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Showing 84 results
Injury Liability Protection for Recreational Physical Activity
This rapid HIA examined the potential health effects of a proposed legislative initiative aimed at providing public and private organizations with protection against liability associated with the provision of facilities and services promoting physical activity. The purpose of conducting this HIA was to investigate whether—and to what extent—removing this barrier will lead employers, school districts […]
Yavapai County Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan
Yavapai County Community Health Services conducted an HIA of the Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan for Yavapai County. The plan is designed to improve mobility and access within and around the county by addressing linkages between existing public transit services and improving infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. The HIA concluded that it would reduce the […]
Town ‘N’ Country Parks and Recreation
The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County, in conjunction with the Hillsborough County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation and Partners in Obesity Prevention, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of policy and programming changes that would allow businesses to provide free outdoor fitness classes in five parks and recreation centers in the Town […]
Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 (EPA) contracted with Human Impact Partners to develop the scope for a health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed expansion projects for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. The process included public meetings to bring stakeholders together for input. The EPA hoped to use the scoping […]
Bernalillo County Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Action Plan
This HIA, carried out by Bernalillo County Place Matters Team, evaluated the health impacts of the county Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Action Plan. The HIA focused on the plan’s potential impact to pedestrian and bicycle accessibility and safety along Mountain View’s Second Street. Several health determinants that could be affected by the plan were […]
Placer County Biomass Energy Facility
This HIA informed decisions regarding a proposed biomass energy facility in Placer County, California. The proposed facility would generate electricity from woody debris gathered from surrounding forest lands as a result of ongoing forest fire fuel load reduction programs. The Placer County Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and […]
Healthy Planning in Pasadena, Texas
Located in the Houston metropolitan area, Pasadena is the second-largest city in Harris County, Texas, and is near two of the four largest refineries in the U.S. Pasadena’s Code of Ordinances states that the director of planning should coordinate the development of a city plan that covers multiple years. The HIA provided recommendations to the […]
Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2
In partnership with the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) and Fall River Mass in Motion, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council conducted an HIA that examined the proposed Phase 2 of the Quequechan River Rail Trail (QRRT) project in the City of Fall River, Massachusetts. Phase 1 of the project was one mile […]
Oasis on Ballou Mixed-Use Development
This HIA, conducted by Health Resources in Action, examined the impacts of a proposed multi-use development of land parcels in Boston’s Dorchester Codman Square neighborhood. The Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation (CSNDC) was considering potential uses of the adjacent land parcels at 100 Ballou Avenue. The HIA examined the potential uses of the parcels as […]
Eagle Pathways and Trails Plan
With funding from St. Luke’s Foundation, Vitruvian Planning and the Eagle (Idaho) Parks and Recreation Department conducted an HIA to understand how the city’s Pathways and Trails Plan might influence the health of area residents. Recommendations Focus on areas with the highest socio-economic need for bicycle paths, pedestrian trails, and accessible green spaces when selecting […]
Fort McPherson Interim Zoning
The HIA addressed the health effects of zoning provisions on the nearby residents’ nutrition, physical activity and social cohesion during the interim-use phase of a major redevelopment and new land use plan for Atlanta’s Fort McPherson’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. The zoning provisions that govern permitted uses of land, green space and transportation […]
State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit
MetroPlan Orlando, in partnership with the University of Central Florida and the Winter Park Health Foundation, conducted the first transportation HIA in central Florida. The state Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit HIA analyzed the potential effects of implementing bus rapid transit along 22 miles of SR 50 on the physical, social, and emotional health of […]
Loch Haven Park Improvement Plan
The City of Orlando, Florida recently acquired an additional two acres to expand Loch Haven Park, a 45-acre park established in the 1930s and home to many of Orlando’s art and cultural institutions. The Loch Haven Park Improvement Plan was developed to take advantage of opportunities to improve park cohesion during this expansion, since many […]
State Route 520 Bridge
The Seattle and King County Public Health Department, in collaboration with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, conducted an HIA to evaluate the health impacts of the State Route 520 bridge replacement and HOV project. The HIA focused on several pathways and health issues including air quality, carbon emissions, traffic injury and opportunities for physical […]
Proposed Opioid Pre-Authorization Policy in Utah
Public health graduate students at Brigham Young University conducted an HIA to analyze the potential health effects of a bill proposed in the Utah Legislature to require prescribers to get prior authorization from an insurer for any opioid prescription that exceeds 90-morphine equivalents; for benzodiazepines prescribed to patients already taking opioids; and for new chronic […]
Legalizing Medical Marijuana Through the Utah Medical Cannabis Act
Public health graduate students at Brigham Young University conducted an HIA to analyze potential health effects of the Utah Medical Cannabis Act (UMCA), a ballot initiative to legalize the use and production of medical marijuana in the state. The authors investigated how the UMCA might affect potential medical marijuana users, adolescents, economically disadvantaged individuals, and […]
Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project
The Kentucky River Area Development District (KRADD) and partners from Jenkins, Kentucky, conducted an HIA to describe the health, social, and economic development impacts of the Elkhorn Lake Improvement Project, which involves repairing and strengthening the dam built in 1912, removing invasive water lilies, and improving green space and recreational facilities. Elkhorn Lake serves as […]
Alameda County Goods Movement Planning for Health
Through a grant to the San Francisco Study Center, the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative conducted an HIA to inform development of long-range strategies for moving goods efficiently, reliably, and sustainably within, to, from, and through the county by road, rail, air, and water to be included in the final freight component of the Alameda County […]
Pinal Creek Trail
The Gila County Division of Health and Emergency Management and Paramount Public Health Services conducted an HIA of a proposed trail along a portion of the Pinal Creek Basin in Globe, Arizona. The HIA explored potential health impacts associated with physical activity, community enrichment and civic pride, social cohesion, vehicle trips, public and personal safety, […]
Vermont Paid Sick Leave
The Vermont Department of Health conducted an HIA of a proposed sick leave policy that would provide paid health care time for every 30 hours worked. Employees could use this leave—up to 56 hours annually—to recover from an illness; seek preventive care; provide care for a family member; coordinate social or legal services; and receive […]
North Avenue Corridor in Burlington, Vermont
The Burlington District Office of the Vermont Department of Health conducted a rapid HIA of proposed street improvements on a 2.8-mile corridor of North Avenue in Burlington, Vermont. The HIA included a population health profile and a review of public transportation infrastructure and pedestrian, bike, and motorist facilities along the corridor. The proposed upgrades include […]
Hood River Farmland Rezone
The Hood River County Health Department conducted an HIA to examine the health impacts of rezoning 30 acres of former orchards to allow recreational development. The Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District purchased the land in 2007. The land is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and land use planning as well as potential health […]
Simon/Tanger Outlet Mall
The Delaware General Health District conducted an HIA of the proposed 350,000-square-foot Simon Property Group and Tanger Outlets Premium Outlet Mall to be built on approximately 50 acres in Berkshire Township, Ohio. Because of the planned development’s very large geographic footprint in a mostly rural area with access to a nearby interstate, residents expressed concerns […]
US Highway 550 Improvements
This HIA looked at a Department of Transportation proposal to redesign a five-lane, federal highway that runs through the small town of Cuba, New Mexico. This rapid HIA, initiated by a community advocacy group, looked at the potential impacts of proposed highway improvements, such as better lighting and sidewalks, on community health, walkability, pedestrian safety, […]
Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility HIA
This HIA determined the impacts of the proposed Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility at CSX’s existing Mount Clare Yard in southwest Baltimore City. The facility would transfer freight cargo between trains and trucks, and operate twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. The facility poses potential health concerns that include air and noise pollution and […]
Omaha Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan
The Douglas County Health Department conducted an HIA to inform the Omaha Planning Department and City Council’s Deer Park Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan, which will rehabilitate 33 existing properties, construct five new homes, and assemble a range of partners to address future needs of neighborhood residents. Housing has implications for such health issues as lead poisoning, […]
Kings Ridge Apartments
The Kings Ridge apartments have been traditionally plagued by crime, poverty and poor health. A new management company has purchased the property and developed a community renovation plan which is designed to improve the health, safety and quality of life of residents. This HIA examines the plan and progress, looking at its effects on indicators […]
Aerotropolis Atlanta
The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD), a research center of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture, conducted a comprehensive HIA on the site of a former Ford assembly plant. The location contained several contaminated industrial sites that were cleaned in preparation for the repurposing of this land. The 122-acre site, […]
Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities
The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) proposed to lease offshore areas in Alaska’s northern coastal region, and undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform their decision making on this proposal. The North Slope Borough, in collaboration with the Alaska Inter-Tribal Council (a nonprofit organization representing Alaska’s tribes), completed a rapid HIA of the draft […]
Maine Paid Sick Days
This health impact assessment (HIA) addressed a Maine-specific version of the federal Healthy Families Act, a bill that would have entitled an employee to accrue paid sick time at a rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked, up to nine days per year. The pathways and health issues explored included: 1) the spread […]
Curry County Housing Stock Upgrade Initiative Pilot
The HIA examined the potential health impacts on Curry County, Oregon, residents’ health of upgraded manufactured housing and recommended ways to tailor the housing stock improvements pilot program to meet health needs. The HIA found that replacing older manufactured homes could significantly boost health by improving indoor air quality, reducing falls, and contributing to positive […]
Shawnee Fossil Plant
The Kentucky Environmental Foundation, in collaboration with the Purchase District Health Department, conducted an HIA to inform decisions on whether to retire or retrofit the coal-fired Shawnee Fossil Plant in McCracken County. The HIA also informed the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Integrated Resource Planning, which guides future energy production scenarios. Data indicate that rates of asthma, […]
Augusta Lane Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge
The Washington County Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Division, in partnership with the Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation, conducted a rapid HIA in 2014 to identify the potential health impacts of building a bicycle and pedestrian bridge to join two sections of SW Augusta Lane over Beaverton Creek in […]
Red Line Regional Commuter Rail-North Carolina
Davidson Design for Life, in collaboration with Davidson College students in a Public Health Policy, Practice and Ethics course, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of a proposed regional commuter rail project connecting Mooresville to Charlotte, North Carolina using existing Norfolk Southern rail. The project would offer increased freight business, as well as the opportunity […]
Single-Room Occupancy Hotels in San Francisco
The San Francisco Department of Public Health conducted an HIA to explore how three policies it was considering could improve health for residents in single-room occupancy hotels, which serve as the biggest source of inexpensive housing for the city’s most vulnerable populations, such as seniors, adults with disabilities, and children. They typically offer an 8-by-10 […]
Kane County Farmland Protection
This HIA studied a proposed amendment to Ordinance 01-67, the Farmland Protection Program, which has operated for 10 years and resulted in the permanent protection of over 5,500 acres of farmland. The amendment would broaden annual investments to include small and organic farms producing fruits, vegetables, and meat, and is intended in part to increase […]
Hartford Neighborhood Revitalization and Sustainability Plan
Community Solutions, with Michael Singer Studio, conducted an HIA of the development of a revitalization and sustainability plan for Northeast, a neighborhood in Hartford, Connecticut. The HIA examined how changes to existing land use, utilities, housing conditions, open space, and access to transportation and healthy food could positively affect residents’ health, safety, and economic opportunities. […]
Proposed Coal Mine at Wishbone Hill
This HIA provides decision makers with a review of potential positive and negative human health impacts related to the proposed Wishbone Hill Mine (WHM). The proposed project area is located in the Matanuska-Susitna valley near Sutton, Alaska. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for […]
Macon, Georgia Second Street Redevelopment Plan
The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD) partnered with the Georgia Department of Public Health to conduct an HIA to explore the health impact associated with the redevelopment of a downtown corridor in Macon, Georgia. The population in the study area faces a variety of health challenges, such as low socioeconomic status and […]
Proposed Expansion of Bus Routes in Marion County, Indiana
IndyGo, the Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation, proposed tripling existing bus service in the Greater Indianapolis area. The Indiana University Center for Health Policy, in collaboration with the county health department and the local metropolitan planning organization, developed a curriculum for a graduate level HIA course. In the first half of the course, students were exposed […]
Waters’ Edge Development
At the request of the developer, Actual Communities LLC, Safe and Healthy Communities conducted a rapid HIA of Waters’ Edge, a proposed development for residents 55 and older in Fort Collins, Colorado. The HIA focused on maximizing health benefits for the 900 homes, retail businesses, and services proposed for the community and on how residents […]
Sellwood Bridge Replacement
The HIA, undertaken by the Multnomah County Health Department, assessed the potential health benefits and adverse impacts of the proposed Sellwood Bridge replacement in Multnomah County, Oregon. The HIA addressed a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) that had been undertaken by Multnomah County. The purpose of the HIA was to forecast the positive and negative […]
Fresh Foods Market in Central City New Orleans
Once a vibrant commercial corridor, the communities along Claiborne Avenue in the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans have suffered economic divestment since the 1960s. Because Claiborne is a major transportation and commercial artery, the corridor is slated for investment and redevelopment, and the Livable Claiborne Communities Initiative (LCC) would like to ensure that health […]
Worksite Wellness in Davidson, NC
In 2014, the Davidson Design for Life initiative conducted an HIA to predict the health impacts of improving worksite wellness in Davidson, North Carolina. Physical working conditions, such as exposure to hazardous chemicals, can affect a person’s health. Schedules, commuting time, and other work-related issues can also impact health and well-being. The organization reviewed literature, […]
College Park/University of Maryland Metro and MARC Station TDDP/TDOZ
HIAs are mandated for new development projects in Prince George’s County, Maryland (County Bill CB-41-2011). This legislation builds health into policies, provides a tool to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases and injuries, and requests that the county Planning Board refer site plans at specific stages to the county Health Department for HIA review. The […]
Water Infrastructure and Sanitation on the U.S.-Mexico Border
The University of Texas, El Paso conducted an HIA focused on water infrastructure to help the city of Presidio, Texas, decide whether to extend its water system to the neighboring colonia* of Las Pampas, which lacks a treated water supply. Inadequate access to safe water puts people at greater risk of gastrointestinal illnesses such as […]
Jack London Senior Housing
The HIA addressed a proposed residential and commercial development at the Jack London Gateway (JLG) in Oakland, California. The project included 55 units of low-income senior housing and an additional 14,000 feet of retail space in an underutilized parking lot of an existing shopping plaza. The site is close to several interstate freeways and to […]
Baltimore Red Line
This HIA examined the potential health impacts of a proposal to build a new 14-mile light-rail line in Baltimore. Some of the pathways explored included access to safe outdoor activities, construction issues and air quality. HIA practitioners examined asthma, chronic lower respiratory disease, social cohesion, obesity, physical activity, bicycle and pedestrian risks, mental health, and […]
Kansas Corporate Farming Law
The Kansas Health Institute conducted an HIA on the Kansas Agriculture Growth and Rural Investment Initiative, which was introduced during the state’s 2013 legislative session. The bill would remove operating restrictions for certain agribusinesses and amend the definitions of limited agriculture partnerships, family farm corporations, and other ownership structures. Though it received a hearing, the […]
North Platte Mobile Home Ordinance
The West Central District Health Department conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) on proposed changes to North Platte City ordinances that govern mobile home housing conditions. The proposed policy changes would consolidate into a single ordinance language that is currently spread among different sections and ordinances. Under the proposed policy changes, mobile homes brought into […]
Parking Management in Downtown Omaha
The Douglas County Health Department conducted an HIA on proposals considered in 2015 by the Omaha, Nebraska, City Council to adjust parking rates and increase the use of shared parking, instead of reserved. The project team examined parking efficiency, which includes the cost to build parking structures; potential heat island effects from increased pavement, and […]
School Biomass Boilers
The Oregon Health Authority, Office of Environmental Public Health conducted an HIA to examine the potential health impacts of using biomass (wood) burning boilers in schools. A new policy allows school districts around the state to convert their heating systems to boilers that burn wood chips or pellets. Possible health impacts include asthma, cancer, and […]
Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
This HIA addressed the health implications of the Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Some of the pathways and health issues explored included physical activity and food access, with special consideration to the particular health challenges that face vulnerable populations, such as low-income families. Outcome Clark County Public Health received Active Living Research’s 2012 […]
Open Air Burning in La Crosse County, Wisconsin
The La Crosse County Health Department conducted a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) to determine the potential health impacts of creating a uniform open air burning policy within La Crosse County and how to assist communities in expanding adherence to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and state statute codes regarding the restriction of materials to […]
Rental Assistance Demonstration Project
Human Impact Partners, Advancement Project, and National People’s Action conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of Congress’ federal 2011 proposed Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) project to re-organize public housing funding and management structures. Using mixed research methods, the HIA assessed the impacts of RAD on: management, evictions, and resident organizing; housing affordability, stability, and quality; […]
Rochester Bike Share
Common Ground Health selected the Rochester (New York) Bike Share program for an HIA because it experienced rapid expansion during its first year (25 planned stations and 250 bikes became 46 stations and 340 bikes in Phase 1). The study examined the program’s effects on residents’ physical activity, social cohesion, economic well-being, and access to […]
Revitalization in Historic Natchez, Mississippi
The Mississippi State Department of Health, in partnership with stakeholders from the city of Natchez and Adams County, conducted an HIA to inform decisions about economic development, historic preservation, and revitalization. The HIA examined the Adams County Civil Rights Project (ACCRP)—one of several initiatives to increase the profile of African American heritage in Natchez and […]
Healthy Community Design in Liberty, Missouri
In partnership with the Liberty Community Health Action Team and the city of Liberty, the Clay County Public Health Center used a rapid HIA to determine the health outcomes related to having sidewalks on one versus two sides of the street and of grid versus cul-de-sac street designs. The HIA team conducted a communitywide survey […]
Grade Retention: A Case Study in Cincinnati Public Schools
This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is studying a pending policy of the Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) on grade retention. Grade retention is the practice used by many schools, public and private, where an underachieving student is not allowed to advance to the next grade and instead is made to repeat the grade. This practice is […]
Safe Routes to School Health Impact Assessment of Skiles Test and Crestview Elementary Schools
Indiana University Department of Public Health, in partnership with the Marion County Health Department, the Indianapolis Parks and Recreation Department, Binford Redevelopment and Growth, Crestview Elementary, and Skiles Test Elementary, conducted an HIA to inform the decision to seek infrastructure funds for implementing a Safe Routes to School program in the Binford community of Indianapolis, […]
North Carolina Senate Bill 731
Davidson Design for Life, in collaboration with a Regional Advisory Commission, conducted an HIA of North Carolina State Senate Bill 731, a bill that would amend zoning legislation to make certain building design standards not applicable to low-density, single family residences. Low-density is defined as five units per acre or less. These building design elements […]
Environmental Decisions in New Mexico
Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund (CVNMEF) conducted an HIA to examine how switching from diesel to electric school buses could affect the health of residents in Rio Arriba and McKinley counties, where air quality is particularly poor compared with the rest of the state. The HIA focused on addressing social and economic drivers of […]
Elmira Housing
In 2018, Common Ground Health conducted a rapid HIA to examine the effects of aging housing stock on the health of low-income communities in Elmira, New York, and to inform neighborhood revitalization efforts. More than 90% of the city’s housing was built before 1950, and some of these aging dwellings present a high risk of […]
Houston Transit-Oriented Development
Texas Southern University conducted an HIA to examine the health impacts of possible development patterns that could occur in the neighborhood near a planned station on a 30-mile, five-corridor light rail expansion. Transit-oriented development generally includes high-density housing and a mix of shopping choices near transit stops in order to encourage use of public transportation. […]
Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program
The HIA addressed the health implications of a housing assistance and homelessness prevention program called the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MVRP), as well as proposed changes to the program for FY2006. The HIA: 1) looked specifically at program components like time limits, work requirements, eligibility determination and required tenant rent contributions; and 2) studied the […]
Intersection Improvement in Carpentersville, Illinois
The Kane County, Illinois, Department of Development and Community Services, in partnership with the village of Carpentersville and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, are conducting an HIA of the intersection of Washington and Main streets and the nearby Fox River Trail crossing in Carpentersville. The village’s Old Town Plan was adopted in 2012 and […]
Evaluation of Landfill and Waste-to-Energy Options for Managing Municipal Solid Waste
Metro Council of greater Portland, Oregon, commissioned a health impact assessment to evaluate the potential health impacts and benefits of managing 200,000 tons per year of the Metro Region’s municipal solid waste through a waste-to-energy (WTE) facility versus a conventional landfill. In terms of impacts on environmental social determinants of health, such as air and […]
The Layoff and Bumping Process in Cincinnati
At the request of City of Cincinnati employees, the Cincinnati Health Department (CHD) Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Committee studied the health impacts experienced by workers impacted directly and indirectly from the layoff or the bumping process. When a senior union member’s position is eliminated, s/he can ‘bump’ a junior employee out of his or position. […]
Hamilton Springs Transit-Oriented Development
In 2012, construction crews broke ground on Middle Tennessee’s first transit-oriented development. The developer was interested in possibly including a school as part of the Transit-Oriented Development Master Plan. The Metropolitan Planning Organization was approached by the master site planner to provide information that would help the developer understand the economic and public health benefits […]
Gary/New Duluth Small Area Plan
This HIA was conducted in parallel to development of the Gary/New Duluth Small Area Plan. The City of Duluth Long-Range Planning developed the small area plan, which included objectives to improve blighted properties, develop vacant land, clean contaminated land, connect sidewalks and add bike lanes, promote businesses and job growth, increase green space and connect […]
Street Vendor Legalization and Student Nutrition in South Los Angeles
Community Health Councils Inc. conducted an HIA of a proposal to offer permits for sidewalk vending in Los Angeles, focusing on how legalizing vendors could change the nutritional behaviors of students in South Los Angeles. Sidewalk vending is prohibited citywide, but the City Council is considering creation of a vendor permit application process. The HIA […]
Tempe Modern Streetcar
The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), in partnership with Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) formed a multidisciplinary team to work on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) project funded by Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). The HIA team consisted of eight leaders representing ADHS, MCDPH, Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona […]
The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health
The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa conducted an HIA to analyze and explain the importance of wild rice, or manoomin, to the health of the Ojibwe people in advance of a proposed revision to loosen water quality standards for wild rice cultivation in Minnesota. Hand-harvested manoomin is a staple for the Ojibwe […]
Federal Paid Sick Days
The HIA addressed the federal Healthy Families Act of 2009 and was a continuation of the work completed as part of a similar HIA in California. The bill would have entitled all employees to accrue paid sick time at a rate of no less than one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours […]
Power Generation Alternatives for the Michoud Natural Gas Plants
The Louisiana Public Health Institute, in partnership with the Alliance for Affordable Energy, conducted an HIA of a proposed natural gas combustion turbine plant in the New Orleans East neighborhood. It would be built on the site of the Michoud Power Plant, a steam turbine facility that was decommissioned in June 2016. The health impact […]
Long Beach Downtown Plan
Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice and Californians for Justice, conducted a rapid HIA to examine how the proposed Long Beach Downtown Plan would impact the health and employment of residents, particularly low-income and vulnerable populations. The Long Beach Downtown Plan is a 25-year plan to add approximately 5,000 […]
Cole Creek
The Douglas County Health Department conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of 40 vacant lots along a 3-mile stretch of Cole Creek in Omaha, Nebraska. The vacant lots were created as part of an erosion control and flood-buyout program. The HIA informed the City of Omaha Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department how this vacant […]
Phoenix Light Rail Transit Extension
This health impact assessment examined the transit extension connecting South Phoenix, a disadvantaged neighborhood, to the existing light-rail line of the city. Valley Metro, a public transportation provider in the Phoenix area, is the key decision-maker and has supported previous HIA work in Arizona. The HIA addressed improved access to health care services for the […]
Lawrence Green Streets Program
In 2016, a group of Massachusetts planners, public health professionals, and members of the American Planning Association partnered with Groundwork Lawrence on a health impact assessment (HIA) framework to measure the economic, social, and environmental impacts of planting street trees in the Arlington and South Common neighborhoods in Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city with a nearly […]
City of Ramsey Threshold
The city of Ramsey, Minnesota, in collaboration with Design for Health and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, conducted an HIA on the potential health effects of the city’s comprehensive plan update to identify what progress has been made on key health indicators and opportunities for further improvement. The HIA found that Ramsey provides […]
City of Fairmont Bicycle/Pedestrian Transportation Plan
The Health Research Center (HRC) at West Virginia University, along with Main Street Fairmont, is conducting a health impact assessment (HIA) of a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plan for downtown Fairmont, West Virginia. The HIA will explore how bike lanes and other pedestrian improvements, as well as increased connectivity to parks, schools, and points of […]
Indy Parks Comprehensive Plan
The Indiana University School of Public Health, in partnership with the Marion County Public Health Department and the Indianapolis Parks and Recreation Department, conducted an HIA of the Indy Parks Comprehensive Plan. The plan is conducted every five years to categorize current parks and greenways, as well as establish future needs of each township served […]
Trenton Farmer’s Market
This HIA considered three alternative scenarios for proposed changes to a farmer’s market in Trenton, New Jersey. The scenarios under review by the market’s executive board included: 1) minor cosmetic changes, such as better lighting and new wiring; 2) a major remodel aimed at more effectively integrating the market into the surrounding community; and 3) […]
Savannah’s Tide to Town Urban Trail System
Graduate students at Georgia Tech worked with Healthy Savannah to prepare a rapid HIA on the potential health and social impacts of the proposed Tide to Town trail, a 30-mile walking trail in Savannah. The HIA focused on three themes: residential displacement from flooding; connectivity and physical activity; and the relationship between housing, jobs, and […]
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