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Showing 35 results

Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Studying Trail Enhancement Plans which includes icons related to the following: ; tribal communities,

Cuba Continental Divide National Scenic Trail Enhancement Plans

This health impact assessment presents information through a sequential series of questions that support and lead to predictions and recommendations for the new Cuba Continental Divide National Scenic Trail segment. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Kingsbury Bay-Grassy Point Habitat Restoration which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world, environmental health; people living in poverty,

Kingsbury Bay-Grassy Point Habitat Restoration

This health impact assessment examined the potential public health implications of the Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) habitat restoration project (i.e., potential impacts on physical, mental, and social well-being), including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) restoration work and how people will access and utilize the project sites following restoration. – The creation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rondo Land Bridge which includes icons related to the following: physical activity, clean air, clean water, employment;

Rondo Land Bridge

This health impact assessment highlighted key findings and recommendations related to green space, physical activity opportunities, and the local economy to inform decisions regarding the land bridge project, which is part of a broader effort to revitalize the Rondo neighborhood. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Rainier RapidRide Bus Rapid Transit Project which includes icons related to the following: active transportation, Safe and affordable public transit; english language learners,

Rainier RapidRide Bus Rapid Transit Project

The goals of this HIA were to help Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and the impacted community: 1. Examine potential implications for public health related to the Rainier RapidRide 2. Mitigate the Rainier RapidRide’s negative impacts on the community’s health by providing recommendations, and 3. Highlight positive impacts on the community of the proposed project. […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Green Zones which includes icons related to the following: clean air, clean water, infrastructure, housing, employment, education, Safe and affordable public transit, healthcare access, complete communities;

Green Zones in the City of Minneapolis

This health impact assessment was initiated due to a Minnesota state legislation mandate to address health equity specifically. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Interbay Project which includes icons related to the following: housing, employment, active transportation, environmental health, affordable housing;

The Interbay Project

This health impact assessment explored three redevelopment concepts and their connection to health: Industrial Only, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, and Mixed-Use Light Industrial, Commercial and Residential. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan Update which includes icons related to the following: food access, physical activity, complete communities; people living in poverty, older adults, children and youth,

City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan Update

The goals of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan Update HIA included strengthening health-related Comprehensive Plan goals and policies and providing guidance to improve community population-based health outcomes through City actions related to physical activity and healthy food. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Payday Lending in Tulsa County which includes icons related to the following: employment; workers and employees, people living in poverty,

Payday Lending in Tulsa County

This health impact assessment was conducted in order to determine the health impacts associated with payday lending in Oklahoma. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Town ‘N’ Country Parks and Recreation which includes icons related to the following: parks; people with chronic and multiple chronic health conditions, people living in poverty, english language learners,

Town ‘N’ Country Parks and Recreation

The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County, in conjunction with the Hillsborough County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation and Partners in Obesity Prevention, conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of policy and programming changes that would allow businesses to provide free outdoor fitness classes in five parks and recreation centers in the Town […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Excessive Revocation in Wisconsin which includes icons related to the following: Incarceration; justice-involved populations; ; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Excessive Revocation in Wisconsin

Human Impact Partners, together with WISDOM and EX-Prisoners Organizing, conducted an HIA on the health impacts of Wisconsin’s revocation system on individuals and families. Revocation is re-incarceration for violating parole, probation, or extended supervision. It often does not result in a new criminal conviction. The HIA team reviewed literature and data from the Wisconsin Department […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled King Street Station Multimodal Hub which includes icons related to the following: active transportation; people living in poverty; Urban; Primary research; reliable transportation

King Street Station Multimodal Hub

This rapid health impact assessment (HIA), produced by a team of University of Washington graduate students, identifies potential health concerns and action items as the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) launches a multiyear effort designed to improve infrastructure in the area surrounding King Street Station in the Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District neighborhoods. The King […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Community Climate Choices which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Quantitative research;

Community Climate Choices

Between 2011 and 2014, the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division conducted three health impact assessments (HIAs) on elements of Portland Metro’s Climate Smart Communities planning project. The Portland metro regional government requested the HIAs to ensure that decision-makers had access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and approved a greenhouse […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2 which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle;

Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2

In partnership with the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) and Fall River Mass in Motion, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council conducted an HIA that examined the proposed Phase 2 of the Quequechan River Rail Trail (QRRT) project in the City of Fall River, Massachusetts. Phase 1 of the project was one mile […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Project HEAL (Health.Equity.Art.Learning) which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle;

Project HEAL (Health.Equity.Art.Learning)

The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, IDEAS xLab, and the Commonwealth Institute of Kentucky conducted an HIA to examine how implementing Project HEAL could affect health in the Smoketown neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. Project HEAL is a community development model that uses arts and culture activities to increase civic engagement and drive […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Atlanta Regional Plan 2040 which includes icons related to the following: built environment; urban communities; Urban; Survey;

Atlanta Regional Plan 2040

The first-ever HIA on a major metropolitan transportation and comprehensive growth plan will be led by the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD) at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture. Plan 2040—which is being conducted by the Atlanta Regional Commission, the local intergovernmental-coordination agency—integrates multiple aspects of regional planning, including transportation, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; urban communities; Urban; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Tice Community Connectivity and Redevelopment

The Florida Department of Health in Lee County conducted an HIA of community-driven alternatives to the county’s neighborhood connectivity plan for the Tice historic community. The HIA investigated the potential health implications of community connectivity and access to green space and schools in the plan. The report concluded that the plan stood to benefit the […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit which includes icons related to the following: Safe and affordable public transit; people living in poverty; ; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit

MetroPlan Orlando, in partnership with the University of Central Florida and the Winter Park Health Foundation, conducted the first transportation HIA in central Florida. The state Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit HIA analyzed the potential effects of implementing bus rapid transit along 22 miles of SR 50 on the physical, social, and emotional health of […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People With Criminal Records which includes icons related to the following: housing; justice-involved populations; Urban; Qualitative research; humane housing

The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People With Criminal Records

Historically, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development policies have exposed people with a criminal history and their families to eviction and denial of housing. Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, conducted an HIA that assessed the health and equity impacts of public housing screening policies that exclude […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Payday Lending in Minnesota which includes icons related to the following: meaningful work and wealth;

Payday Lending in Minnesota

Human Impact Partners, working closely with ISAIAH—a faith-based coalition of more than 100 congregations—conducted an HIA to assess the potential health effects of a legislative proposal to cap annual percentage rates (APR) on payday loans and increase reporting requirements. The bill is expected to be introduced in the Minnesota Legislature in 2016. The HIA considered […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility HIA which includes icons related to the following: built environment; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods;

Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility HIA

This HIA determined the impacts of the proposed Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility at CSX’s existing Mount Clare Yard in southwest Baltimore City. The facility would transfer freight cargo between trains and trucks, and operate twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. The facility poses potential health concerns that include air and noise pollution and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled US Highway 550 Improvements which includes icons related to the following: built environment; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods;

US Highway 550 Improvements

This HIA looked at a Department of Transportation proposal to redesign a five-lane, federal highway that runs through the small town of Cuba, New Mexico. This rapid HIA, initiated by a community advocacy group, looked at the potential impacts of proposed highway improvements, such as better lighting and sidewalks, on community health, walkability, pedestrian safety, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities which includes icons related to the following: clean water; black, indigenous, and people of color; Tribal; Primary research; thriving natural world

Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities

The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) proposed to lease offshore areas in Alaska’s northern coastal region, and undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform their decision making on this proposal. The North Slope Borough, in collaboration with the Alaska Inter-Tribal Council (a nonprofit organization representing Alaska’s tribes), completed a rapid HIA of the draft […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled 24th Street Road Diet which includes icons related to the following: traffic safety; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; reliable transportation

24th Street Road Diet

This HIA assessed a proposal by the City of Omaha to include a center turn lane on South 24th Street – the major corridor through Omaha’s Latino community. This type of change, which involves going from four lanes to three, is commonly called a road diet. The HIA considered the impacts on the top concerns for South […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Wastewater Infrastructure in Fresno County which includes icons related to the following: clean water; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Wastewater Infrastructure in Fresno County

The Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability conducted an HIA to inform decisions about wastewater infrastructure in the Fresno County (California) General Plan Update and to evaluate wastewater infrastructure health effects in Riverside County. Densely populated neighborhoods in Fresno and Riverside counties lack access to municipal wastewater services and instead rely on septic systems or […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mojave Desert Utility-Scale Solar Project which includes icons related to the following: food access; black, indigenous, and people of color; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Mojave Desert Utility-Scale Solar Project

The National Indian Justice Center conducted an HIA of a proposed utility-scale solar project that focused on potential health risks and benefits for neighboring Native American communities in the Mojave Desert. Key decision-makers included the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the California Energy Commission, the Department of Defense, and private developers. The renewable energy project […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled East Harlem Neighborhood Plan which includes icons related to the following: housing; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; humane housing

East Harlem Neighborhood Plan

East Harlem has lost more than 1,500 affordable housing units since 2011 and is projected to lose nearly 7,000 more over the next decade. The New York Academy of Medicine conducted a rapid health impact assessment to examine the potential health effects of the mandatory inclusionary housing policy outlined in New York City’s East Harlem […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled State Education Integration Task Force Recommendations which includes icons related to the following: education; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; lifelong learning

State Education Integration Task Force Recommendations

This HIA looked at the impact of the Minnesota legislature’s decisions regarding the adoption of recommendations from a state education task force on addressing school integration and improving education outcomes for students of color. The purpose of the recommendations is to close the achievement gap among students, which means improving educational outcomes such as graduation […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Hawai'i County Agriculture Development Plan which includes icons related to the following: food access; black, indigenous, and people of color; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Hawai’i County Agriculture Development Plan

The current Hawai‘i County Agriculture Development Plan (the Agriculture Plan) was commissioned by the Hawai‘i County Department of Research and Development in 2008 and approved by the Hawai‘i County Council in 2010. The purpose of the Agriculture Plan is to serve as a guide for county government, local advocacy groups, and local businesses to revitalize […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Retail Cannabis Regulation in Los Angeles County which includes icons related to the following: substance use; people living in poverty; Urban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Retail Cannabis Regulation in Los Angeles County

In 2017, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors requested that the county Department of Public Health (DPH) assess the potential health equity implications of allowing licensed cannabis dispensaries to operate in unincorporated areas. DPH conducted an HIA to examine the potential health impacts of policy and regulatory decisions related to cannabis business locations and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Revitalization in Historic Natchez, Mississippi which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; black, indigenous, and people of color; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

Revitalization in Historic Natchez, Mississippi

The Mississippi State Department of Health, in partnership with stakeholders from the city of Natchez and Adams County, conducted an HIA to inform decisions about economic development, historic preservation, and revitalization. The HIA examined the Adams County Civil Rights Project (ACCRP)—one of several initiatives to increase the profile of African American heritage in Natchez and […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lobos CO2 Pipeline which includes icons related to the following: environmental health; black, indigenous, and people of color; Rural; Primary research; thriving natural world

Lobos CO2 Pipeline

Human Impact Partners, with the New Mexico Department of Health and the Partnership for a Healthy Torrance County, conducted an HIA of a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline in Torrance County, New Mexico. Kinder Morgan, the largest energy infrastructure company in North America, proposed 213 miles of 16-inch pipeline to carry CO2 from Apache County, Arizona, […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Mo�omomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; black, indigenous, and people of color; Rural; Primary research; belonging and civic muscle

Mo’omomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area

The Kohala Center conducted an HIA of a pending decision by the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources to designate the Mo’omomi fishery area on the north shore of Molokai as a Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area, which would allow for co-management of the fishery by the state and local communities. The HIA examined how […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health which includes icons related to the following: belonging and civic muscle; Mixed methods; belonging and civic muscle

The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health

The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa conducted an HIA to analyze and explain the importance of wild rice, or manoomin, to the health of the Ojibwe people in advance of a proposed revision to loosen water quality standards for wild rice cultivation in Minnesota. Hand-harvested manoomin is a staple for the Ojibwe […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Lawrence Green Streets Program which includes icons related to the following: thriving natural world; people living in poverty; Mixed methods; thriving natural world

Lawrence Green Streets Program

In 2016, a group of Massachusetts planners, public health professionals, and members of the American Planning Association partnered with Groundwork Lawrence on a health impact assessment (HIA) framework to measure the economic, social, and environmental impacts of planting street trees in the Arlington and South Common neighborhoods in Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city with a nearly […]
Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Trenton Farmer's Market which includes icons related to the following: food access; black, indigenous, and people of color; Urban; Mixed methods; basic needs for health and safety

Trenton Farmer’s Market

This HIA considered three alternative scenarios for proposed changes to a farmer’s market in Trenton, New Jersey. The scenarios under review by the market’s executive board included: 1) minor cosmetic changes, such as better lighting and new wiring; 2) a major remodel aimed at more effectively integrating the market into the surrounding community; and 3) […]

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