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Showing 14 results

Northeast New Mexico Adult Reintegration Center
This HIA for San Miguel County and the San Miguel County Detention Center (SMCDC) suggests the (ARC) Adult Reintegration Center can improve community health through addiction, violence, and recidivism interventions, including in-patient treatment, the Alternatives to Violence Project, and health services like addiction treatment, dental care, and mental health support. – The creation of […]

Expungement Policy in Kentucky
This health impact assessment reviews the influence that changes to KRS Chapter 431, Kentucky’s existing expungement policy, would have on health. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The […]

Parks After Dark
This Health Impact Assessment evaluates the Parks After Dark (PAD), Los Angeles County Gang Violence Reduction Initiative, program’s health impacts and costs. – The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of […]

Excessive Revocation in Wisconsin
Human Impact Partners, together with WISDOM and EX-Prisoners Organizing, conducted an HIA on the health impacts of Wisconsin’s revocation system on individuals and families. Revocation is re-incarceration for violating parole, probation, or extended supervision. It often does not result in a new criminal conviction. The HIA team reviewed literature and data from the Wisconsin Department […]

The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People With Criminal Records
Historically, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development policies have exposed people with a criminal history and their families to eviction and denial of housing. Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, conducted an HIA that assessed the health and equity impacts of public housing screening policies that exclude […]

Muskegon County Jail
This HIA seeks to inform decisions around the construction of a new jail and juvenile transition center in Muskegon County Michigan. The HIA will focus on environmental and social determinants of health including environmental hazards based on site selection, access to services and quality of those services, and unemployment. The HIA will determine likely effects […]

Arrest Records in Employment Decisions
This mental health impact assessment, or MHIA, focused on a proposal to update the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Policy Guidance on the Consideration of Arrest Records in Employment Decisions. Having undergone an update for the first time in over twenty years, one proposed change was to prohibit employers from asking about arrests as […]

Family Responsibility Statements in Judicial Decisions
The Special Project for Families Affected by Incarceration and the Louisville Department of Public Health and Wellness conducted an HIA to examine the impact of using a family responsibility statement during the sentencing of a parent or primary caregiver. In the Louisville metropolitan area, the growing and disparate impact of parental incarceration on children’s health […]

Massachusetts Proposed Expungement Bill
This rapid health impact assessment (RHIA) evaluated the mental health effects of Massachusetts bill S. 900, which proposed to require that the state expunge criminal records for individuals who committed their offenses before the age of 21. Students in the healthy cities course in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute […]

Minnesota Drug Sentencing Reform
The Council on Crime and Justice conducted an HIA to inform the Minnesota State Legislature’s decision to reform state drug sentencing laws by providing evidence-based information about the potential health impacts on individuals, families, and communities. The findings and recommendations show that particular changes in the proposed legislation could yield positive (or negative) health outcomes […]

Funding for New York State’s Correctional Education Programs
Human Impact Partners, in collaboration with the Education from the Inside Out Coalition, conducted an HIA to inform the New York State Legislature’s consideration of S. 975/A. 2870 (2015), a bill that would repeal the ban on providing student financial aid awards for postsecondary education to incarcerated persons through the state’s Tuition Assistance Program. The […]

Restorative Justice in San Diego
The Mid-City Community Advocacy Network (MCC) conducted an HIA to inform proposals by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and the San Diego City Council to try to improve the outcomes of juveniles in the justice system by adopting “restorative justice.” This means creating opportunities for victims and offenders to discuss the crime and […]

Treatment Alternatives to Prison
WISDOM, in collaboration with Human Impact Partners, conducted an HIA to project the potential health impacts of scaling up Treatment Alternative Diversion (TAD) programs from $2 million to $75 million in the Wisconsin state budget. The HIA assessed the long-term health consequences of Wisconsin’s exploding prison population of the past two decades, and examined the […]

California Proposition 47: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act
Human Impact Partners conducted an HIA of California Proposition 47, The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, which appeared on the November 2014 state ballot. Proposition 47 would reclassify six nonserious, nonviolent offenses as misdemeanors; allow people incarcerated for those crimes to apply for lower sentences, release, and expungement; and redirect savings from a reduction in […]
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