by erinb | Jun 26, 2023 | Uncategorized
This resource explores the role of health impact assessments in supporting prison alternatives. It highlights how these assessments contribute to informed decision-making by considering the health implications of various justice system policies and practices.
by erinb | Jun 26, 2023 | Uncategorized
This health note summarizes the potential health effects of increasing the number of behavioral health care providers in underserved communities, particularly rural areas.
by nick | May 24, 2023 | People Living in Poverty, People with Chronic and Multiple Chronic Health Conditions, People with Disabilities
The HIA addressed the health effects of zoning provisions on the nearby residents’ nutrition, physical activity and social cohesion during the interim-use phase of a major redevelopment and new land use plan for Atlanta’s Fort McPherson’s Base...
by nick | May 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
This resource explores evidence regarding the health effects of promoting treatment instead of imprisonment and reducing felony barriers to future employment opportunities for certain drug-related offenses.
by communitycommo | Apr 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) is a survey program conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor health-risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and young adults in the...