The Interbay Project

This health impact assessment explored three redevelopment concepts and their connection to health: Industrial Only, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, and Mixed-Use Light Industrial, Commercial and Residential.-The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a...

Payday Lending in Tulsa County

This health impact assessment was conducted in order to determine the health impacts associated with payday lending in Oklahoma.-The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and...

Employment Strongly Influences Health

This resource shows that employment has a strong influence on health. It provides data indicating that employment affects factors such as income stability, access to healthcare benefits, mental health, and overall life satisfaction. The goal of this resource is to...

Education Is a Strong Predictor of Health

This resource shows that education strongly influences health outcomes. It presents data indicating that higher education levels are associated with higher income, better healthcare access, healthier behaviors, and improved well-being. The goal of this resource is to...