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Showing 15 results for tribal
The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule Changes on Tribal Health
The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa conducted an HIA to analyze and explain the importance of wild rice, or manoomin, to the health of the Ojibwe people in advance of a proposed revision to loosen water quality standards for wild rice cultivation in Minnesota. Hand-harvested manoomin is a staple for the Ojibwe […]
Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project
The Red Dog Mine, in remote northwest Alaska, is the world’s largest producer of zinc. The company proposed an expansion of the mine. In evaluating this request, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that it would be necessary to do an environmental impact statement (EIS) to assess the impact of the proposed activities on […]
Industrial Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin
The Institute for Wisconsin’s Health Inc. conducted an HIA to inform county, municipal, township, and tribal policy decisions related to existing and potential industrial sand facilities in western Wisconsin. Although the HIA aimed to provide guidance for upcoming decisions by the Ho-Chunk Nation (a tribe), Trempealeau County, Pierce County, and three townships in Eau Claire […]
Mojave Desert Utility-Scale Solar Project
The National Indian Justice Center conducted an HIA of a proposed utility-scale solar project that focused on potential health risks and benefits for neighboring Native American communities in the Mojave Desert. Key decision-makers included the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the California Energy Commission, the Department of Defense, and private developers. The renewable energy project […]
Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program
The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform federal offshore oil and gas plans for five years, spanning 2007-2012. Areas in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off Alaska’s North Coast were among those being considered for oil and gas leasing. The North Slope Borough collaborated with the Alaska Inter-Tribal […]
Chukchi Sea Planning Area-Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and Seismic Surveying Activities
The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) proposed to lease offshore areas in Alaska’s northern coastal region, and undertook an environmental impact statement (EIS) to inform their decision making on this proposal. The North Slope Borough, in collaboration with the Alaska Inter-Tribal Council (a nonprofit organization representing Alaska’s tribes), completed a rapid HIA of the draft […]
Lobos CO2 Pipeline
Human Impact Partners, with the New Mexico Department of Health and the Partnership for a Healthy Torrance County, conducted an HIA of a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline in Torrance County, New Mexico. Kinder Morgan, the largest energy infrastructure company in North America, proposed 213 miles of 16-inch pipeline to carry CO2 from Apache County, Arizona, […]
Pregnant Workers in Kentucky
The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness conducted an HIA to analyze the potential health effects of the Kentucky Pregnant Workers’ Act. The bill proposed to ensure reasonable workplace accommodations for women during pregnancy, such as reducing heavy lifting, bending, or standing and exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, and loud noises; providing consistent […]
Raising the Legal Tobacco Purchase and Use Age to 21 in Utah
Utah legislators were urged by coalitions and associations to consider raising the legal age of tobacco purchases from 19 to 21. During the 2015 legislative session, In response to requests from civic coalitions and associations, Representative Powell proposed a bill to raise the legal age of tobacco purchases from 19 to 21 in 2015. A […]
Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam
This HIA will provide decision makers with a review of potential positive and negative human health impacts related to the proposed Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Dam. The proposed project is located on the Susitna River in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. The HIA will be a standalone document that will be incorporated into the Environmental Impact Statement as a […]
Roca Honda Mine
The U.S. Forest Service drafted an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposal by Roca Honda Resources to develop and conduct underground uranium mining operations at Roca Honda Resources’ mining claims in the Mt. Taylor Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest. Stakeholders expressed the greatest concern over water and cultural issues during the scoping […]
Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site
This HIA will inform the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) selection of a cleanup plan for the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund site in Seattle. EPA will announce its Proposed Cleanup Plan in 2012, and a Final Plan in 2013. The HIA will be conducted by the University of Washington with two nonprofit organizations, Duwamish River Cleanup […]
USDA Proposed Changes to School Nutrition Standards
In 2020, Healthy Eating Research conducted a rapid HIA to inform proposed changes to the USDA’s nutrition standards for school meal programs. The HIA found that the implementation of strong nutrition standards following passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 resulted in healthier, more well-balanced meals and that these improvements have significant short- […]
Point Thomson Oil and Gas Leasing
This health impact assessment (HIA) aims to identify human health impacts associated with the proposed ExxonMobil development of the Thomson Sand reservoir. The project site is located approximately 60 miles east of Deadhorse on the Beaufort Sea coast, 60 miles west of Kaktovik, and just west of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. The U.S. […]
National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Integrated Activity Plan
This HIA is integrated into the Bureau of Land Management’s new integrated activity plan/environmental impact statement (IAP/EIS) that will guide the agency’s management of the region, including leasing and development of oil and gas resources. The HIA addresses a range of health considerations, including, for example, how future oil and gas exploration and development activities […]
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