This collection of briefs from The Health Impact Project helps make the case for health impact assessment. It includes briefs on the state of HIA practice in the U.S., and discuss the role of HIA in planning, community development and housing sectors.

Connecting Public Housing and Health: A Health Impact Assessment of HUD’s Designated Housing Rule
This health impact assessment of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s planned update to the designated housing rule for low-income senio...

Health Impact Assessment Can Inform Community Development Decisions: How the HIA Process Can Align Sectors in Pursuit of Shared Goals
This brief presents case studies about HIAs and draws from a review conducted by the Georgia Health Policy Center that summarized the HIA process and findings. ...

Health Impact Assessment Legislation in the States
This issue brief looks at several states’ legislative efforts to promote the use of HIAs and highlights key considerations for lawmakers interested in de...

Health Impact Assessment: Bringing Public Health Data to Decision Making
This resource emphasizes the value of health impact assessment (HIA) in decision-making because HIA incorporates scientific data, health expertise, and public i...

Is Health Impact Assessment Effective in Bringing Community Perspectives to Public Decision-Making?: Lessons From 4 Case Studies in California
This resource looks at how HIAs incorporate health considerations and community viewpoints into the evaluation and implementation of projects, policies, and pro...

Health Impact Assessment Can Inform Planning to Promote Public Health
This brief summarizes the connection between planning and health, and describes how health impact assessment can be used in planning to advance health.
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