Georgetown Mobility Study

This health impact assessment aimed to promote safety, access, health, and mobility. -The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of...

Strategic Housing Code Enforcement and Public Health

This health impact assessment discusses the disconnect between housing and neighborhood development policies and health outcomes in Memphis, Tennessee, focusing on housing code enforcement.-The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health...

Parks After Dark

This Health Impact Assessment evaluates the Parks After Dark (PAD), Los Angeles County Gang Violence Reduction Initiative, program’s health impacts and costs.-The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views...

Division Street Gateway

The City of Spokane is redeveloping the Division Street Gateway, a little over a mile of State Highway 2 that runs through the heart of downtown Spokane from its inception at Interstate 90 to its intersection with the Spokane River and north to the Gonzaga University...