground uranium mining operations at Roca Honda Resources’ mining claims in the Mt. Taylor Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest. Stakeholders expressed the greatest concern over water and cultural issues during the scoping […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth; people living in poverty; Rural; Survey; meaningful work and wealth

Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project

The Kentucky River Area Development District (KRADD) and partners from Jenkins, Kentucky, conducted an HIA to describe the health, social, and economic development impacts of the Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project, which involves repairing and strengthening the dam built in 1912, removing invasive water lilies, and improving green space and recreational facilities. Elkhorn Lake serves as […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Advanced Metering Infrastructure which includes icons related to the following: Extreme weather events; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP) at Boston Medical Center conducted an HIA of a pilot program run by Illinois’ largest electric utility, Commonwealth Edison. The project assessed the potential health effects of implementing “smart metering” technology in western metropolitan Chicago. Health effects included how these innovations could alter the risk of potentially life-threatening […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Alameda County Goods Movement Planning for Health which includes icons related to the following: clean air; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Alameda County Goods Movement Planning for Health

Through a grant to the San Francisco Study Center, the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative conducted an HIA to inform development of long-range strategies for moving goods efficiently, reliably, and sustainably within, to, from, and through the county by road, rail, air, and water to be included in the final freight component of the Alameda County […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam which includes icons related to the following: clean air; ; Rural; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam

This HIA will provide decision makers with a review of potential positive and negative human health impacts related to the proposed Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam. The proposed project is located on the Susitna River in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. The HIA will be a standalone document that will be incorporated into the Environmental Impact Statement as a […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project which includes icons related to the following: clean air; tribal communities; Tribal; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project

The Red Dog Mine, in remote northwest Alaska, is the world’s largest producer of zinc. The company proposed an expansion of the mine. In evaluating this request, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that it would be necessary to do an environmental impact statement (EIS) to assess the impact of the proposed activities on […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program which includes icons related to the following: clean water; tribal communities; Tribal; ; thriving natural world

Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program

The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform federal offshore oil and gas plans for five years, spanning 2007-2012.  Areas in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off Alaska’s North Coast were among those being considered for oil and gas leasing. The North Slope Borough collaborated with the Alaska Inter-Tribal […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Integrated Activity Plan which includes icons related to the following: clean air; tribal communities; ; GIS mapping; thriving natural world

National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Integrated Activity Plan

This HIA is integrated into the Bureau of Land Management’s new integrated activity plan/environmental impact statement (IAP/EIS) that will guide the agency’s management of the region, including leasing and development of oil and gas resources. The HIA addresses a range of health considerations, including, for example, how future oil and gas exploration and development activities […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rock County CAFO which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; rural communities; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

Rock County CAFO

The proposal to build the Rock Prairie Dairy in the Town of Bradford, Wisconsin generated concerns regarding the potential negative health implications that may result from the creation of such a large animal operation. The community was also concerned that concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) regulations were insufficient with respect to public health and did […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Regional Climate Action Plan Strategies in Western Massachusetts which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; older adults; Urban; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Regional Climate Action Plan Strategies in Western Massachusetts

The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission issued the Pioneer Valley Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan in 2013 to identify strategies that local governments and stakeholders could undertake to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. The commission collaborated with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to conduct an HIA that explored the health […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Urban Forest Canopy as a Climate/Health Adaptation which includes icons related to the following: Extreme weather events; urban communities; Urban; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Urban Forest Canopy as a Climate/Health Adaptation

The city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, developed an Urban and Community Forest Management Plan using a street tree inventory that identifies 42,000 street trees and 8,000 stumps or planting sites. Canopy can reduce urban temperatures by 7 degrees Fahrenheit. More urban canopy cover will be critical as temperatures climb as a result of global warming. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled I-710 Expansion which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Urban; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

I-710 Expansion

Human Impact Partners (HIP) conducted an HIA that addressed the expansion and improvements planned for the I-710 freeway in Los Angeles, a vital transportation artery that links the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to the Southern California region and beyond. A coalition including community groups, academic experts, city, county, regional and federal agencies, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities which includes icons related to the following: clean water; black, indigenous, and people of color; Tribal; Primary research; thriving natural world

Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities

The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) proposed to lease offshore areas in Alaska’s northern coastal region, and undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform their decision making on this proposal. The North Slope Borough, in collaboration with the Alaska Inter-Tribal Council (a nonprofit organization representing Alaska’s tribes), completed a rapid HIA of the draft […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Texas Water and Sanitation which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Texas Water and Sanitation

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), conducted an HIA to inform the village of Vinton of the health impacts of proposed water and sanitation improvement projects. Vinton is a small border town with high levels of unemployment […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Coal and Clean Energy Options in Kentucky which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; general population; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Coal and Clean Energy Options in Kentucky

The Kentucky Environmental Foundation conducted an HIA of coal and clean energy options in the state of Kentucky. The HIA provided a health-based screening of the life cycle of coal from point of extraction to disposal of byproducts. These impacts are compared to those associated with energy efficiency and renewable energy options proposed in the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled East Bay Greenway which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

East Bay Greenway

The HIA addressed a proposed plan for twelve miles of pedestrian and biking trails under the elevated Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) tracks from East Oakland to Hayward, known as the East Bay Greenway. Some of the influences on health that were considered include, the opportunity for increased physical activity, the greening of the landscape, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mystic Island Voluntary Buyout Scenarios which includes icons related to the following: Extreme weather events; Urban; Survey; thriving natural world

Mystic Island Voluntary Buyout Scenarios

Rutgers University’s Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, in partnership with New Jersey Future and Little Egg Harbor Township, will complete an HIA to assess the potential health implications of a coordinated voluntary buyout strategy in the Mystic Island area, which was severely affected by Hurricane Sandy. Buyout programs use federal funds to help […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled St. Paul Emerald Ash Borer Policy which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

St. Paul Emerald Ash Borer Policy

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, or MPCA, conducted an HIA on St. Paul’s efforts to address the threat posed by the emerald ash borer, an invasive beetle destroying Minnesota’s 930 million ash trees. Research shows strong links between tree cover and a range of health impacts. Trees filter pollutants and improve air quality, lowering rates […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Poultry Litter-Fired Power Plant which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; rural communities; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Poultry Litter-Fired Power Plant

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) conducted an HIA to inform decisions regarding a proposed biomass power plant that would burn poultry litter in Virginia.  The Shenandoah Valley in northwestern Virginia is among the nation’s largest producers of poultry. The litter produced by poultry farms is of particular concern because, when applied as fertilizer, the runoff can […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Natural Gas Development in Battlement Mesa, Garfield County, Colorado which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; Rural; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Natural Gas Development in Battlement Mesa, Garfield County, Colorado

The Colorado School of Public Health, in collaboration with the Garfield County Public Health Department, is conducting an HIA to assess the potential health implications of a 200-well natural gas development proposal within the community of Battlement Mesa, Colorado. This HIA, requested and funded by the Garfield County Commissioners in response to a citizen petition […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Wastewater Infrastructure in Fresno County which includes icons related to the following: clean water; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Wastewater Infrastructure in Fresno County

The Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability conducted an HIA to inform decisions about wastewater infrastructure in the Fresno County (California) General Plan Update and to evaluate wastewater infrastructure health effects in Riverside County. Densely populated neighborhoods in Fresno and Riverside counties lack access to municipal wastewater services and instead rely on septic systems or […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Proposed Coal Mine at Wishbone Hill which includes icons related to the following: clean air; rural communities; Rural; Qualitative research; thriving natural world

Proposed Coal Mine at Wishbone Hill

This HIA provides decision makers with a review of potential positive and negative human health impacts related to the proposed Wishbone Hill Mine (WHM). The proposed project area is located in the Matanuska-Susitna valley near Sutton, Alaska. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Municipal Water Reuse in Kansas which includes icons related to the following: clean water; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Municipal Water Reuse in Kansas

The Kansas Water Vision plan calls for an evaluation of uses of lower-quality water in the state so the Kansas Health Institute conducted a health impact assessment to examine how municipal water reuse might affect the health of state residents. The study analyzed seven factors related to water reuse that could affect health in Kansas: […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California State Gas Tax Alternatives which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Stakeholder interviews; thriving natural world

California State Gas Tax Alternatives

The Center for Health Advancement at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to identify potential health effects of proposed changes to California’s state gas tax, such as replacing the tax with a mileage-based user fee. The HIA investigated whether any of the alternatives would adversely affect existing socio-economic […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Proposed Weymouth Compressor Station which includes icons related to the following: clean air; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Proposed Weymouth Compressor Station

In collaboration with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, the Massachusetts Departments of Environmental Protection and Public Health conducted an HIA on a proposed natural gas transmission compressor station to be constructed in the town of Weymouth, Massachusetts. The proposal is part of a private sector energy infrastructure investment plan and is subject to federal and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Ca�o Martin Pe�a which includes icons related to the following: clean water; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Caño Martin Peña

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit in New York City conducted an HIA to inform Puerto Rican policy makers on their decision to fund a comprehensive development plan for improving sanitation infrastructure, as well as dredging and removing heavily polluted sludge from a two-mile stretch of the Caño […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Water Infrastructure and Sanitation on the U.S.-Mexico Border which includes icons related to the following: clean water; older adults; Rural; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Water Infrastructure and Sanitation on the U.S.-Mexico Border

The University of Texas, El Paso conducted an HIA focused on water infrastructure to help the city of Presidio, Texas, decide whether to extend its water system to the neighboring colonia* of Las Pampas, which lacks a treated water supply. Inadequate access to safe water puts people at greater risk of gastrointestinal illnesses such as […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kern County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Quantitative research; thriving natural world

Kern County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies

California’s Senate Bill 375 mandates that each regional government in California develop and adopt plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in part through developing Regional Transportation Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies that will guide local land use, transportation, and other decisions important to greenhouse gas emissions. This is one of two HIAs CRLA is conducting […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Santa Monica Airport which includes icons related to the following: clean air; children and youth; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Santa Monica Airport

In response to concerns from residents living in the surrounding community of the Santa Monica Airport (SMO), pediatric residents training at the UCLA Medical Center involved in a Community Health and Advocacy Training project conducted this rapid HIA of the health impacts of SMO on the surrounding Santa Monica and Los Angeles communities. The HIA […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tampa Brownfields Redevelopment Plan which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Tampa Brownfields Redevelopment Plan

The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County conducted an HIA on the EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Plan, a proposal to redevelop various sites in Tampa’s University Area Community. The HIA investigated the potential health effects of the plan and whether they would disproportionately affect certain populations, such as racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with physical […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled South Central Minnesota Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; older adults; Qualitative research; thriving natural world

South Central Minnesota Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan

In collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Health, the Region Nine Development Commission conducted a rapid HIA on the Region Nine Climate Change Adaptation Plan soil and water conservation strategy. The report provided detailed recommendations for improving conservation practices, strategies to preserve topsoil and agricultural productivity during extreme weather events or conditions, managing the impact […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled School Biomass Boilers which includes icons related to the following: clean air; children and youth; Primary research; thriving natural world

School Biomass Boilers

The Oregon Health Authority, Office of Environmental Public Health conducted an HIA to examine the potential health impacts of using biomass (wood) burning boilers in schools. A new policy allows school districts around the state to convert their heating systems to boilers that burn wood chips or pellets. Possible health impacts include asthma, cancer, and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Open Air Burning in La Crosse County, Wisconsin which includes icons related to the following: clean air; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions; Primary research; thriving natural world

Open Air Burning in La Crosse County, Wisconsin

The La Crosse County Health Department conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) to determine the potential health impacts of creating a uniform open air burning policy within La Crosse County and how to assist communities in expanding adherence to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and state statute codes regarding the restriction of materials to […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Hoboken Stormwater Management Plan and Ordinance which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Hoboken Stormwater Management Plan and Ordinance

In partnership with New Jersey Future and the city of Hoboken, Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy completed an HIA examining the potential health effects of implementing green infrastructure-based stormwater management strategies to address chronic flooding and combined sewer system (CSS) backups and overflows in Hoboken. Over the past decade, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lobos CO2 Pipeline which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; black, indigenous, and people of color; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

Lobos CO2 Pipeline

Human Impact Partners, with the New Mexico Department of Health and the Partnership for a Healthy Torrance County, conducted an HIA of a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline in Torrance County, New Mexico. Kinder Morgan, the largest energy infrastructure company in North America, proposed 213 miles of 16-inch pipeline to carry CO2 from Apache County, Arizona, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled East Bay Bus Rapid Transit which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

East Bay Bus Rapid Transit

Human Impact Partners and the University of California, Berkeley schools of Public Health and City and Regional Planning, in partnership with TransForm and other Alameda County, California, community organizations, conducted an HIA of the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project connecting three cities in the county. The HIA examined the potential health implications of the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Environmental Decisions in New Mexico which includes icons related to the following: clean air; children and youth; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

Environmental Decisions in New Mexico

Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund (CVNMEF) conducted an HIA to examine how switching from diesel to electric school buses could affect the health of residents in Rio Arriba and McKinley counties, where air quality is particularly poor compared with the rest of the state. The HIA focused on addressing social and economic drivers of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rochester Waterfront Revitalization Plan which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Rochester Waterfront Revitalization Plan

This HIA, conducted by the University of Rochester, supplemented the development of the city of Rochester’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) with health-related community engagement, data collection, and analysis. The LWRP will help inform city, private, state, and federal decisions affecting area waterways and shorelines into the next decade and will guide land and water […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Climate Smart Strategies which includes icons related to the following: clean air; urban communities; Quantitative research;

Climate Smart Strategies

Between 2011 and 2014, the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division conducted three health impact assessments (HIAs) on elements of Portland Metro’s Climate Smart Communities planning project. The Portland metro regional government requested the HIAs to ensure that decision-makers had access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and approved a greenhouse […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Concord Naval Weapons Station Reuse Project which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Concord Naval Weapons Station Reuse Project

The HIA addressed potential reuse plans for the Concord Naval Weapons Station, a 5,028-acre former US Navy weapons storage site that is to be redeveloped by the City of Concord, CA. In 2008, the city proposed several development alternatives, later narrowed to two, that each included locations for housing, commercial space, community facilities, parks, roadways […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Shelter-in-Place Policy which includes icons related to the following: Extreme weather events; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Shelter-in-Place Policy

Shelter-in-place policies aim to support residents’ ability to remain in their homes after an earthquake or other major disaster. The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to analyze the city and county’s capacity to support these policies if such an event occurred, and highlighted areas that warrant further attention to better protect […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Power Generation Alternatives for the Michoud Natural Gas Plants which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; thriving natural world

Power Generation Alternatives for the Michoud Natural Gas Plants

The Louisiana Public Health Institute, in partnership with the Alliance for Affordable Energy, conducted an HIA of a proposed natural gas combustion turbine plant in the New Orleans East neighborhood. It would be built on the site of the Michoud Power Plant, a steam turbine facility that was decommissioned in June 2016. The health impact […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health

The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa conducted an HIA to analyze and explain the importance of wild rice, or manoomin, to the health of the Ojibwe people in advance of a proposed revision to loosen water quality standards for wild rice cultivation in Minnesota. Hand-harvested manoomin is a staple for the Ojibwe […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Hermosa Beach Oil Production Project which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Hermosa Beach Oil Production Project

The city of Hermosa Beach, California, completed an HIA and environmental impact report on an oil production project proposed by E&B Natural Resources. The company sought to build a 1.3-acre urban drilling site at Sixth Street and Valley Drive for exploration and directional drilling to extract oil and gas from offshore and onshore tidelands and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled California Cap and Trade Rulemaking which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Secondary; thriving natural world

California Cap and Trade Rulemaking

The California Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the California Public Health Institute, conducted an HIA to inform the development of new carbon ‘cap and trade’ regulations (Assembly Bill 32) by the California Air Resources Board. The new regulations are intended to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by imposing a cap on the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Still/Lyell Freeway Channel in Excelsior District which includes icons related to the following: clean air; Urban; Qualitative research; thriving natural world

Still/Lyell Freeway Channel in Excelsior District

This HIA addressed the traffic and transportation system in the Excelsior District of San Francisco. It was undertaken as a collaboration between PODER, a citizen’s group, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health. The HIA focused on how the transportation system—which includes a freeway and heavy traffic corridors running through the neighborhood—may affect the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lawrence Green Streets Program which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Lawrence Green Streets Program

In 2016, a group of Massachusetts planners, public health professionals, and members of the American Planning Association partnered with Groundwork Lawrence on a health impact assessment (HIA) framework to measure the economic, social, and environmental impacts of planting street trees in the Arlington and South Common neighborhoods in Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city with a nearly […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Industrial Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; Primary research; thriving natural world

Industrial Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin

The Institute for Wisconsin’s Health Inc. conducted an HIA to inform county, municipal, township, and tribal policy decisions related to existing and potential industrial sand facilities in western Wisconsin. Although the HIA aimed to provide guidance for upcoming decisions by the Ho-Chunk Nation (a tribe), Trempealeau County, Pierce County, and three townships in Eau Claire […]

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