Washington County’s Active Transportation Policies

At a Glance:

Location: Washington County, Oregon

Date: 2012

Vital Condition: Reliable Transportation

Determinants of Health: active transportation, traffic safety, active transportation

Research Methods: Primary Research

Community Types: urban, suburban, rural

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This HIA provided information to Washington County’s leaders and planners as they updated the county’s active transportation policies, and made decisions about the design of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in upcoming transportation projects. The goals of the HIA were to understand barriers to biking and walking in Washington County, and research the connections between health, built environment design and transportation policies. Based on the findings from the assessment, the workgroup and steering committee identified 2 primary recommendations. They were 1) pedestrian and bicycle facility design and 2) education.

This Health Impact Assessment Report first appeared in The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health. The Cross-Sector Toolkit for Health was originally developed by the Health Impact Project, formerly a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts. The creation of this resource was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts, or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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