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Showing 10 results
Pinal Creek Trail
The Gila County Division of Health and Emergency Management and Paramount Public Health Services conducted an HIA of a proposed trail along a portion of the Pinal Creek Basin in Globe, Arizona. The HIA explored potential health impacts associated with physical activity, community enrichment and civic pride, social cohesion, vehicle trips, public and personal safety, […]
2002 Federal Farm Bill
An HIA that focused on how the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (the 2002 Farm Bill) might affect health. The HIA explored health impacts on dietary consumption, food safety, rural income and quality of life, air pollution, and environmental degradation. The HIA found no clear relationship between changes in farm subsidy policy […]
Rock County CAFO
The proposal to build the Rock Prairie Dairy in the Town of Bradford, Wisconsin generated concerns regarding the potential negative health implications that may result from the creation of such a large animal operation. The community was also concerned that concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) regulations were insufficient with respect to public health and did […]
Simon/Tanger Outlet Mall
The Delaware General Health District conducted an HIA of the proposed 350,000-square-foot Simon Property Group and Tanger Outlets Premium Outlet Mall to be built on approximately 50 acres in Berkshire Township, Ohio. Because of the planned development’s very large geographic footprint in a mostly rural area with access to a nearby interstate, residents expressed concerns […]
Roundabout at 53rd Street and West Hills Road
The Benton County Health Department conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) to assess the potential impacts of installing a roundabout instead of a traditional traffic signal at the intersection of 53rd Street and West Hills Road outside of Corvallis, Oregon. There is an assisted living and retirement facility at the intersection, as well as a […]
Hood River Farmland Rezone
The Hood River County Health Department conducted an HIA to examine the health impacts of rezoning 30 acres of former orchards to allow recreational development. The Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District purchased the land in 2007. The land is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and land use planning as well as potential health […]
Poultry Litter-Fired Power Plant
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) conducted an HIA to inform decisions regarding a proposed biomass power plant that would burn poultry litter in Virginia. The Shenandoah Valley in northwestern Virginia is among the nation’s largest producers of poultry. The litter produced by poultry farms is of particular concern because, when applied as fertilizer, the runoff can […]
Kane County Farmland Protection
This HIA studied a proposed amendment to Ordinance 01-67, the Farmland Protection Program, which has operated for 10 years and resulted in the permanent protection of over 5,500 acres of farmland. The amendment would broaden annual investments to include small and organic farms producing fruits, vegetables, and meat, and is intended in part to increase […]
Proposed Coal Mine at Wishbone Hill
This HIA provides decision makers with a review of potential positive and negative human health impacts related to the proposed Wishbone Hill Mine (WHM). The proposed project area is located in the Matanuska-Susitna valley near Sutton, Alaska. – This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for […]
Kansas Corporate Farming Law
The Kansas Health Institute conducted an HIA on the Kansas Agriculture Growth and Rural Investment Initiative, which was introduced during the state’s 2013 legislative session. The bill would remove operating restrictions for certain agribusinesses and amend the definitions of limited agriculture partnerships, family farm corporations, and other ownership structures. Though it received a hearing, the […]
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