The Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act

This health impact assessment assesses the prevalence and severity of bullying, identify the health impacts on students involved, and consider the potential impact on health of the proposed legislation, the Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act.-The creation of...

Northeast New Mexico Adult Reintegration Center

This HIA for San Miguel County and the San Miguel County Detention Center (SMCDC) suggests the (ARC) Adult Reintegration Center can improve community health through addiction, violence, and recidivism interventions, including in-patient treatment, the Alternatives to...

Expungement Policy in Kentucky

This health impact assessment reviews the influence that changes to KRS Chapter 431, Kentucky’s existing expungement policy, would have on health.-The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views expressed are...

Parks After Dark

This Health Impact Assessment evaluates the Parks After Dark (PAD), Los Angeles County Gang Violence Reduction Initiative, program’s health impacts and costs.-The creation of this HIA Report was supported by a grant from the Health Impact Project. The views...